To assist BCHS staff in their pursuit of continuing education.
The Board of Directors of the Brant Community Healthcare System (BCHS) agrees that continuing education is necessary and desirable in order to achieve the True North directions of the organization and realize our goal of being of top employer. In an ever changing healthcare environment, the BCHS and BCHS Foundation seek to provide support to staff in their ongoing pursuit of continuing education.
All current staff of active status that have been employed part or full-time by the BCHS for a minimum of 12 months pursuing education ina recognized educational institution, community college or university, or other professionally credentialed institution may apply for reimbursement of expenses up to $1000 annually. Courses must be relevant to the continued excellence in the healthcare field (i.e., directly applicable to the job, relevant to the pursuit of other positions at the BCHS) and linked to an existing or newly created developmental goal. Furthermore, sharing of knowledge gained during educational pursuits is necessary for the continued development of others within the BCHS workforce.
Continuing Education – courses taken from a recognized educational institution, community college, university, or other professionally credentialed institution
Continuing Education Evaluation Team – a cross-representation group of BCHS members who evaluate all Applications for the Continuing Education Fund. Membership includes the following 7 people: 3 Formal Leaders (voting), 2 Frontline Staff (voting), 1 Clinician (voting) and 1 Administrative Assistant (non-voting).
Continuing Education Fund – financial resources made available by the BCHS Foundation.
Consensus – a majority agreement resulting in a definitive general agreement of the group as a whole
SMART goal – a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound
Staff – part or full-time members of the BCHS with active status for a minimum of 12 months
As per the BCHS Continuing Education Fund Application, staff must have completed the course within 1 year prior to application, paid in full and submitted their application in full by the bi-annual deadlines of January 15th and July 15th. All applications completed in full by the deadline are reviewed by the Continuing Education Evaluation Team. All external sources must have been applied for with responses received and proof provided.
The Continuing Education Evaluation Team reviews all applications according to a pre-set Evaluation of Applications template. All applications must meet the basic qualifies (step 1). Applications that meet basic qualifiers are evaluated on the strength of the application on a 5-point scale. Each member of the team independently rates each application. Each application is discussed by the team and a consensus rating of the strength of the application is determined. Applications are listed in order. Funds requested, up to $1000 per staff member, are allotted to the successful applicants until the maximum of funds available for that annual allotment of the Continuing Education Fund.
Successful and unsuccessful recipients receive a letter of their status by September 1st or March 1st.
To receive payment, staff must submit their letter, evidence that a SMART goal (entered into the Halogen performance management system), and proof of payment to Accounts Payable to be reimbursed for registration.
NOTE: Receiving funds from more than one source for the same course is a violation of the Code of (Business) Conduct.
Education Policy
Flowchart – Continuing Education Fund
BCHS Continuing Education Fund Application Overview
BCHS Continuing Education Fund Application Form
Code of (Business) Conduct
Appendix A: Continuing Education Fund Flowchart
Appendix B: BCHS Continuing Education Fund Application Overview
BCHS Continuing Education Fund
Please remember, your chance at funds depends on your best and completed application. Here is information that will help you. Good Luck!
Deadlines for Application
- January 15th
- July 15th
Any application submitted after the deadline date will be returned to the applicant, and can be re-submitted for approval at the next application period.
Criteria for Applicability
Current, active employment status (Full or Part-time status).
Minimum 12-months employment at the BCHS.
A recognized educational institution, community college and university orother professional credentialed institutions for continuing education offers the course(s). A recognized professional association offers the course(s).
Authorized by direct supervisor (signed off on form).
Maximum $1,000 Continuing Education Bursary funding per year (January 1 to December 31) Note: Funding amounts subject to funding availability
Course(s) must be applicable to your contribution as an employee at the BCHS and in alignment with the strategic directions.
Application and response from external funds applied for (if applicable)
Checklist for Success
Complete information entered legibly, on Page One of application
Course content – a print out/scanned copy of course outline
Tuition or registration costs – a printout/scanned copy from the institution of amount paid
Application signed and dated by Applicant and Direct Supervisor
Applicant retained a copy of all the submitted documents for own records
Approval Process
- Review of all completed applications by cross-representational Continuing Education Fund Working Group
- Evaluation of all completed applications against standardized “Criteria for Eligibility”
- Notification by mail to all applicants indicating status of application Successful applicants submit proof of payment to Accounts Payable with copy of approval of funding letter
- Successful applicants create a SMART goal in Halogen (see “Career Development” section on VS Net
Appendix C: BCHS Continuing Education Fund Application Form
See Attached
Appendix D: Link for Code of Business Conduct
DISCLAIMER: This is a CONTROLLED document. The most current version is in electronic format on the BCHS intranet site. Any documents appearing in paper form are NOT controlled.