December 9, 2014

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Brian Meyer

Roll Call: D DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Absent: S Juilfs & G Marquart

MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS: Correction to November 10, 2014 minutes motion was made by D DeVore seconded by G Marquart to approve Resolution #265 to sell certain City of Pomeroy property to Daniel Roese. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart and D. DeVore. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: D Ehn made a motion, seconded by R Bachman to approve the Agenda. Roll call: Ayes: D DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

CONSENT AGENDA: R Bachman made a motion, seconded by D Ehn to approve the consent agenda: financials, minutes, requests, reports and bill list. Roll call: Ayes: D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was none.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: G Marquart arrived at 7:17P.M.

Calhoun County Community Foundation: Motion was made by D DeVore seconded by D Ehn to approve the four grant applications due January 5, 2015 to the CCCF, which includes new IPads for the Library, new entrance signs to the City, renovation of the Park bathrooms and the tennis courts. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart, D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

Permits: motion was made by G Marquart seconded by D Ehn to approve a building permit for J Welander at 104 W 1st St. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart, D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

Water/Sewer/Streets: S Slawson reviewed with the Council the maintenance activities, stating a ball joint went out in the Black truck, so he had all four replaced at Hanlon Auto. He also stated that the S-10 needs lots of repairs including: tires, water pump, ball joints and a wheel bearing and that the Council should plan ahead at budget time for a replacement truck. After reviewing two bids a motion was made by D DeVore, seconded by D Ehn, to have four new tires put on the S-10 by Hanlon Automotive for $384.00. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart, D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried. The Council instructed City Clerk Juilfs to contact I & S Group regarding the lagoon project. The RR town meeting is set for January 15th at 7 P.M. A motion was made by D DeVore seconded by G Marquart to draw up an agreement with D Welander for a sewer easement for $800 a year with a ten year easement. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart, D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

Fire Dept. There were no calls. The department is still waiting for the rescue unit’s new tank from Feld Fire. Two members are taking the Fire Fighter 1 training class and another will be taking the Fire Fighter 2 training soon. The department still needs to have a meeting with New Coop regarding a repeater being installed on the elevator.

Police Dept. There were 25 calls for service including one ambulance call, one accident and two traffic citations.

City Hall: A motion was made by D DeVore seconded by G Marquart to approve the annual Council pay as presented by the City Clerk. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart, D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried. The Council discussed a clothing allowance for the City employees. The Council discussed the letters from Computershare regarding stock the City owns in Principal Financial. City Clerk Juilfs stated that according to the Iowa code the City is not allowed to hold stocks with public funds and that the stocks originated when Principal Mutual Life Insurance was demutualized back in 2001. According to the Iowa League of Cities the City of Pomeroy should sell the shares and return the money to the employee benefit fund, which is the fund where the health insurance premiums are paid from.

Resolution #264: D DeVore read aloud Resolution #264. G Marquart made a motion, seconded by D DeVore, to increase Marcia Ehn’s wage from $11.00 per hour to $11.60 an hour effective October 13, 2014 as approved by the Library Board. Roll call: Ayes: G Marquart, D. DeVore, D Ehn and R Bachman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

Additions to Agenda:

D DeVore mentioned that now that the whole Council has reviewed all three employee reviews the Council should discussed it at the next meeting. R Bachman asked the Council if they would consider forgiving tax liens on properties that the City has demolished as an incentive for property development.


BACHMAN TILING / Intake Cayuga & Elm / $ 488.96
CAL CO JOURNAL HERALD / Cncl Min 11-10/ Ord 218 / $ 113.52
D&K IMPLEMENT LLC / Antifreeze / $ 19.50
HAWKINS WATER T / Azone/LPC-4 / $ 774.89
WINDSTREAM / Telephone & Internet / $ 328.38
NWC / Internet CH / $ 50.96
NC IA / 8 weeks packers / $ 1,990.00
WELLMARK / Health & Dental Ins / $ 3,103.25
MIDAMERICAN ENE / Electricity / $ 1,276.69
GRAY SANITATION / 266 Garbage Services / $ 2,405.00
BAKER & TAYLOR / BOOKS / $ 345.14
US POST MASTER / Water Bills 1 roll stamps / $ 152.70
OFFICE ELEMENTS / Main Cont 1132 / $ 79.00
IPERS / POLICE IPERS / $ 1,669.82
BROWN SUPPLY CO / Flat grate/cross chain link / $ 130.75
IA ONE CALL / 21 faxes / $ 18.90
STAR ENERGY / LP Comm BLDG/ Diesel / $ 1,444.53
CAL CO TREASURER / Main Gravel road / $ 1,976.00
DATA TECH / 2015 Summit Lic/Support / $ 2,695.68
NAPA AUTO MANSON / Repairs st sweeper/DT / $ 683.06
MOSQUITO CONTRO / 2014 Mosquito Control / $ 2,925.00
IA RURAL WATER ASSOCIAT / Members Dues 2015 / $ 200.00
NORTHWEST IA LEAGUE OF CI / Annual Dues FY2015 / $ 25.00
MENARDS / Fix Xmas lights/pump house / $ 293.41
MANSON SWANSON / Nuts bolts dump truck / $ 4.89
BOMGAARS / Muck Boots/Flashlight / $ 22.98
ROESE DAN / Rent / $ 1,745.96
JUILFS SARAH J / 206 miles Budget/Midas/Grant / $ 115.36
IA FINANCE AUTHORITY / Semi Annual Int. Payment / $ 14,640.00
MOMAR / Cloth rags / $ 147.61
ESSING SCOTT / 4.75Hrs CB & SH / $ 57.00
BANKCARD CENTER / waterpump st sweeper / $ 868.62
HOME TOWN FOOD ON 4 / Supplies Comm BLDG / $ 31.96
WAGGONER'S RADIATOR SHOP / Flush Heater S-10 / $ 25.00
EDNA ZYBELL MEMORIAL LIB / 6 Books / $ 31.00
ADVANCED SYSTEMS, INC. / Laserfiche software & support / $ 3,118.00
PAYROLL CHECKS / PAYROLL CHECKS ON 11/12/2014 / $ 1,135.91
PAYROLL CHECKS / PAYROLL CHECKS ON 11/24/2014 / $ 4,354.42
PAYROLL CHECKS / PAYROLL CHECKS ON 12/08/2014 / $ 4,001.06
CLAIMS TOTAL / $ 57,035.13
GENERAL FUND / $ 21,052.51
ROAD USE FUND / $ 7,478.55
WATER FUND / $ 5,708.01
SEWER FUND / $ 20,045.57
Total Revenues for Nov: General Fund $8,936.54 Special Revenue $14,390.01 Utility Funds $18,355.24 Total Rev. $41,681.79

______Brian Meyer Mayor

______Sarah Juilfs City Clerk