1st Nine Weeks - Week at a Glance – Middle School – Subject______Theatre Arts II______

Week of: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
July 29-Aug 2 / Introductions and Rules, outline the 9 weeks, Pay it forward in theatre arts; Discuss acting tools; Martha game with emotion word and relating to another character / Discuss Play reading and note taking; Walking rhythm circle – action words; / PR/NT
Music walk in pairs; rhythm, emotion, connect with partner, release, etc.; / PR/NT
Color the phrase; Discuss what you would like to be famous for
Celebrity Interview assignment, practice; Begin celebrity interview presentations / Check NT for grade; Growing to the beat;
Continue presentations and discuss and critique
August 5-9 / PR/NT
Whose shoes?
Discuss Developing character and the tools needed; absurd theatre; scenes from absurd movies; Read L10 and scene from Dr. Demento and the plumber; Analyze scene for 7 ws; improvise more absurd scenes / PR/NT
Character factory;
Perform absurd scenes and critique based on rubric p. 29 / PR/NT
In the kitchen
L11 p. 30; group improv of absurd scenes; perform and critique scenes / PR/NT
What’s in the box?
Revise and perform previous day’s scenes again. Critique according to rubric / Check NT for grade and discuss plots and themes; presentation of theme through character, symbol, setting, diction: visual, oral, performance projects;
Witch’s brew
Read L14 p. 44-46; Assign p. 46-47 for next week (assign day)
August 12-16 / PR/NT
PR project work
Emotion recall exercise / PR/NT
Train wreck
PR project work; early presentations
Emotion recall exercise / Honey
PR presentations and critique
Emotion recall exercise / Charades
PR presentations and critique
Emotion recall exercise / Discuss plays and ideas about a performance
Emotion recall exercise
Progress Reports due
August 9-23 / New PR/NT
Lunch box
Lesson 15 . 48-52 read aloud and discuss; choose animals and begin planning scene / PR/NT
Tell and Show
Rehearse and perform animal scenes; critique animal scenes / PR/NT
This is not a stick
Lesson 16 Read p. 53-54; discuss how we deal with hot/cold
Develop a preparation for a hot/cold scene / PR/NT
Use the prep and then improve the scenes p. 54-55;
Critique and discuss preparation / Check/Discuss PR/NT
Develop the opposite prep and perform a scene with prep
August 26-30 / PR/NT
Follow the Feeling
Lesson 17 p. 58
Understanding Inner monologue; read page58; I model Strange Interlude with inner monologue with another student; pairs perform First Love according to p. 59; discuss according to rubric p. 61 / PR/NT
Foreign film
Lesson 18 p. 62
Pairs read the scenes aloud to class to discuss and assure understanding;
Inner monologue with scenes as per the activity 3x each / PR/NT
Gizmos and Gadgets
Continue third performance of scenes from yesterday / PR/NT
Martha Game
Lesson 19 p. 70
Determining actor intentions Read p. 70-73 to study beats; groups break scenes into beats; Present to class and discuss beats / Check/Discuss PR/NTand plan projects
Read p. 79
Students model the Girl from Bosnia for class using inner monologue; two more do the scene using action/tasks, tools, and activities p. 82-86; class discuss and critique according to p. 86
September 2-6 (no school Monday) / No School / Statues
PR/NT project work / Martha Game
PR/NT presentations and critiques / Give and Take movement
PR/NT presentations and critiques / Scene stack
Discuss plays and ideas about a performance
Progress Reports due
September 9-13 / New PR/NT
Keep the connection;
Lesson 21 p. 8; pairs read scenes aloud and group discuss plot; 94 pairs break scenes down; do scene with their own inner monologue; discuss and critique scenes according to p. 94 / PR/NT
Role reversal
Continue performance and discussion/critque of scenes from yesterday / PR/NT
Say what I say
Pairs/Group choose a scene from this unit and memorize and prepare for performance / PR/NT
Silent shapes;
Rehearsal of scenes / Discuss/check PR/NT plan projects
Rehearsal of scenes
September 16-20 / PR/NT
Walk in
Run through
Rehearsal of scenes and project work / PR/NT
What are you doing?
Rehearsal of scenes and
PR project work / PR/NT
Channel surfing
Rehearsal of scenes and
PR project work / PR/NT
Dubbed movie
PR presentations / Knots
PR presentations
September 23-27 / Mystery voice
Scene presentations
And critique / Whose Calling?
Scene presentations
And critique
Choose scenes for performance / Panel of experts
Scene rehearsal for performance
Early Release / Pass the pulse
Self-evaluation for acting/Play choice and discuss / Sound collage
Stop and go
Announce play choice and discuss auditions/procedures
ARMS due/End of 9 weeks