Updated - 18 October 2006

Month / Agenda Items / Portfolio Holders/Officers Attending /
30 November 2006
Information Session 1.30 pm: Underpinning knowledge for members, gaining information on related agenda items, held 30 minutes before the main panel briefing
Focus for November meeting: Fenland District Council’s Setting of the Budget
Strategic Theme: Efficiency
November 2006 / 2.30 pm Thursday 30 November 2006
§  Budget Strategy 2007/2010
§  Nene Waterfront – project plan and scrutiny engagement with the process
§  Decent and Affordable Homes – progress in delivering the Councils corporate objectives / Cllr Skoulding/Mat Taylor
Gary Garford
Cllr Owen/Tim Mills
18 January 2007
Information Session 1.30 pm: Underpinning knowledge for members, gaining information on related agenda items, held 30 minutes before the main panel briefing
Focus for January meeting: Development of the Local Area Agreement
Strategic Theme Partnerships
January 2007 / 2.30 pm Thursday 18 January 2007
§  Draft Corporate Plan and Budget Proposals 2007-10
§  Open for Business - progress in delivering the Councils corporate objectives
§  Community First - progress in delivering the Councils corporate objectives
§  Policy and Communications Service Area - review of Fenland District Council partnerships
§  Business forums – how are they contributing to Council objectives (verbal)
§  Improvement Plan Licensing and discussion on enforcement
§  Parking Provision in Fenland / Cllr Harper/Cllr Skoulding/Mat Taylor/John Dubber
Cllr Harper/Gary Garford/Tim Mills/Mark Oakley
Cllr Tuck/Paul Medway/Gary Garford
John Dubber/Di Atkinson
John Dubber
Sandra Claxton/Perry Holmes/Terry Jordan/Richard Cassidy/Bob Ollier
Cllr King/Donnella Benbow/Trevor Watson
15 February 2007
Information Session 1.30 pm: Underpinning knowledge for members, gaining information on related agenda items, held 30 minutes before the main panel briefing
Focus for February meeting: Procurement
Strategic Theme: Efficiency
February 2007 / 2.30 pm Thursday 15 February 2007
§  Quality Organisation - progress in delivering the Councils corporate objectives
§  Efficiency Agenda – To scrutinise the efficiency agenda 2007/08
§  Focus for areas of efficiency
o  Accommodation
o  Procurement
§  I.C.T – Progress in meeting the e-government agenda / Cllr Mayor/Sandra Claxton/John Dubber
Paul Medway/John Dubber
Geoff Kent/Cllr Owen
15 March 2007
Information Session 1.30 pm: Under pinning knowledge for members, gaining information on related agenda items, held 30 minutes before the main panel briefing
Focus for March meeting: To be decided
March 2007 / 2.30 pm Thursday 15 March 2007
§  Streets Ahead - progress in delivering the Councils corporate objectives
§  Waste and Recycling Enforcement, Action Plan / Cllr Murphy/Sandra Claxton/Richard Cassidy/Director of Central Services
12 April 2007
Information Session 1.30 pm: Underpinning knowledge for members, gaining information on related agenda items, held 30 minutes before the main panel briefing
Focus for April meeting: To be decided
April 2007 / 2.30 pm Thursday 12 April 2007
§  Decent and Affordable Homes - progress in delivering the Councils corporate objectives
§  Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report to Council, backward and forward looking, Performance Indicators
§  Planning Improvement Plan (Section 106) – to scrutinise the progress of the improvement plan / Cllr Owen/Tims Mills
Cllr King/Donnella Benbow
Cllr Harper/Cllr Curtis/Tim Mills