World History Final Exam Study Sheet

Why is China called the “Middle Kingdom?”

What is the Mandate of Heaven?

What is Confucianism?

What is the Silk Road?

What two challenges did the Qing Dynasty face?

Who is Kangxi?

What kind of policy did he have towards Europeans?

Who is Tokugawa Ieyasu?

Who is Oda Nobunaga?

What kind of policy did Tokugawa Ieyasu have towards the West?

Name the three gunpowder empires.

Why are they called the gunpowder empires?

Who is Suleyman the Magnificent (AKA Suleyman the Great)?

Who is Akbar the Great?

What was the Ottoman Empire like? Where was it located?

What was the Safavid Empire like? Where was it located?

What was the Mughal Empire like? Where was it located?

What are the similarities and differences of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires?

What is an absolute monarch?

What is the Divine Rights of Kings?

What are the similarities and differences of the American and French Revolutions?

What were some of the consequences of the French Revolution. (In other words, what other events took place because of the Revolution. Think other revolutions, monarchs reactions to the revolution, etc.)

Who is Luis XIV?

Who is Luis XVI?

Who is Napoleon?

Know his story. (War hero/Became emperor/Dictator/Expanding France’s territory/Russia/Death)

Who is Robespierre?

What is the Great Terror?

Who were the Mestizos?

Who were the Mulattos?

Who were the Creoles?

Why did revolution spread to Latin America? What were their motivations?

What is nationalism?

What is totalitarianism?

What is Mercantilism?

Who is Karl Marx and what ideology did he create?

What is the Industrial Revolution? (Remember our crazy drawings?)

What is industrialization?

What is communism?

What is capitalism?

Who is Otto von Bismark?

Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?

How did Japan change during the reign of the Meji government?

What is the White Man’s Burden?

What do the Balkans have to do with World War II?

Who is Franz Ferdinand?

What are the pre WWI alliances? What do they have to do with the start of WWI?

What were the outcomes of the Treaty of Versaille?

How did the Treaty of Versaille contribute to the start of WWII?

What happened to the Ottoman Empire after WWI? How did this lead to a rise in nationalism?

Who is Lenin? What revolution was he involved in?

What caused WWII?

What is Fascism? Who started it?

What were the motivations of imperialism?

Who is Gandhi?

What happened at Tiananmen Square? What did they want?

Who is Adolf Hitler? Benito Mussolini?

What is the Holocaust? What is the “Final Solution?”

What officially started WWII?

What officially ended WWII?

What is the “rape of Nanjing?”

What is genocide?

What happened in Rwanda?

What happened in the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia)?

What important decision concerning Germany took place at the YALTA Conference?

What is the United Nations? When/Why were they created?

What are the competing ideologies between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during the Cold War?

Why was the Koren War fought?

Why was the Viet Nam War fought?

Who was fighting in the Chinese Civil War (What opposing political ideologies?) Who won?

Who is Mao Zedong?

When did Israel become a State? What problems did this cause with the Palestinians?

What is Brinkmanship? What is M.A.D.?

Why is the Berlin Wall a Cold War symbol? What happened to the wall? Why?

What is apartheid? Who is Nelson Mandela?

What happened to the Soviet Bloc (Eastern Bloc, Soviet Satellite Countries) at the end of the Cold War?

*Have a good understanding of geographically where this (Soviet Bloc) is located. (Think Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, etc.)

Who is al Qaeda?

Who is the IRA?

Who is the Red Brigade?

Who is Hamas?

Who is Hezbollah?

Who is Golda Meir?

Who is Margaret Thatcher?

Who is Indira Gandhi?

Who is Sirimavo Bandaranaike?

What is globalization?

What is OPEC?

What is WTO?

What is the EU?