Bar Work Guidelines


  • Read all these guidelines before starting work behind the bars
  • Report to the Dispense Manager when you start &/or finish working
  • Report any problems to the Dispense Manager immediately
  • Refer all customer complaints to Dispense Manager
  • If in doubt ask – don’t guess or assume
  • Familiarise yourself with location and availability of beers, cider and perry etc...... get a programme and read it ! Punters will expect you to know the beers in your work area – max of 10 beer per bay
  • Customer’s drinks to be served in a 2015 festival glass only unless told otherwise by Dispense Manager (e.g. if we run out of this year’s glasses)
  • First Aid kit is kept at the Products desk or go to Red Cross office
  • Keep area behind bars tidy and safe at all times, nothing to be left on stillage
  • Read & follow the implications shown on the posterLICENSING (SCOTLAND) ACT 2005. If in doubt consult with Dispense Manager

Personal Hygiene

  • If you have had any diarrhoea, sickness etc. in the last two weeks you are not allowed to serve behind the bar
  • Wash your hands after you: go to the toilet, clean up rubbish, smoke, eat, use any cleaning materials and before starting work
  • Your clothes must be clean – no stained T-shirts or trousers etc.
  • Hands and nails must be clean
  • No eating, taking snuff or smoking behind the bar
  • Do not: pick your nose, lick fingers, finger spots or sneeze into the beer
  • All cuts must be covered using the blue band-aids provided – First Aid kit is kept at the Products desk
  • No bar towels to be worn in the waist bands, belts etc.
  • Clean up all non-trivial spills immediately – report major spills to Bar Manager

Serving Procedures

  • Do not serve anyone who is obviously drunk – it’s illegal
  • Challenge 25: If you think a customer is under age then ask for ID
  • Do not serve anyone you suspect of being under age – they should have been stopped at the door – report them to Dispense Manager &/or Licenseeimmediately
  • Do not overfill the glass – if they ask for a half pint then serve only a half not three quarters – a good trick is to put your thumb at the half pint line before you start pouring.Do not serve anyone from the sides of the bar where there are no proper bar counters
  • Please ensure customers get a clean glass if they ask for one – inform customers that they must go to the beer tokens sale area of the products desk to swap it – if they want it, they fetch it!
  • Do NOT walk length of bar to get beer, get punters to walkto their beer choice
  • Do NOT stand around chatting when your fellow volunteers are busy working
  • Turn all tap handles 180 to turn off fully
  • Do not hold onto the taps or casks when pouring beer or waiting for those last drips – could cause cask to topple
  • Do not let the tap touch the glass or the beer in the glass
  • Do not touch the rim of the glass with your hands
  • Make every attempt to return the correct glass to the individual when serving rounds – serve one drink at a time
  • If you think a cask is getting empty i.e. beer is slow to pour / beer is cloudy/hazy/ murkyplace a coloured towel on the cask &/or notify Dispense Manager – only they can declare beers unfit / finished, ready / not ready or Not For Sale
  • Under no circumstances are beers marked NOT READY or RE-SETTLING or NOT FOR SALEor SATURDAY SPECIAL to be poured


  • Within reason workers may sample the beers – do it sensibly (strength) and in proportion (quantity). If you overindulge you will be asked to become a punter. In extreme cases you will be asked to leave the venue.
  • Keep your glass on a table located under the bar counters
  • If taking a break longer than a quick slurp please move away from the front and sides of the bar – get behind the stillage at a minimum - you avoid getting in the way of others who are serving and it is very disrespectful to the punters who are waiting for service to see non working volunteers swanning around helping themselves
  • If you come from working in an area other than beer dispense – get in, get your beer and get well away from the serving area ASAP; please don’t stop for a chat.


  • One sheet of beer tokens is worth £2. The 2015 sheets are [COLOUR TBC] Beer is sold at face-value. No cash sales at any bars at any time
  • Place all full tickets in the trays on the under bar counter tables for collection by finance workers. Do not put them in the tubes or on the stillage
  • Only put part or torn tickets in the tubes supplied
  • All used volunteer beer tickets (old tokens year tbc)to be put in the tubes

Bottles & Carry Outs

  • All bottled beverages must be poured by bar servers
  • No bottles to go over the bar or to be left on the bar, even if empty
  • Bottles must NOT be sold as carry outs – even to volunteers as they were bought on a Sale or Return basis
  • Everyone including all volunteer workers pay full price for bottled beers at all times
  • Put the empty bottles back in their own respective case/box
  • Put the tops in the tubes or the box/bin provided
  • In the event of our running out of 2015 festival glasses we will use those left over from previous events. Dispense Manager will be informed of this occurrence and in turn will inform all those serving
  • There are no plans to sell carry outs this year – unless informed otherwise
  • In the case where we do have to start serving carry-outs
  • Carry-outs of draught beer/cider must be poured into glass jugs before decanting into containers – use the funnels
  • Rinse jug and funnel immediately after use