Observation Chart – Luke 10:25-37
Character / Colour/Symbol / Significance of who he is / What he didPriest
Word Study:
______splagchnizomai : to be moved as to one’s ______; ______are thought to be the seat of love and pity; to be moved with ______.
Where else it is used in Scripture:
Passage / Who had compassion / To Whom / What He didLuke 7:13
Luke 15:20
Mark 1:41
Mark 6:34
Matt. 14:14
Matt. 20:34
(See also: Mark 8:2, Matt. 9:36, 15:32, 18:27)
What do you learn about ______?
- How have you seen Jesus love you? How does that truth encourage you?
- Have you believed God’s love? Are you abiding in Him? Are you abiding in His love? How have you experienced that lately?
- How can you change your attitude of loving others from WHO to DO?
- What is God asking you to “go and do” this week? Be specific.
- What stops you from loving others? Based on this week’s lesson, what can you do this week to love others more? Is there someone in particular whom God is asking you to demonstrate love to this week?
Thank God for His love that enables us to love Him and others.
Pray for your Life Group, that we would demonstrate love to others this week.
Homework: The Rich Fool – Luke 12: 13-34
This week, use the Steps for Inductive Bible Study to go through this passage. We have been using versions of the Bible that are “word for word” such as the NASB and ESV. As you study this week, try reading the passage in different versions to see if that gives you any additional insight to the parable. Other versions could be the AMP, which is also word for word. At the other end of the spectrum are more “thought for thought” versions such as The Message or NLT. You can find other versions at or You can also download an app at