Meeting of the Full Governing Body
30th October 2017 at 6.00pm
Present:Co-opted Governor:Hugh Porter (HP) (Chair)
Head teacher: Andrew Buttery (AB)
LA Governor: Felicity Stasiak (FS)
Foundation Governor:Rev Liz Hassall (LH)
Ann Chappell (AC)
Co-opted Governor:Michael Pepper (MP)
Staff Governor: Aniko Sheppard (AS)
Parent Governor:Sally Bunce (SB
In AttendanceClaire Twigg (Clerk) (CT)
Apologies:Pete Wilson, Daniel Curtois, Norman Jackson
Minute / Details / Action1. / Opening Prayer
LH lead an opening prayer.
2. / Election of Chair and Vice Chair
CT asked for nominations for the position of Chair of Governors; Hugh Porter received a nomination; this was agreed by a vote.
Daniel Curtois received a nomination for Vice Chair; this was agreed by a vote.
Hugh Porter took the chair for the meeting.
3. / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Pete Wilson, Daniel Curtois and Norman Jackson which received consent.
AC advised the Chair that she would need to leave the meeting at approximately 7.15pm.
4. / Declaration of Interests
HP reminded governors of the need to declare any interests, pecuniary/non-pecuniary – None declared.
5. / Register of Business Interest form annual review
All governors present either reviewed their existing form or completed a new form. NJ, DC and PW to review their forms at the next meeting. / AB to bring forms
6. / Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising including review of actions
The minutes of the last meeting on 26/06/2017 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
AB reported that Matt Bellow (Health and Safety Officer, NYCC) has now left and no one has been allocated to school as yet.
HP reported that he had attended parents evening at school last week and spoke to a number of families which was all very positive. AB to share dates of future parent’s evenings with governors.
7. / Confidential agenda items
HP asked if any agenda items need to be treated as confidential and excluded from the minutes to be made public; It was advised that parts of the Head Teacher report would be confidential; anything else confidential would be highlighted.
8. / Governing Body Committee & membership review
AB confirmed thatACs term of office as Foundation Governor had been renewed for a further 4-year term. HP welcomed FS as the new Local Authority Governor to the Governing Body.
Governors agreed the following committees and membership:
School Improvement Committee
Personnel Premises and Finance
Head Teacher Performance and Management
9. / Governor Responsibilities
Governor responsibilities were agreed as follows:
Class Governors
1 – AC
2 – DC
3 – FS
4 – SB
Health and Safety
MP and DC
LH and AC
Child Protection
Equal Opportunities/Race Relations
10. / Committee Reports
HP confirmed that there were no committee reports to share as no committees had met since the last meeting of the full governing body.
11. / Policy Review Procedure
HP referred to the document circulated prior to the meeting and explained that he had developed the document which details the policy review process, frequency of review and review responsibility.
Governors agreed adoption of the document.
HP added that the Chairs of committees are responsible for adding the appropriate policies to meeting agendas.
12. / Formal Collaboration Update
AB and HP gave governors an update as to the current situation.
13. / Governor Training & Social Event
AB reported that he hoped to arrange some training for governors on inspections and he would share further details when he had them. He reported that the cost would be £240 with up to 24 attendees. HP asked AB to check that the trainer would be a current inspector.
HP reported that he would continue to look out for any further training opportunities for governors.
HP asked for a volunteer governor to organise a future social event. Governors to contact HP if they can undertake this role. / AB
14. / Head Teacher Report
The Head Teachers report was circulated prior to the meeting. AB gave an overview of the report giving governors an update on any changes occurring since the report was written. The following comments/questions were raised:
1a. AB confirmed that pupil numbers currently stand at 98.
1b. AB reported that school had done what they could to boost reception numbers for this academic year but with no success, but it is looking like next year reception will be oversubscribed.
1c. AB reported that the 2 LAC are continuing to make good progress.
2. AB reported that the 2 newly appointed TAs have settled very well.
AB stated that Le Club Francais may be changing with AB currently sourcing an alternative.
2aii. Staff appraisals taking place this week and AB advised that he would take recommendations to the PP and F committee.
3.AB reported that the current financial position of the school is as expected. AB added that there will be payment due to school from the staff absence scheme following ABs recent absence. AB confirmed that the reserve of £25000 remains.
6. AB reported that 80% of pupils in reception achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD). He added that there are no full comparisons yet but expected to be above national.
100% pupils passed the phonics test which puts the school in the top 3% nationally.
Year 2
Reading -AB reported that 92.9% achieved the expected standard or higher which was an improvement on last year. Writing 78.6%, Maths 85.7% and the combined result 78.6% were also an improvement on last year.
HP stated, and governors agreed that these were positive, strong results.
Year 6
Reading - AB reported that the average scaled score for this year was 106.8 which was an improvement on last year. All areas were reported to have improved except for writing. AB added that the reading results were particularly pleasing with 50% of children achieving the greater depth standard.
Why has the writing standard dropped?
AB explained that there had been 2 children who were lacking evidence of spelling all the required words. He went on to explain that the SPAG results show how close the children were to achieving the expected standard.
AB referred to the information he had shared with governors prior to the meeting which showed the progress of children from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2. This showed that only 3 children didn’t make the expected progress in reading and some made very strong progress giving very positive progress overall.
Writing - AB explained that he was sharing this information with governors as he felt it was important for governors to understand how the scoring system works and the impact of children not achieving the spelling requirements. The information showed that the majority of children had made positive progress.
Do parents see this information?
Parents are aware of the system and the wider context of the results.
Maths – AB explained that 1 child had been disapplied and this had a significant effect on the whole school results. Again, AB wanted governors to understand the background and reasons for the results achieved.
AC left the meeting.
AB reported that the results put the school in the top 27% nationally with a combined result of 70% achieving the expected standard. It was identified that reading was a strength with writing been weaker, but AB stressed that it was important to look at all the data to get a true picture.
Was Pupil Premium progress a factor?
No as there were no pupil premium children in this cohort.
HP stated that the results were strong especially the number achieving the higher level. Governors felt that the results were positive with both achievement and progress improving from last year.
6b. AB reported that Heather Mensah, SIA is attending school on 10th November.
8. AB reported that the tracking document had been updated and added to the website with positive feedback received. He explained that staff meetings are to focus on SIAMS as school are expecting a SIAMS inspection this academic year.
AS felt that it would be useful for someone from the diocese to speak to governors. AS to look into arranging a training session for governors.
Is the SIAMS inspection very different to Ofsted?
Yes, quite different but there are some similarities. It is based on the content of the SIAMS SEF with the inspectors spending the day inschool looking for the evidence.
How often are SIAMS inspections?
Every 5 years.
SB left the meeting. / AS
15. / School Development Plan 2017/18-to consider & approve
HP referred to the summary document circulated prior to the meeting. Governors approved this document.
It was requested that the full version of the document is shared with governors. AB to circulate. / AB
16. / SEF Update
AB reported that he is awaiting some key information to add to this document and once this had been added to the document he would share with governors. / AB
17. / Any Other Business
HP advised governors that CT had shared with him an updated version of the Pay Policy reviewed from NYCC. Governors agreed to adopt this document.
A brief discussion took place as to the current position in relation to academisation. HP and AB reported that there was no pressure from NYCC for schools to become academies at the current time.
LH requested a pupil premium and Sports premium update be added to the agenda of the next meeting. / CT
18. / Meeting dates for 2017/18
22 January 2018
30 April 2018
25 June 2018
Meetings to start at 6.00pm
Signed ByDate: