Zeal Ministry School Application Process
This booklet contains forms needed to apply for entry into Zeal as well as our Core and Culture.
Before sending in your application, please use the checklist below to ensure you have completed all required forms.
This is the process you can expect to experience when applying for Zeal Ministry School.
Send in your application form and required testimony.
We will process your application.
We will contact you to arrange a time for an interview.
You will be interviewed.
We will confirm whether you have been accepted or not.
Your application process is now complete!
Application / Enrolment Form
PO BOX 217018
Auckland 2164
New Zealand / Phone: +64 9 272 9276
1. Your full legal name: Family Name:
Title: Mr Miss Mrs Ms
First Name(s):
2. Preferred name (if different to above):
Previous name(s) known by:
3. Date of birth: / /
4. Gender: Male Female
5. Citizenship: New Zealand Citizen New Zealand Permanent Resident
Other (please specify)
6. Which ethnic group(s) do you belong to? Please list your ethnicity:
7. Home Address:
Post Code:
Phone: Mobile:
Address while studying at Zeal (If different from above)
Home Address:
Post Code:
Next of Kin (emergency contact) Name:
Next of kin Mobile:
Home Ph: Work Ph:
Next of Kin Email:
Local Church Information
Church Name:
Church Address:
Pastors Name: Phone/Email:
8. What was your main activity or occupation in New Zealand as of 1 October the year before you plan to start studies here?
9. What was the name of the last secondary school (High School) you attended? State “overseas” if applicable.
What was your last year at secondary school?
What is the highest level of achievement you hold from a secondary school? Your highest achievement may be a “traditional” award such as School Certificate, or you may have achieved a number of credits or a National Certificate at a certain level on the National Qualifications Framework.
10. Tertiary Study
Will this be the first year you have ever enrolled in a University, Polytechnic, College of Education, Private Training Establishment, or Wananga either in New Zealand or overseas since leaving school? Do not include enrolments in STAR, community or hobby classes.
No Yes
if you answered “No”, please enter the name of the qualification, the organisation you studied at and the year of your first enrolment:
Qualification achieved:
11. Do you speak a language other than English at home? No Yes
If Yes, which language?
Is English your first language? No Yes
12. Marital Status: I am currently (please tick)
Single (never been married) Living in a de facto relationship
Married Separated Divorced Widowed
13. Disability/Long term illness (including depression):
Yes No
Do you live with effects of significant injury, long term illness or disability?
The information you supply is confidential.
If yes, how would you describe your impairment, disability or long term medical condition:
14. Do you have any criminal convictions including criminal traffic offences?
Yes No
15. What drivers licence do you hold?
Learners Restricted Full
16. Do you have outstanding debt?
Yes No
17. Have you or do you struggle with Drugs or Alcohol?
18. Please write down three key reasons why you want to attend Zeal:
19. Please write a short testimony (no more than 1 page) about your life and your personal relationship with God. Please attach this to your application
The School collects and stores information from this form to:
●Manage the business of the School (including internal reporting and administrative processes)
●Comply with the requirements of the Education Act 1989 and other legislation relating to maintenance of records.
In signing this application form you authorise such disclosure on the understanding that the School will observe the general conditions governing the release of information, as set out in the Privacy Act 1993 & the Education Act 1989. You may see any information held about you and amend any errors in that information. To do so, contact the Administrator.
Fees – In signing this application form you undertake to pay all fees as they become due, and to meet any late fees and collection charges associated with debt recovery. The School’s policy on withdrawal and refund of fees may be obtained from the Administrator.
Rules – A student handbook will be issued outlining policies of the School with regard to attendance, academic progress, standard of dress, health and safety, and behaviour. A separate document of acceptance of rules and regulations will be attached to the student handbook and will need to be signed and returned before the start of the academic term.
Declaration – I declare that to the best of my knowledge all the information supplied on and with this application form is true and complete. I agree to abide by the conditions described above, and I consent to the disclosure of personal information as described above.
Signature Date
This is a document that we as all our students to read and agree to abide by as part of attending ZEAL Ministry School.
ZEAL is not for the faint of heart or lazy. It is an intense season of schooling, and you must be ready and willing to invest much time and energy to keep up. Besides normal school hours and teaching, students have assignments, weekly intern duties and church service. ZEAL is also not for those who are looking for a place to rehab, and it's not a discipleship school for people who are coming out of lifestyle sins. Although we understand that every person is on a journey of healing and discovery we also know that to live in an atmosphere of freedom a certain amount of self-control is essential.
If God has called you to ZEAL, then our mission is to develop the revivalist within you.
Revivalist (n) A believer who is focused and passionate, willing to pay any price to live in community, purity, and power because they are loved by Father God and love Him, whose manifest presence transforms lives and cultures.
Your choices and behaviours produce a lifestyle. Jesus modelled leadership & lifestyle to his disciples and we want to do the same. Sometimes we haven’t been taught the right values or beliefs so coming into the Kingdom means learning new ways and sometimes new boundaries and guidelines. At Zeal we are going to give you a set of expectations that we want you to adopt as your own for the next six months. We believe that out of that you will discover what a world changer looks like.
Spend time learning and understanding these expectations and our core values. Let them build a strong foundation for your beliefs and transform the way you live out your life
Marijuana use is not an acceptable choice for our students. As for smoking, we encourage any Christian in our congregation struggling with an addiction to smoking to listen to the Spirit about the timing and grace to fight and win this battle. However, for ZEAL students, the bar is higher. Those with an addiction to smoking are called to give it up now as it limits the effectiveness of your ministry with us. We don’t empower people who smoke habitually to be on the Ministry Team because, at the very least, the smell of the addiction is a distraction to the one receiving prayer as they may wonder, “How can you help break me into freedom when you don’t possess it yourself?” The solution is NOT to give up being on the Ministry Team but rather to give up the cigarettes! There is grace in this house to succeed in this area.
Our freedom is given to us so that we may serve one another in love. Though Scripture has given us freedom to drink alcohol, this choice potentially impacts our church’s influence and your individual influence when you are drinking regularly, publicly or at parties with one another. We don’t want the fear of punishment to control us, but we do want honour, respect and wisdom to moderate our choices in order to protect our influence and insure that it is positive. As a pastoral team we choose to abstain from alcohol. Alcohol is a major problem in our society and particularly in South Auckland. It causes the breakdown of family relationships, violence and financial poverty in many homes. This is our personal church value and we don’t want to cause another person to stumble by our casual approach to this. Please feel free to discuss this with our pastoral team if you need to.
Present yourself respectfully and modestly. Our church dress code is tidy-casual. We want to encourage you to always present yourself with modest, tidy attire. Please be careful about anything that is too tight fitting. We are not only an example but we do not want to allow the things we wear to cause another person to stumble with their eyes or heart. Women – please do not show your bra or straps or wear really short skirts especially on stage. If in doubt wear leggings underneath. ‘We don’t want to see up it, down it or through it.’
●God says we are our brother’s keeper. We have an honour code around here. “I love and honour you too much to let your poor choices go unchallenged by love and holiness.”
“You my brothers were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather serve one another in love” (Gal. 5:13)
Seek to "be imitators of God" with "not even a hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity," living as "children of light" and finding out "what pleases the Lord" (Eph. 5:1-12). Let your sexuality be expressed in a way that pleases God. The Father has blessed marriage with the gift of sex and married couples are obviously expected to be faithful in body, heart and mind. All of us who remain unmarried are expected to honour God and one another with our sexuality. Jesus never used another person for His own gratification and called it love. Rather, His sexuality was a blessing to Himself and others around Him. Pornography is not the Father's best for any of His children—those who view and/or engage in it. It objectifies, traps and degrades people. If the enemy is trying to get a "foothold" and trap you in this temptation, Get help and stay connected to friends and your Pastor and find some accountability partners.
RELATIONSHIPS GUIDELINES: We recommend talking to leaders & a Pastor in your life before, during and after pursuing a relationship. At a very minimum, we expect you to inform your small group leader and oversight Pastor as soon as possible if you begin a relationship. Let's plan together, as they would love to help you figure out how you are going to honour God in your relationship, and whom you will be transparent with and who you will draw upon for the help and wisdom going forward.
Students with focus have a “yes” in their spirit so strong they can say “no” to distraction and compromise. Focus is key in accomplishing all that God has called you to become. So, at the very least, focus is expressed by the following:
●Come to class on time and participate. We expect you to be in all classes so our leaders will address you if you are not in class.
●Quiet down immediately when someone begins to address the class.
●Give whoever is speaking the honour of your full attention, which means not being on Facebook etc. or the web or your phone, or texting during class. Studies have really proven that multitasking (splitting your focus) harms your learning. Unplug from the culture of distraction for 5 hours 4 days a week for 5 months and plug into the joy of growth you’ll experience. We know you will manage yourself, but leaders might help by instructing you to close your computer or devices in order to refocus.
●Please get enough rest so you are able to enjoy being in class.
●Always turn your chair and/or body to face the speaker.
●Turn your cell phone ringer off and don’t answer it in class. Return calls at the break or after school.
●Worship with your whole being. Worship is not free time or a time for conversation, or necessarily “soaking” time. It is a vital sacrifice we bring to the King every day. It does take a purposeful heart to worship every day with joy, but He is so worth it!
●Allowing yourself to become disconnected or uninvolved is not a healthy option, and leadership will address it if we see this in your life.
you are already well aware of what it has cost you to attend ZEAL We recognize and value your sacrifice- you are AMAZING!!! Still, there is more. ZEAL is not just a ‘4 day’ school nor a five-month school, but a school of life with Jesus and that costs far more than money to attend here. If you’re unwilling to pay the price, we might have to say to you, “Okay, we accept your resignation; pray about coming back next year.” "Willingness to pay any price" looks like the following attitudes and behaviours at a minimum:
●We don’t want you to miss a day of school, but you are allowed 8 absences. Please don’t treat these absences as something to ‘use’ just to take a day off. This is exactly what we don’t want you to do! They are for crises and unavoidable situations that often arise.
●You are responsible for managing these absences. If you come close to your limit, initiate a conversation with your leaders before they talk to you and tell them how you will solve this situation.
●It is our expectation that you very seldom have to leave class early. If you must, please let Ps Nola know.
●Attendance at services, prayer meetings, outreaches, conferences and other events is a large part of our school experience. So, we expect you to faithfully attend on time.
●Don’t schedule an appointment during class. On rare occasions you can check with your oversight Pastor if nothing else will work out.
●Service is a big part of our culture so we ask you to serve a whole lot. Be quick to volunteer whether it be helping to set up chairs or serving at a dinner. Your leaders have been setting an example in this area for years. One important lesson they have learned is that “the seat of service often turns into the throne of destiny.”
●ZEAL is dependent upon your faithful payment of your school tuition. None of our money comes from the church’s general fund. “Paying any price” looks like getting a job, diligently getting support from your home church, or giving up something important or pleasurable (like a latte or a Christmas trip home) in order to keep your school tuition and housing bill current.
●Do your homework well and with the right heart.
●Truthfully record your attendance and Bible reading, etc. Don’t mark down that you finished your reading if you haven’t. Who you are becoming (a person of integrity) is far more important than short cuts, looking good, or avoiding conflict over your choices. Your integrity is even more important than graduating.
Our behaviour deeply affects others. We are not our own; we have been bought with a price and placed in a family. We can help each other grow or knock the joy out of each other. As leaders, the poor choices of fellow leaders or our students are one of the most painful experiences in our lives. Community is one of God’s most powerful tools for changing us into His likeness.
Learning to forgive, get along, confront, encourage, take responsibility for each other, and cultivate the desire to seek someone else’s “highest best” above our own is the definition of maturity. So, at a minimum let's:
●Realize your Christian freedom is not an end in itself. It is not the goal; rather it is a tool for building something beautiful. Freedom provides the space and opportunity to truly love. Will you love? Will you choose what is best for the beloved or the family? Confront one another in love. If someone is doing something scary or destructive, then tell them. If they don’t make a change quickly, bring in another believer, and if they still don’t respond tell your oversight pastor. Help each other by
Speaking the truth in love. You are responsible to confront fellow students making poor choices. If your friend or classmate is making poor choices regarding school responsibilities (outreach, attendance, alcohol or sexuality) - confront them. Talk to them about your concerns. When someone confronts you, welcome his or her input. You are not perfect; you need this input. Our culture of freedom exists because we freely confront and call out the greatness in each other, not because we pretend not to see people's poor choices or sin. Polite society lies and implies that it is none of our business.
●Allow your passion to be revealed in excellence. Some of the work you are asked to produce is only viewed by you and God. That should be enough for you! If you find yourself trying to cut corners or “beat the system,” you are missing the whole point of this school.