Date: 9h July 2008 Time: 2.00pm Venue: Brynteg Memorial Hall

In attendance:

Board Members
Sharn Jones / NHS Trust / Apols / Lloyd Kenyon / Chair, Wrexham Govs’ Association
Sue Aston / NHS Trust / Denise Edwards / Chair, Wrexham Primary Headteachers’ Federation
Yvonne Harding / NHS Trust / John Davies / WCBC HoS Achievement 0 - 12 / √
John Gallanders / Chief Officer - AVOW / Apols / Margaret Southall / WCBC HoS: Family Support
Pat Kearsley / Third Sector - / √ / Hilary Harriman / WCBC Chair, EYDCP
Lead Officer, EY / Apols
Carol Gardner / Third Sector – Dynamic / √ / Lyn Millen / WCBC Family Support
Tricia Hughes / Third Sector - Homestart / √ / Helen Edwards / WCBC ICC Manager
Caroline Selby / Third Sector – Early Years Forum / √ / Jerry O’Keefe / WCBC Health Alliance / √
Cllr. Jim Kelly / WCBC CYP Scrutiny Chair / Angela Roberts / WLHB / √
Jan Jones / Head of Service: PSD / √ / Ray Wells / Governors Wales / √
Louise Woodfine / Nat. Public Health Service / Susan Evans / Head of Service: Family Inclusion / √
Lauren Pilling / Performance Dev. Officer / √ / Mike Barclay / L.A. Play / √
Cilla Robinson
Chair / NEW NHS Trust / √

In addition

Laura Williams / AVOW / √
Minutes only
Terry Garner / WCBC Strat. Director
Chair, CYPFWP / Clare Field / WBCB CPIO EP SCoG
Sue Willis / WLHB HA SCoG / Marie Lebacq / WBCB CSSO SH SCoG
Hywyn Williams / WBCB CLAO LA SCoG

Distribution: As above Notes taken by: Lauren Pilling

Agenda/Points covered: / Responsible person: /
§  Nothing raised.
1.  Apologies
§  Sharn Jones
§  Hilary Harriman
§  John Gallanders
Previous Minutes (070805) and matters arising not already on the agenda
§  Minutes of last meeting were reviewed page-by-page and all outstanding actions will be deferred and picked up at the next meeting.
Decision: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted
3. Standing Items
3.1 Strategic Co-ordinating Groups
§  Performance Development Officers described the overview of each SCoG, outlining the progress of the Task and Finish Groups from the SCoGs.
3.1.1 Learning and Achievement
§  PASS: A lead has been identified for PASS and will drive the initiative forward as of September.
§  Maximising Achievement: Learn and Achieve SCoG will continue to regularly look at the attainment of different groups of CYP to identify how the Learning and Achievement. Department can support teams in maximising the achievement of CYP. Groups focused on include LAC and Traveller children, and children with EAL will be focused on at the next meeting.
§  Maximising the Use of School Buildings: Discussed the difficulties in accessing birth rate data and the need for birth rate data to be presented in an accessible form in order to isolate Wrexham data.
ACTION: JO’K to contact Ann Tudor to access the Child Health System data
§  14-19: 14-19 to respond to the ‘Delivering Skills that Work for Wales’ consultation.
§  EYDCP: EYDCP to respond collectively to Core Aim 1 of the CYPP and also the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment.
3.1.2 Enjoy and Participate
§  Young People’s Website: 500 responses received on how young people feel the website could be improved. The group will amalgamate with the INFO shop advisory group and meet on a monthly basis.
§  Youth Parliament: The young people’s Group consulted on the Play Strategy and facilitated elections for two vacancies on Funky Dragon- the young people’s Assembly for Wales. Vacancies were for a Statutory Sector representative and an Equalities representative.
§  Play Strategy: Play Policy has been drafted and positive responses received. The Play Strategy consultation is now complete. The Review of the Youth Service and Fixed Equipment Strategy will be completed in line with the Play Strategy.
AGREED: That the Play Strategy Group be proposed as a Linked Group rather than a Task-and-Finish Group
§  JoK highlighted the Obesity Strategy, and the need to tie this in with other strategies
3.1.3 Healthy and Active
§  Sue Willis asked to bring to the attention of the group the ICDS. This will be focused on in more detail at the next CP. AR mentioned that an appointment has been made as a 2 year funded post.
ACTION: To address ICDS in more detail at next CP meeting
§  The final report on ISLACS, the integration of speech language and communication services across NE Wales, will be taken to the next HA SCoG and then to the Partnerships.
ACTION: ISLACS report to be included on agenda of next CP meeting
§  Substance Misuse: this issue relates to the ‘risky behaviour’ priority of the HSCWB Strategy and will be raised at the next HA SCoG in July.
3.1.4 Safe From Harm
§  Written information on the development of the task and finish groups of this SCoG was provided via the SCoG headlines report, but no verbal update was given and no issues were raised. / JO’K
3.1.6  CYP Framework Partnership Issues: CYP Plan Consultation
§  The CYPP consultation to be moved to the end of the agenda after point 4 - ‘Other Items’.
3.2 CP Responsibilities/Scrutiny/Special Interests
3.2.1 Accidents among children travelling to school: Deferred until next meeting.
3.2.2 Flying Start Update: Handout circulated. Response to WAG on the options to restructure Flying Start in order to deal with increased demand within current resource to be co-ordinated by the Flying Start Steering Group and collated by CF. Suggested that CP take on a scrutiny role with regard to Flying Start and review the response and the implications at the next CP.
ACTION: SE to provide an update report to the next meeting; Flying Start to remain on the agenda of the CP
3.2.3 TAC Update: Handout was circulated. 4 authorities in Wales are piloting the Welsh CAF and Wrexham has been invited to join as part of a compare and contrast exercise due to the different approach taken in Wrexham.
AGREED: TAC to remain on the agenda of the CP / AJ
4.0 Other Items
4.1 Family Support Group: Deferred until the next meeting.
4.2 Update on refuse: Deferred until the next meeting.
4.3 Breastfeeding Strategy: JO’K raised funding for the Breastfeeding Co-ordinator and the need for this post to be sustainable. This is already being considered by the CYPFWP Board – JO’K to liaise with YH for further information if needed. Discussion of Strategy deferred until the next meeting.
4.4 ICDS Final Report: YH is leading the group which sits within the HA SCoG to take forward the recommendations in the report. Regular updates on the ICDS to feed into the CP. Discussion of report deferred until the next meeting.
4.5 Messages from YSS Estyn Inspection: Deferred until the next meeting / JHJ
5. AOB
§  Note that the North East Wales NHS Trust has now changed to North Wales NHS Trust, due to merger.
3.1.6 CYP Framework Partnership Issues: CYP Plan Consultation
§  The CYPP consultation workshop presentation was delivered and a discussion ensued about the structure of the consultation workshop at the CP meeting. A decision was made to discuss the CYPP collectively as a group. A number of issues were raised about the content and structure of the plan, and there were some comments about the process used to draw it up, which was felt not to have been inclusive. Other Partners expressed positive views about the process and the plan. All issues were recorded and will feed into the consultation feedback process of the CYPP.
6.0 Reports required for next meeting
§  Update from accidents discussion group
§  Update on refuse
§  Family Support Group update
§  ICDS Final Report (already distributed)
§  Breastfeeding Strategy (already distributed)
§  ISLACS report
§  Messages from YSS Estyn Inspection
7.0 Date and time of next meeting:
§  26th November 2pm Brynteg Memorial Hall