Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Office of Academics and Transformation
Department of Mathematics and Science
Science Content and Pacing Middle Transitioning to Q3 – 6th Grade
Facilitator: Dane Jaber
Interactive Science Notebook
Today’s Agenda
8:30 – 8:45Welcome
8:45 – 10:00Inquiry-based Physical Science Content Q2-Q3
- Infusing Common Core, NGSSS and the 5Es
10:00 – 10:15Break
10:15 – 11:30Inquiry-based Physical Science Content Q2-Q3 continued
- Infusing Common Core, NGSSS and the 5Es
11:30 – 12:30Lunch
12:30 – 1:30Force and Motion Exploration
1:30 – 2:30Pre-planning with the Pacing Guide and Technology Integration
- Learning Village
- NBC Learn
- Gizmos
- Florida Achieves
2:30– 3:30Developing a 5E Lesson
- Brainstorming and topic selection
- Infusion of Common Core State Standards in Math and Language Arts
Follow up: (Due Friday, 11/22/13)
- 5E Lesson plan based on content and strategies shared during the session reflecting strategies that support Common Core standards.
- Assignmentmust be uploaded onto designated group site. (EdModo Code:8mbdby)
How can we embed cognitive complexity into the 5E’s?
Pacing / DatesTraditional / 10 Days / 12-09-13 to 12-20-13
Block / 5 Days / 12-09-13 to 12-20-13
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE:P: Physical Science; N: Nature of Science
TOPIC VIII:Potential and Kinetic Energy
NeXT Generation Sunshine State Standard(s) / ESSENTIAL CONTENT / OBJECTIVES / INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLSBig Idea 11: Energy Transfers and Transformations
SC.6.P.11.1 Explore the Law of Conservation of Energy by differentiating between potential and kinetic energy. Identify situations where potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy and vice versa. Assessed asSC.7.P.11.2 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2:Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
SC. 6. N.1.1 Define a problem from the sixth grade curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigation of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. Assessed as SC.8.N.1.1 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 3:Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning)
LACC.68.RST.1 Key Ideas and Details
LACC.68.RST.1.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments,taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
LACC.68.WHST.1 Text Types and Purposes
LACC.68.WHST.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historicalevents, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
LACC.68.WHST.3 Research to Build and Present Knowledge
LACC.68.WHST.3.9 Draw evidencefrom informational texts to support analysis reflection, andresearch. /
- Potential Energy-
- Gravitational Potential Energy
- Elastic Potential Energy
- Kinetic Energy-energy of motion
- Forms of Energy
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Radiant
- Nuclear
- Thermal
- Electrical
- Compare potential and kinetic energy
- Define energy and provide common examples.
- Define the Law of Conservation of Energy.
- Compare how different forms of energy are used and measured.
- Identify everyday examples of the Law of Conservation of Energy.
- Define and give examples of scientific laws.
- Explore and cite examples of everyday situations where potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy and vice versa.
- Select and analyze measures of central tendency to summarize and describe data.
Vocabulary: energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, joule, mass, temperature, friction, energy transformation, radiant energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, mechanical energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, thermal energy, heat, law (scientific law)
- Pearson My Science Online– Interactive Art: Energy Transformations Ch. 8.2; Directed Virtual Lab: Exploring Potential and Kinetic Energy.
- Virtual Lab-How is energy is converted from one form to another?
- Study Jams: Energy and Matter, Heat
- GIZMOS: Roller Coaster Physics, Free–Fall Laboratory, Potential Energy on Shelves, Energy Conversions, Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects, Energy Conversion in a System
- Enrichment: Museum of Science Programs, SECME Mousetrap Car, Rocket. TX: L3
Formative Assessment:Doing Science (Vol. 3)
- TX LabZone Inquiry Warm-up: A. How High Does a Ball Bounce?, B. What Makes A Flashlight Shine?
- TX LabZone Lab Investigation: Ch. 8: Can You Feel the Power?
- TX LabZone Quick lab: A. Mass, Velocity and Kinetic Energy, B. Determining Mechanical Energy; Ch. 2: A. Exploring Scienctific Thinking, B. Using Scientific Reasoning
- Rollercoaster Marbles: Converting Potential Energy to Kinetic (CPALMS)
- Roller Coaster Marbles: How Much Height to loop the Loop (CPALMS)
- Give me Energy lab (online)
Pacing / Dates
Traditional / 9 Days / 01-06-14 to 01-16-14
Block / 4.5 Days / 01-06-14 to 01-16-14
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: P: Physical Science; N: Nature of Science
TOPIC IX: Energy Transfers and the Law of Conservation of Energy
NeXT Generation Sunshine State Standard(s) / ESSENTIAL CONTENT / OBJECTIVES / INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLSBig Idea 11: Energy Transfers and Transformations
SC.6.P.11.1 Explore the Law of Conservation of Energy by differentiating between potential and kinetic energy. Identify situations where potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy and vice versa. Assessed as SC.7.P.11.2 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2:Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
Big Idea 2: The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
SC.6.N.2.2Explain that scientific knowledge is durable because it is open to change as new evidence or interpretations are encountered. (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2:Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
Big Idea 3: The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models
SC.6.N.3.2 Recognize and explain that a scientific theory is a well-supported and widely accepted explanation of nature and is not simply a claim posed by an individual. Thus, the use of the term theory in science is very different than how it is used in everyday life.Assessed as SC.7.N.3.1 (Cognitive Complexity:
Level 2:Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
SC.6.N.3.3 Give several examples of scientific laws. Not assessed (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2:Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
LACC.68.RST.1 Key Ideas and Details
LACC.68.RST.1.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
LACC.68.RST.2 Craft and Structure
LACC.68.RST.2.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics. /
- Law of Conservation of Energy
- Different laws and the discoveries
- Law vs. theory
- Energy Transformations
- From potential to kinetic
- Form kinetic to potential
- Scientific Investigations
- Experimental design
- Scientific observations
- Inventions
- Quarterly Assessment
- Explain the Law of Conservation of Energy in a real life example
- Describe the time in history in which the Law of Conservation of Energy was developed.
- Differentiate between a theory and a law
- Explain how a scientific theory is well supported and widely accepted explanation of nature and not a claim posed by one individual.
- Differentiate between the term theory in science and its use in everyday life
- Diagram the transfer of kinetic and potential energy in a real world application
- Compare potential energy and kinetic energy
- Explain the energy transformations which occur while a pendulum is moving
- Assess the reduction of available energy to a system during an energy transfer
- Students will explain the difference between theories and laws.
- Experiment and other scientific investigations.
Vocabulary: mass, energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, theory, laws, evidence, kinetic, potential, thermal, motion, heat
1. Pearson My Science Online – Untamed Science – Velocity Girl
2.Article/ video “Law of Conservation of Energy (Popsci)
3. Study Jams: Energy and Matter , Scientific Theory
4. Gizmos: Energy Conversion in a System, Energy of a Pendulum, Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects, Roller Coaster Physics, Simple Harmonic Motion
Strategies: modeling, research skills, small group activities, diagrams, Venn diagram
- Enrichment: TX: L3
- SPED: TX: L1
Formative Assessment;Is it a Theory (Vol. 3)
- Ch 2 TX LabZone Lab:Super Models
- Ch 2 TX LabZone Lab Investigation:Piecing Information Together
- Ch 2 TX LabZone Inquiry Warm-up A. Changing Science
- Ch 2 TX LabZone Quick Lab:A. Scientific Knowledge, B. Theories and Laws, C. It’s the Law!, D. Systems in Science, E. Models of Natural Systems F. Law of Conservation of Energy
- EL : Building a Roller Coaster
- Roller Coaster Marbles: How Much Height to loop the Loop (CPALMS)
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE:P: Physical Science
Pacing / DatesTraditional / 6 days / 01-21-14 to 01-28-14
Block / 3 days / 01-21-14 to 01-28-14
TOPIC X: Motion of Objects
NeXT Generation Sunshine State Standard(s) / ESSENTIAL CONTENT / OBJECTIVES / INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLSBig Idea 12: Motion of Objects
SC.6.P.12.1 Measure and graph distance versus time for an object moving at a constant speed. Interpret this relationship. Assessed as SC.6.P.13.3 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 3:Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning)
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
SC.6.N.1.1 Define a problem from the sixth grade curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigation of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. Assessed as SC.8.N.1.1 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 3:Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning)
MACC.6.EE Expressions and Equations
MACC.6.EE.3 Represent and analyze quantitative relationships betweendependent and independent variables.
MACC.6.EE.3.9Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. /
- Measuring speed and distance
- Motion as a change in position
- Standards SI units for distance and time
- Relationship between distance and time
- Measuring distance and time
- Calculate speed and average speed
- Constructing and analyzing line graphs
- Distance vs. Time
- Speed vs. Time
- Recognize that an unbalanced force acting on an object changes its speed and/or direction
- Create original graphs recording speed, distance, and time
- Interpret graphs of distance and time for an object moving at a constant speed
- Relate the concept of motion to that of the Earth’s motion
- Measure the distance objects move using SI units
- Record various distances and times through an inquiry activity
- Differentiate between average speed, instantaneous speed and constant speed to describe a trip
- Compare and contrast velocity, acceleration and speed
- Identify changes in speed as positive acceleration or negative acceleration
- Students will evaluate a scientific investigation using evidence of scientific thinking and/or problem solving
Vocabulary: motion, speed, velocity, distance, displacement, kilometer, seconds, acceleration, reference point, positive acceleration, negative acceleration, constant speed
- Pearson My Science Online, How Can You Describe a Coaster’s Motion?VL–How Can you Measure Acceleration; Art in Motion – Relative Motion; Interactive Art – Graphing Motion
- GIZMOS- Distance–Time and Velocity–Time Graphs, Distance-Time Graphs, Fan Cart Physics, Force and Fan Carts, Free fall Laboratory, Graphing Skills, Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects, Measuring Motion, Roller Coaster Physics
- BBC Bite Size: Representing Motion
- Enrichment: TX: L3
- SPED: TX: L1
- EL : A. Rocket Car, B. Balloon Rocket
- TX LabZone Lab : Can You Feel the Power? Stopping on a Dime
- TX LabZone Quick lab : A. Identifying Motion. B Velocity, C. Motion Graphs
- University of Arkansas-Metric Olympics
- Science Spot- Speed Challenge
Pacing / Dates
Traditional / 8 Days / 01-29-14 to 02-10-14
Block / 4 Days / 01-29-14 to 02-10-14
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE:P: Physical Science
TOPIC XI:Types of Forces
NeXT Generation Sunshine State Standard(s) / ESSENTIAL CONTENT / OBJECTIVES / INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLSBig Idea 13: Forces and Changes in Motion
SC.6.P.13.1: Investigate and describe types of forces including contact forces and forces acting at a distance, such) as electrical, magnetic, and gravitational. AA (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2:Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
SC.6.N.1.1 Define a problem from the sixth grade curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigation of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. Assessed as SC.8.N.1.1 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 3:Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning)
LACC.68.RST.4 Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
LACC.68.RST.4.10 By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 6–8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
LACC.68.WHST.1 Text Types and Purposes
LACC.68.WHST.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical
MACC.6.SP.2 Summarize and describe distributions.
MACC.6.SP.2.5 Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by:
MACC.6.SP.2.5a Reporting the number of observations. / A. Contact Forces
1. Friction
2. Buoyant force
3. Tension
4. Compression
5. Air resistance
B. Forces Acting at a Distance
- Electrical force
- Magnetic force
- Gravity
- Distinguish between contact forces and forces that act at distance
- Identify and describe types of forces
- Compare and contrast contact forces and forces acting at a distance and provide examples for each
- Evaluate forces acting on different objects and surfaces
- Interpret how buoyant forces act on vessels and objects on water
- Describe and show how electric charges exert forces on each other
- Compare how lightning and static electricity are related
- Describe and illustrate the directional forces of magnets
- Distinguish between air resistance and gravity
Vocabulary: contact forces, friction, buoyancy, gravity, tension, magnetic force, electrical force, lightning, static electricity, air resistance, vector,
Technology: Pearson My Science Online
1.GIZMOS- Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects, Inclined Plane – Rolling Objects, Freefall Laboratory, Charge Launcher, Force and Fan Carts, Magnetism, Atwood Machine, Fan Cart Physics, Roller Coaster Physics, Uniform Circular Motion
2.Discovery Education-Virtual Lab:Speedy Lube!
Strategies: models, small group activities, diagrams, data collection
- Enrichment: (TX) Virtual Lab-FCAT Practice, TX: L3
- SPED: TX: L1
Formative Assessments: Talking About Gravity (Vol. 1),, Rolling Marbles (Vol. 3), Floating High and Low (Vol. 2)
- TX LabZone Inquiry Warm-up : Pushing and Pulling
- TX LabZone Lab : Sticky Sneakers
- TX LabZone Quick lab : What is Force?
- SECME Egg Drop and Bridges
Why types of student misconceptions might this probe help reveal and address?
What are some effective ways to implement this and/or other probes?
How is this format of a lab similar or different from other labs you have seen or used in your class?
Building a Roller Coaster
In this investigation students will:
- Construct a model roller coaster.
- Analyze the energy transformations that occur in a roller-coaster car.
- Use the law of conservation of energy to explain observations.
Background information:
Riding a roller coaster can make your heart skip a beat. You speed up and slow down as you travel from hill to hill. The changes in speed occur as gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are converted into each other.
Demonstrate Achievement of the following Goals:
- Write a problem statement based on energy transformations as they relate to a roller coaster.
- Complete the Engineering Design Process (see p. 17).
- Submit a completed Engineering Design Process report to your teachers detailing your solution to the need or problem.
- How does the prototype demonstrate the concept that you investigated?
- Remember to use the “Claim, Evidence & Reasoning” rubric to defend your claims when writing your conclusion.
Experimental Design Diagram
This form should be completed before experimentation.
Title:Problem Statement:
Test Variable
(Independent Variable):
Outcome Variable
(Dependent Variable)
Controlled Variables / 1.
Null Hypothesis:
. Alternative
Control Group
Experiential group
# of trials
How do forces have an affect on the motion of an object?
Conclusion Writing -Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
•Students should support their own written claims with appropriate justification.
•Science education should help prepare students for this complex inquiry practice where students seek and provide evidence and reasons for ideas or claims (Driver, Newton and Osborne, 2000).
CIS:Baseball: From pitches to hits
Baseball: From pitch to hits
The ballpark brings home plenty of science
On June 12, the Kansas City Royals played at home against the Detroit Tigers. When Royals centerfielder Lorenzo Cain stepped up to the plate at the bottom of the ninth, things looked grim. The Royals hadn’t scored a single run. The Tigers had two. If Cain struck out, the game would be over. No player wants to lose — especially at home.