
In this activity students will explore a fantasy of what their futures may look like. Students will describe what they think their lives will be like – jobs they will have, where they will live, etc.


“My Fantasy Future,” worksheet, pen/pencil


Introduce the activity by having each student name one thing he/she has daydreamed about in his/her future.

Have them think of what things may be like in ten years.

Distribute the “My Fantasy Future” Worksheet.

Have students fill out the “My Fantasy Future” worksheet.

Form small groups and have students share their fantasies.

Have them answer these questions:

Does your fantasy job fit your fantasy lifestyle?

Why or why not?

If student have done an exercise similar to these, have them compare answers.

The worksheets could be redone at a later date. (Fantasies change as a person matures.)


The students will be evaluated on the description of what they think their lives will be like — jobs they will have, where they will live, etc.

My Fantasy Future


Fill in the spaces to help you remember your fantasy day.

1.  What time do you get up in the morning?

2.  What kind of clothing do you put on?

3.  Are you married? Number of children?

4.  What do you have for breakfast?

5.  Where do you live?

_____ House








6.  What time do you begin work?

7.  How do you get to work?

If in a car, what kind?

8.  Where do you work?

9.  What is your job?

10. What do you enjoy about your job?

11. What do you enjoy most about your day?

12. Where do you have lunch?

What did you have?

13. How much is your monthly paycheck?

14. What do you have for dinner?

15. Do you eat out or at home?

16. What do you do on Friday night?

17. What so you do on Saturday?

18. What do you do for leisure, fun, and exercise?