Kerry Community Council
Serving the villages of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 26th July 2017 in Sarn Village Hall.
Chair / Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. D Hughes (Kerry)
Cllr.D. England (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor),
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / 14
The Clerk addressed Council on procedure as detailed in the Code of Conduct relating to Councillors attending this meeting as members of the public consequently allowing them to address council on a planning application where a prejudicial interest has been declared. One Voice Wales confirm our understanding.
Two additional planning applications where bought to council and a public notice posted for 7 days before the clerk confirms KCC response with the planning officer.
The order of agenda is amended to accommodate public representation on planning application 0690.
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry), Cllr. L. Powell (Kerry) , Cllr. D. Jones (Sarn)
Cllr. A. Osborne (Kerry) Attending PCC reception at the Royal Welsh Show as KCC’s representative
Cllr. C. Seal. (Kerry) attending as a member of the public.
Cllr. V. Wildish (Kerry) attending as a member of the public.
Item 2 To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Cllr V. Wildish (Kerry) and Cllr. C. Seal (Kerry) signed a prejudicial interest form relating to Planning application P/2017/0696 27/06/2017 Lomond, Kerry SY16 4NY. They consequently left the meeting during discussion and voting.
Item. 3 Minutes.
The mins of the meetings of the 28th June 2017 were amended as follows;
Item 12. Garreg Lwyd Hill Farm Benefit Fund, should read, PAVO is to act as administrators to the fund at a cost of £2,000. Not £3,000 as stated. They were then approved and signed.
Item 4. To Co-opt Sarn Councillor.
No candidates in attendance. Moved to September agenda.
Item 10. KCC Planning Consultations.
Lomond, Kerry
SY16 4NY /
Outline - Residential development of 5 dwellings including replacement of an existing dwelling, formation of access, highway improvement and all associated works (some matters reserved.)
It should be noted that 14 members of the public attended this meeting. 5 residents gave representation to Council highlighting their concerns.
Council wishes to reiterate their response made in PCC’s Consultation Pack on Candidate Sites and Community Needs made on the 7th May 2013.
Ref; CS number 662, Land at Lomond, Common Road, under the heading, Known Issues they state,
“Problems for traffic at the junction of Common Road and the A489. Narrow road already carrying a large amount of traffic.”
Kerry Community Council also wishes to draw your attention to the following additional concerns;
·  Water reclamation.
·  That 4 of the proposed buildings fall outside the Community Boundary.
Members resolved to make the following comments to two additional applications, subject to no significant observations being received from members of the community by the 2nd August 2017
Application / Outcome.
Grid ref: 319967.49/290864.77
7 Min Y Sarn, Sarn, / Erection of a front porch on existing dwelling / “Council wishes to support this application”.
Grid Ref: 309034.22/284238.53 at land at Old Neuadd Bank east of A483 north of Llanbadarn Fynydd Powys. / For full application for existing 50m high anemometer mast to remain in place for a further 3 years / “Council does not understand why this mast continues to be in use after so many years.” “It is felt that adequate information on wind speeds should have been gathered by now”
Item.5.Matters Arising.
A.  Safety Bollards at the Top Cemetery Entrance.
Delivery has been made and work scheduled.
B.  Works at Kerry Cemetery.
Work is in progress on the cemetery gates.
Plans to construct a new notice board are in hand and Mark Holloway is contracted to carry out the signwriting work.
Members of the public continue to praise the high standard of groundsmanship carried out by ABarborists
C. Works to the Land to the Rear of Willians Drive.
Repair has been made to the drain cover.
The area has been sprayed and the weeds appear to have died.
D.Proposal to site Outdoor Gym Equipment.
Not discussed. Moved to September agenda.
E.Tree Works at Dolforgan Park.
Planning permission has been grated and work to go ahead.
F.Continuing Decline in Maintenance Work on Minor Roads.
Letter sent to the Head of Highways 30th June. Council await a response.
Item 9. Amenities Committee Report.
Kerry Public Toilets.
A written report from Cllr. Wildish was read aloud by Cllr. Hughes.
All maintenance work is either completed or in hand.
The Committee noted the high standard of work by Mr. Fred Friel (caretaker) and his team. KCC offer their thanks as do members of the general public on a regular basis.
Item 10. PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
P/2017/0383 07/04/2017
Land at Brynllywarch Garden Kerry SY16 4PD
Outline: Erection of an affordable dwelling, installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of vehicular access / “Council wishes to support this application”. / Conditional Consent
P/2017/0286 21/04/2017
8 Upper Hodley Kerry
SY16 4NE
Householder: Replacement of existing garage / “Council wishes to support this application”. / Conditional Consent
C. P/2017/0190 16/02/2017
Penybryn Chapel, Dolfor. SY16 4AH Full: Erection of a swimming pool building
KCC Consultation*
“Kerry Community Council wishes to object to this application for the following reasons;”
•  KCC reiterates their response to the original application P/2015/0914 which read;
Council wish to support this application, but wish to note that they feel unable to support any future applications to build any additional residential developments because of concerns of safety and access.”
•  Concerns about the water supply. As the Chapel is not on mains water supply, will the water table support the additional demand without effecting supply to the neighbouring farm?
•  The safe disposal of chemically treated water and the safety of drinking water for farm stock.
•  Access to the land is via private road and is unsuitable for heavy vehicles causing disruption to a neighbouring home and business.
•  A concern relating to compliance to building regulations in regard to the “garage” built on the land which we understand has no suitable vehicle access.
•  KCC endorses the objections raised by neighbouring property.
PCC Notice.
Conditional Consent.
Item 11. Finance.
Accounts Paid June 2017.
Accounts to be paid July 2017 / Leach Burial Megan Jerman.
Peate. Memorial Denise Whale
PCC War Memorial Fund
AB Arborist Cemetery (Paid 14th June)
Mr P. Friel (Caretaker)
A Feltham clerk (June)
A Feltham Admin.
Zirich Ins
A Evans Landscape Grass Cutting (£120 chemicals)
AB Arborist Cemetery Maintenance
HM Excise and Customs (PAYE)
Avondale Supplies. (Toilet)
Stopem (Bollards) (Paid 3rd July)
A Feltham (clerk July)
A Feltham (Admin July)
A Evans Landscape Grass Cutting (+weed killer)
AB Arborist Cemetery Maintenance
Mr P. Friel (Caretaker July&August) / £125.00
£ 77.55
£ 60.00
£ 40.77
Account balance as of 5th July 2017. Community Acc £27,830.82 Money Manager Acc £ 11,063.51 giving a total of £38,894.33.
Item 12 Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm: (Community Benefit Fund)17th July 2017
Cllr. I Jones gave a verbal report highlighting the following points.
·  A legal agreement to be signed by an authorised signatory from each Community Council, PAVO and RES.
·  P.C.B. Solicitors of Knighton to read through the agreement on behalf of the 5 Community Councils who will share the solicitors costs.
·  The benefit fund to comprise of £68,000 plus unclaimed LED payments.
·  Requests for funds should not be for political or religious objectives, to the adverse interests of Wind Farms or in support of statutory obligations of the Government or local authorities etc.
Following a general discussion it was agreed that the running of the fund would prove to be complex and convoluted.
Item 13 Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to:
Rob & Jill Howarth. Letter of thanks for cutting back an overgrown hedge.
Nathan Davies (CSP - Regeneration and Corporate Property) Invoice for Repairs to Kerry War Memorial.
Danny Jerman PCC Highways. Report pot holes.
PCC. Head of Highways Ref; Concern on the Deterioration of Maintenance and Repair to Drainage Systems and Road Surfaces
Correspondence From.
Kevin Lander. Details of work needed on playground equipment.
OVW. Model Local Resolution Protocol for Community and Town Councils. (Copy with Clerk)
David Lush. E-mail thanking council for their support in the removal of weeds to the rear of his property in Willians Drive.
OVW Details of conference and AGM Saturday 30th September 2017 (with clerk)
PCC Planning. Approval of Tree Works at Dolforgan Park.
Edmund Hikins. Copy of letter sent to PCC and The Minister of Health Ref; P/2013/0524 planning application Wind Turbines.( Copy with Clerk to be held on file.) Councillors request to be sent copy.
Sarn Acorn Play Area. Grand Opening. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1pm on 19th August
Nichola Davies PCC. Public toilets information request. (I have updated opening times and charges as requested.)
Danny Jarman (CSP - Highways Operations) The Potholes on the U2828 were filled in on the 29/06/17.
Lee Evans (CSP - Communications Services) Household waste recycling centre opening days to increase
Opening days of the county’s household waste and recycling centres will increase to five days a week and will include Saturdays and Sundays, ( Full details with Clerk.)
Kerry News. Request to publish Councillors contact details in the Kerry News. Granted.
Jill Kibble. CPRW Montgomery Newsletter Summer 2017 available.
Item 12. Any Other Business.
Sarn / Continuing concerns on the condition of the road surface on the C2053.
Kerry / County Cllr. Kath Robert-Jones made Council aware of rogue traders operating in the area. They claim to be builders and state your property is in need of immediate repair works. Leaflets available in the village post office giving further details.
Cllr. M. Morgan requested permission to instruct Andrew Mills to carry out immediate tree works at the brook where tree roots are being undermined. Permission given.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.40pm.

Next Scheduled Meeting.

Wednesday 27th September 2017 at 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.

Any additional planning meetings will be posted on KCC’s notice board.

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