Dummer Parent Group
February 1, 2011
Tom Sodaro, Bonnie Talty, Heather Olson, Amber Harmon,and Penny Landers were in attendance.
Minutes from the January 11, 2011 meeting were approved.
Principal Report-Tom Sodaro
*The Mystery Workshop that was originally scheduled for February 2 has been rescheduled to February 10.
*Straight-A and Bug Roll breakfasts went well.
*Mr. Sodaro is still looking online for 80’s posters, etc. for Daddy-Daughter Dance.
*ISAT testing is the first week of March.
Treasurer Report-Bonnie Talty-separate report.
*We purchased a bingo machine and slider cards for Bingo Night. It is here and ready for use.
*The parent group will purchase testing snacks for the students during ISATs.
Teacher Report-Amber Harmon
*Fifth grade is doing 2 smaller field trips this year, rather than 1 larger field trip. They are planning to go to see the play “Freedom Train” at the Paramount Theater in Aurora in April. It is in conjunction with a book they are reading. In March, fifth grade will head to the Midwest Museum in Sycamore. The cost for both trips is $13 per student. In order to make this affordable to all students, the fifth grade teachers are asking that we donate $2 per student to reduce the cost. Mr. Sodaro is donating $1 per student. With both donations, the cost per student would be only $10. We voted unanimously to give $400 to the 5th grade fund to use toward these field trips.
Ongoing Fundraiser Reports
SCRIP-Heather Olson
*The January 13 order sold 16 cards with a profit of $12.05 . Our year-to-date profit from SCRIP is $372.40. The next SCRIP order goes in Thursday, February 10. You can now order Target gift cards through the SCRIP program.
Rosati’s-Bonnie Talty
*No information from Rosati’s since the month just ended. Remember, we have the third week of the month for our fundraiser at Rosati’s on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 11AM-10 PM.
*Rosati’s dates:
February 15,16,17March 15,16, 17April 19, 20, 21May17,18,19
Old Business
*Grandparent’s Bingo is Friday, March 4 form 6-7:30 pm in the Middle School cafeteria. Fliers and volunteer sheets to go home this Friday.
*Penny will order candy and any prizes needed as well as apply for a Walmart donation card.
*Bonnie will ask for donations from local businesses.
*Special prizes will be awarded to the grandparent(s) who have traveled the farthest, the oldest and youngest grandparent.
*Daddy-Daughter Dance is Friday, April 8. Mr. Sodaro has not heard back yet if the Middle School will have the 6th grade girls participate, as they did last year.
*Heather will confirm DJ and photographer.
*A committee will be set up and planning meeting will be set up—more to come!
New Business
*For our fall fundraiser, we will be selling ButterBraids and Red Apple (Mr. Z’s) cookies. We received quotes from 7 cookie companies and Rick gave us the best offer. We will have samples of both ButterBraid and cookies at both Orientation Nights in August.
*Our fundraiser is set to kick off on August 26.
Next meeting
The next Dummer Parent Group meeting is Tuesday, March 1 at 8:15 AM.
Hope to see you there!