ParkwayNortheastMiddle School
V.V. / Cafeteria / Classroom / Common Areas / Hallways / BusRespect /
- Dress appropriately
- Use level 2 voice
- Follow directions the first time
- Follow the designated number of students per table
- Dress appropriately
- Use appropriate voice level (depending on activity)
- Raise your hand &/or wait your turn
- Dress appropriately
- Use level 2 voice
- Dress appropriately
- Use level 1 voice
- Treat school property appropriately
- Use level 1 or 2 voice
- Follow bus driver’s instructions
- Be respectful of the bus property
Responsibility /
- Bring your own lunch money or lunch
- Say “please” and “thank you”
- Keep our cafeteria clean
- Remain seated while eating
- Bring all required materials
- Be in the room when bell rings
- Be an active learner
- Leave your work area neat and orderly
- Maintain the flow of traffic
- Walk with a purpose
- Gather all materials for class at one time
- Walk & talk
- Have hall pass when required
- Sit facing forward
- Ride assigned bus & get off at assigned stop
- Check for belongings before you leave
- Sign up for activity bus by required time
Honesty /
- Only eat the food you brought or were given
- Be where you are supposed
to be - Wait your turn in line
- Keep food and drinks in the cafeteria
- Admit when you are wrong
- Complete your own work
- Be truthful
- Report poor citizenship
- Avoid gossip
- Turn in found items
- Report poor citizenship
- Avoid gossip
- Have a valid purpose
- Report poor citizenship
- Avoid gossip
- Turn in found items
Caring /
- Wait your turn in line
- Be inclusive of all classmates
- Use kind words
- Encourage /Include & help others
- Accept others’ differences
- Use kind words
- Be friendly & helpful to others
- Use kind words
- Be friendly & helpful to others
- Be aware of others’ needs
- Use kind words
- Engage in appropriate conversations
- Make room for others
- Use kind words
KYHFAAOOTY: Keep your hands, feet and all other objects to yourself