MARRCH Public Policy Board Meeting – February 3, 2006
Members present – Tom Fuchs (phone), Lance Egley (phone), Kevin Evenson, John M., Cathy Cerra, Dave Dederichs, Gary Olson, Andrea G., Jeff Hunsberger, Charlie Mishek, Sharon Johnson, Patrick M., Jeremy, S., Bonnie Freeland, Judy Gordon, Brian Teuber
Meeting called to order at 10:15 a.m. – February 3, 2006
IntroductionsChanges to Agenda – none
Jeff Hunsberger
- DHS Update
- No legislation to announce – expects things to pick-up at the end of the month – closer to the legislative agenda
- Legislative auditor’s report will be released soon
- Question from Gary about providers being “locked-out” – his question stemmed from a call Gary received from Deb Moses
- Training for counties and providers regarding the new Rule 25 – offered a training session in March – Jeff will contact Dave to set-up. This is in addition to the MARRCH to the Capitol training
- Supreme Court Task Force update and review
- Jeff sent a link to the report on an email to us all
Update on Legislative Meetings – Tom & Dave
- Meetings in January
- Berglin, Johnson, Rosen, Goodno & Koistra
- Meetings went well
- Apparently Jeff Johnson will be introducing more Meth/treatment legislation this term. Sharon sent him information about this issue, and Dave will follow-up with Jeff
- Upcoming Meetings
- Koering and Higgins are scheduled for next week with Dave, Becca and Bob Melson
- Appointments are trying to be made for Solon, Finstad, Huntley, Smith and Dean Johnson
- Rosen has agreed to author the Tier I legislation, and the border bill legislation
- Berglin suggested the PMAP legislation
- COLA discussion
- Tom led a discussion about his meeting with Don Allen, and the COLA ramifications of a freeze that would need to occur in the state. Currently, counties and providers negotiate individually in counties for COLA raises, and a freeze could potentially adverse affect
- The rate freeze issue in the state could potentially cause a lot of problems – there was agreement around the table
- Take the COLA issue off the legislative initiatives sheet
- Recommendation (Judy) is to leave this alone and work-on the county maintenance of effort instead
- Tom said we should focus on the Tier I legislation instead
Review PMAP legislation
- Dave and Tom talked about their meeting with Senator Berglin and her suggestion to write legislation to solve the PMAP problem that providers face, when a patient loses eligibility and centers lose money of continuation of treatment
- Kathy and Sharon are going to write a summary of similar issues with MN Care
- Charlie talked about the important distinction between the in-patient and out-patient distinctions. Gary said that U-care has different opinions.
- The discussion shifted to the importance of exploring the issue further by meeting with DHS and other treaters – so that comprehensive language can be provided and duplicity is prevented (in law)
- The problem with this issue is that what is done for chemical health will have ramifications for mental health as well
- Before proceeding, we should get a panel together representing the state, county and providers – to begin the discussion and gain insight into the existing process and everyone’s wants/needs
- Gary said that this is an opportunity for DHS to bring the parties together
- Jeff will follow-up with DHS taking the lead on this issue
- Gary said that more information needs to be gathered
- Jeff can report back at the March meeting – this particular legislative item should be tabled until next year, until the appropriate research is completed and the appropriate partners and agencies are contacted
- This would be a great item
Events – see flyer (provided at meeting)
- MARRCH to the Capitol
- Schedule and Speakers
- Making legislative appointments
Recovery at Work Newsletter
- Written submissions were due February 3, 2006, and the newsletter will be mailed in mid-February
Open Forum
- Dave gave an update on the status of the health impact fee
- Tom led a discussion on a new issue that he learned about at the NAMSDL conference. He provided an “insurance survey” to discuss.
- Kevin gave an update on MACSSA meetings he attended (packet provided)
Adjourn – 12:00 p.m.