Process / Document owner / Step / Gateways / Document type
Enabling Process / Project Team (Delivery) / 2257 – HSEQ Compliance
2113 – Plant Operational Control / /

Temporary Switchboard and RCD (Residual Current Device) Checklist

METHOD: Temporary switchboards are numbered clearly. Every board must be checked at legislative designated frequencies by the site electrician for evidence of physical damage and RCD operation. If any signs of damaged electrical components or wiring are detected, the RCD fails the push-button trip test, or the electrician believes the switchboard has the potential to cause fire or electric shock, the switchboard must be decommissioned immediately and a “danger: do not operate” tag affixed until repairs have been completed. Any switchboard that cannot be repaired on site must be fitted with an accompanying danger tag, specifying the nature of the fault or defect. The board should then be returned for repairs or replacement.
The electrician is to advise the PSA in writing when any electrical repairs are completed and the board is safe for use.
Board Number / Location / Date of Inspection / RCD Test / Visual Inspection
Result / Action required
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Fail OK / Fail OK
Distribution: Project Leader, Contract File Refer: CHSP
The LORA Way
E-T-8-1502 / E-T-8-1502 Temporary Switchboard and RCD Checklist v1
(Revised July 2012) / Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2012 All rights reserved. Document uncontrolled when printed / Page Number
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