1.  Act/policy / 2.  Why King created them / 3.  Colonial Reaction / 4.  Why the colonists reacted that way
Proclamation of 1763 / To stop colonists from moving West and fighting with the N-A’s / Ignored the law and moved west any way / Colonists needed the land to expand
Stamp Act / To make $ / Wrote petitions, boycotted, tarred and feathered tax collectors, created Stamp Act Congress / No Taxation Without Representation
Quartering Act / To house British soldiers / Boston Massacre, Committees of Correspondence / Invasion of Privacy
Townshend Acts / To make $/ to stop smuggling / Boycotted, Sons of Liberty formed, mock hangings of tax collectors / Invasion of Privacy
Tea Act / To show the King still had the power to tax the Colonists / Boycotted, Boston Tea Party / Thought they were being tricked into paying for the tea; cut colonial merchants out of the trade, costing them $ and their jobs
Intolerable Acts / To punish them for the Boston Tea Party and to be repaid for the money they lost from the tea / 1st Continental Congress, boycotted, militias formed / Boston was being economically and physically starved out so they needed help of other colonies. Colonists realized they were likely to need men to fight

5. When the colonists finally broke away, what reasons did they give for doing so?

a. What ideals did they say they wanted their new country to be founded on?

The colonists felt that the government was not protecting their natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If the government is not doing their job, the people have the right to overthrow that government. They listed the ways the British government were not protecting, but instead infringing upon their rights.

The colonists wanted to be founded on Rights, Liberty, Equality, and Democracy. Opportunity?