Course Code, Name / FE 308, Fermentation TechnologyCredit :ECTS: 3/4
Pre-requisites: -
Hours per week: Lecture: 2 hrs - lab: 2 hrs
Lecture Days:
Section 1: Lecture: Monday,08:30-10.15
Lab:Monday 10.30-12.15
Section 2: Friday, 08:30-10.15
Lab: Tuesday,10.30-12.15
Course Description / It covers basic principles of fermentation and technologies of fermented food products.These are;microbial growth kinetics,fermentation types,selection of microorganisms used in industry and production of different types of fermented food products(wine,beer, vinegar,boza and etc)
Instructor’s Name, Location,
Phone E-mail
Office Hours / Dr. Çisem BULUT ALBAYRAK
Aydın Menderes classroom building, 1st floor.
0 256 213 7503 (3518)- ;
Office hours: Tuesday(13.30-15.30)
Assistant’s Names
PhoneE-mail / Research assistant Mustafa Duran
Aydın Menderes classroom building,2nd floor.
Office hours: Thusrday:13.30-15.30
Required Textbook / Erkmen and Bozoğlu. FoodMicrobiology 4. 2008, 1 st ed. G.Ü.V. İlke Publishing, ISBN-978-605-5983-13-0
Other References / Whitaker;Stanbury, Peter F; Hall, S.; Whitaker, A.PrinciplesofFermentationTechnology, Second Edition (9780750645010) by Robert W. Hutkins.Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods
Couse objectives / Theaim of thiscoursetogainknowledgeaboutfermantationtechnologiesused in foodindustry,learn role of microorganisms in fermentationandtogainskillstocontrol of fermantationprocesses.
Learning outcomes / 1. describethecharacteristics ofconditionsrequired in fermentationprocesses.
2. learn role of microorganismin fermantation
3. learnproductiontechnologiesfordifferenttypes of fermentedfoodproducts
4.learn fermantationtypes
Grading / GradeLetter
0-49FF / 1.Laboratory grade: 20%
2. Quizzes: 10 %
3. Homeworks: 10%
4. Midterm: 20%
5. Participation: 10%
6. Final exam: 30%
Total: 100%
Laboratorywill be gradedby: Laboratoryreports: 60 % LabExam: 40 %
It is mandotorytotake 50 pointsforlabgradetoenter final exam.
Attandance / Student attendance is mandatory and students must attend at least 70 % of classes.
Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating / Plagiarism is using someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. It is academic thievery, and it will not be tolerated. In case of a first offense, if you turn in such work, the grade for the assignment will be a 0. Plagiarism or any other form of cheating in examinations, term tests or academic work is subject to serious academic penalty.
Cheating in examinations or tests may take the form of copying from another student or bringing unauthorized materials into the exam room (e.g., crib notes, pagers or cell phones). Exam cheating can also include exam impersonation. A student found guilty of contributing to cheating in examinations or term assignments is also subject to serious academic penalty.
Use of computers and cell phones during class: / Computers, notepads and cell phones are not allowed to be used in the class. Students whose phones ring will be asked to leave class. Students using a cell phone for any purpose in class will be considered in violation of academic honesty rules.
Food and drinks are prohibited during lectures.
Students are expected to be on time for lectures and lab and to attend all lectures and labs
Course Outline
Week 1(06.02.2017) / Introduction to Fermentation technology,basic principles of food fermentation
Week 2(13.02.2017) / Biological agents responsible for fermentation(bacteria,yeasts,molds,enzymes)
Week 3(20.02.2017) / microbial growth kinetics
Week 4(27.02.2017) / Anaerobic respiration and metabolism
Week 5(05.03.2017) / Anaerobic respiration and fermentation mechanism
Week 6(12.03.2017) / Fermenter types
Week 7(19.03.2017) / Selection of microorganism used in industry
Week 8(26.03.2017) / Producion of various fermentation products(vitamins,organicacids,etc)
Week 9(02.04.2017) / Ethanol fermentation, acetic acid fermentation, lactic acid fermentation
Week 10(09.04.2017) / Production of technology of Fermented alcoholic beverages(wine, beer,etc)
Week 11(16.04.2017) / Production of technology of Fermented meat products(sucuk)
Week 12(23.04.2017) / Production of technology of Fermented dairy products(kımız,kefir,cheese, yogurt))
Week 13(30.04.2017) / Production technology of Fermented cereal products(boza,tarhana)
Week 14(07.05.2017) / Production technology of Fermented vegetable products(vinegar,pickle)
Week 15(14.05.2017) / Review
Lab outline
Exp.1 / Lactic acid Production
Exp.2 / Effect of medium Formulation on Biomass amount
Exp.3 / Boza production
Exp.4 / Boza chemical and microbial analysis
Exp.5 / Enzyme Production(alpha amylase)
Exp.6 / Enzyme analysis (alpha amylase)
Exp.7 / Technical visit