Ref / Type / Details / Fee
A / Adult / Age 19 or over on 1st January 2018 / £75.00
B / Senior Adult / Age 60 or over on 1st January 2018 / £55.00
C / Student (over 18) / Age 19 or over on 1st January 2018 and in full time education / £55.00
D / Youth 13-18 years / Age over 12 and under 19 on 1st January 2018 / £30.00
E / Child under 13 / Age 12 and under on 1 Jan 2018 / £20.00
F / Family / 2 Parents or Guardians and unlimited family under 19 / £155.00
G / Parent & Under 19s / 1 Parent or Guardian and unlimited family under 19 / £105.00
H / Parent & Child / 1 Parent or Guardian and 1 family member under 19 / £82.00
I / Non Playing / Social membership only / £10.00

·  The season runs from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019. All existing members intending to renew their membership should do so by the 31st March 2018. Details on how to pay are on page two.

Existing members

·  If no details have changed, there’s no need for another form. Simply pay the membership fee, either digitally or by cheque (details on the next page)

New members

·  New adult/student members need to pay a, once only, joining fee of £5.00. A clubhouse key will be supplied.

·  New members must complete the form on page 2, and e-mail to

·  Members must wear or carry their 2018 coloured membership shoe tags at all times, when on court, otherwise they may be challenged by any authorised member.

Data Protection

·  The club will no longer publish personal details on the website

·  If you require another member’s details please e-mail



Forename / Surname / Male / Female / D.o.B (if under 19) / Membership type (A to I) / Fee
Main Contact
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
Member 5
Member 6
ADDRESS / House Name / No. & Street
Village / Town
Post Code
Telephone No.
Email Address / @
Total Membership Fees / £
Joining Fees £5.00 per new adult member / £
Additional Clubhouse Key / £
Ways to pay
Bank transfer / Cheque
Please pay the amount due in to the following account
Brucehaven Tennis Club
Sort Code 82-62-19
Account Number 70155010
IMPORTANT - Reference number to identify your payment
Ref No: 3 parts 1)Membership Type(s) (one or more of A to I above) then; 2) Initial of 1st name of main membership holder then; 3) Surname
Example: John Smith taking out a Senior Adult membership would be BJSMITH / Please send or deliver a cheque to
10 Brucehaven Crescent
Fife, KY11 3JJ
Any issues please e-mail We'll e-mail you a receipt.