Project: “Proposed Group Housing Project at Village-Sihi, Sector-84, Gurgaon, Haryana”

Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC ConditionsPage 1 of 18

Six-Monthly Environmental Compliance Report of

Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance

(April 2015 to September 2015)


Proposed Group Housing


Village-Sihi, Sector-84, District-Gurgaon, Haryana

For Submission to:

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change


Submitted by:

Magnum International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.

48/12, Commercial Centre, Malcha Marg,

Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021

December, 2015

Table of Contents

Section No. / Description / Page No.
Chapter 1 / Introduction and Project Description / 04-05
1.1 / Introduction / 4
1.2 / Project Description / 4
1.3 / Purpose of the Report / 5
Chapter 2 / Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance / 06-10
Part A / Specific Conditions / 6
I. Construction Phase / 6
II. Operation Phase / 8
Part B / General Conditions / 10
Chapter 3 / Details of Environmental Monitoring / 11-16
3.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 11
3.1.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations / 11
3.1.2 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology / 11
3.1.3 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results / 12
3.1.4 / Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area / 12
3.2 / Ambient Noise Monitoring / 13
3.1.1 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Location / 13
3.2.2 / Methodology of Noise Monitoring / 13
3.2.3 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Results / 13
3.2.4 / Discussion on Ambient Noise Level in the Study Area / 14
3.4 / Soil Monitoring / 15
3.4.1 / Soil Monitoring Locations / 15
3.4.2 / Methodology of Soil Monitoring / 15
3.4.3 / Soil Monitoring Results / 16
3.4.4 / Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area / 16
3.1 / Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations / 11
3.2 / Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 12
3.3 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results / 12
3.4 / Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Station / 13
3.5 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Result / 13
3.6 / Ground Water Monitoring Result / 14
3.7 / Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location / 15
3.8 / Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil in the Study Area / 16
3.1 / Location-wise Variation of Ambient Air Quality / 12
3.2 / Graph Showing the Noise Level of the area / 14
1 / Environmental Clearance Letter from MoEFCC
2 / Monitoring Report of Ambient Air, Noise, Water and Soil
3. / Site Photographs
4. / AAI Approval
5. / Board of Director Resolution Authorizing the person responsible for implementation of condition imposed in the EC letter
6. / Laboratory Approval Certificate
7. / QCI Accreditation Certificate




The proposed project is construction of proposed group housing project at Village-Sihi, Sector-84, District-Gurgaon, Haryana, by M/s Magnum International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.

This project has been granted environmental clearance byState Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Haryana, vide Letter No. SEIAA/HR/2010/153, Dated December 29, 2010 and enclosed here asAnnexure-1.

1.2Project Description

The salient features of the project are tabulated in following table.

Location / Village-Sihi, Sector-84, District-Gurgaon, Haryana
Total plot area / 12.515 acres
Total built-up area / 149656.80 sq. m.
No. of towers / 08
Maximum number of floors / 26
No. of DUs / 674 + 120 DUs for EWS
Maximum height of towers / 100.80 meters
Total water requirement / 639 KLD
Fresh water requirement / 337 KLD
Wastewater generation / 377 KLD
STP capacity / 453 KLD
Solid waste generation / 1498.40 kg/day
Power requirement / 6504 KW
Parking provided / 1261 ECS


Total power requirement for the project will be 6504 KW, which will be supplied by Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd. (DHBVNL).

Water Supply:

Water shall be supplied by Public Supply (HUDA) / bore-wells.

1.3Purpose of the Report

Thissix-monthly report is being submitted as per the condition stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Order.

Further, the study will envisage the environmental impacts that have generated in the local environment due to the project.

The environmental assessment is being carried out to verify:

  • That the project does not have any adverse environmental impacts in the project area and its surrounding
  • Compliance with the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Letter.
  • That the Project Management is implementing the environmental mitigation measures as suggested in the approved Form-1, Form-1A, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and building plans.
  • The project proponent is implementing the environmental safeguards in true spirit.
  • Any non-conformity in the project with respect to the environmental implication of the project.




I. Construction Phase

S. No. /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

Status of Compliance
1 / A First aid room as proposed in the project report will be provided in both during construction and operation phase of project. / Yes, First aid room has been provided at the project site during construction phase and same will be proposed during operation of the project.
2 / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open defecation by the laborers is strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. / Adequate drinking water & sanitary facilities are being provided for construction workers at the site. The workers are from the nearby areas therefore the waste water and solid waste generation is negligible in quantity. Solid waste generated during the construction phase is being disposed off safely.
3 / All the top soil excavated during
Construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/landscape development within project site. / Top soil is being stored for use in horticulture/landscape development.
4 / Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse effects on the neighboring communities and disposed taking the necessary precaution for general safety and health with the approval of competent authority. / No adverse effect on neighboring community is observed during disposal of muck including excavated material during construction phase. Necessary precautions are being taken care for general safety and health aspects of people.
5 / Construction spoils including bituminous materials and other hazardous materials must not be allowed to contamination watercourses and the dump site for such materials must be secured so that they should not leak into groundwater and any hazardous waste generated during construction phase should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of Haryana State pollution control Board. / No, construction spoils including bituminous material and other hazardous material are allowed to contaminate water courses and the dump sites for such material and no leaching found into the ground water. The ground water monitoring report is enclosed as Annexure-2.
6 / The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be of low sulphur diesel type and should confirm to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. / Yes, we are using low sulphur diesel for running the DG sets and all diesel power generating setsare being used of “silent type” to prevent noise and should conform to rules made under Environment (Protection) Act 1986, prescribed for air and noise emission standards. The ambient air and noise monitoring reports are enclosed as Annexure-2.
7 / The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tank if required clearance from chief controller of explosive shall be taken. / Yes all the necessary precautionsare being taken to ensure compliance of all the safety norms.The quantity of diesel stored is minimal so approval of chief controller of explosives is not required.
8 / Ambient noise levels should conform to standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to confirm to the stipulated residential standards. / Ambient air & noise monitoring have been conducted at the boundary of the project site during construction phase and the results shows that the ambient noise levels were within the prescribed limits during day and night. Adequate measure are being taken to reduce ambient air and noise level.Lab reports are attached an Annexure-2.
9 / Fly ash should be used as building materials in the construction as per the provision of fly ash notification of September 1999 and amendment as on 27th August 2003. / Yes, the construction agency is using fly ash based material/ products as per the provisions of fly ash notification of 14.9.1999 and as amended on 27.8.2003.
10 / Ready mix concrete must be used in building construction. / Ready mix concrete is being used during building construction.
11 / Storm water control and its use as per CGWB and BIS standard for various applications. / Yes, we have proposed to construct the water recharge pits for recharge of ground water, as per Central Ground Water Board and BIS standards.
12 / Water demand during construction phase should be reduced by uses of premix concrete, curing agent and other best practices referred. / Yes, as ready mixedconcrete, curing agents and best available practicesare being usedin the building construction, the water demand is reduced considerably. The water for construction purpose is being taken through tankers.
13 / Permission from Competent Authority for supply of water shall be obtained prior to operation of the project. / All statuary approvals have been obtained.
14 / Roof should meet prescribed requirements as per energy conservation building code by using appropriate thermal insulation materials to fulfill requirements. / Yes, we are meeting prescriptive requirement as per energy conservation building code by using appropriate thermal insulation material on roofs as and when we reach that stage.
15 / Opaque wall should meet prescribed requirements as per energy conservation building code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non air conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation to fulfill the requirement. / Yes, we have proposed the same and will use opaque wall for all air conditioned spaces and meeting prescriptive requirement as per energy conservation building code.
16 / The approval of competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building on account of earthquake, adequacy in firefighting equipment etc. as per National Building Code including protection measures from lightening etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under Forest conservation Act shall be obtained from the competent authority. / Every care has been taken for structural safety due to earth quake while the designing of the building and Approval of Firefighting Sachem from appropriate authority has been obtained. Forest land is not involved in the proposed project site.
17 / The PP will use water for construction phase through tankers. However, prior permission from CGWA will be taken before using the bore well water for construction purposes. / Water for construction purposed is being taken through tankers. If required, prior permission from CGWA will be taken before using the bore well water for construction purposes.
18 / The PP will construct rain water harvesting pits @ 1 pit per acre for recharging the ground water within the project premises. / The provision of rainwater harvesting has been kept in the project.
19 / The PP will provide minimum one hydraulic ladder for escape of people in case of fire. / The same shall be complied.
20 / The PP will start construction only after getting permission/NOC from the Airport Authority. / Noc from AAi obtained and attached as Annex 4
21 / The PP shall to develop water body having dimension of 50 mt x 50 mt x 4 mt for collection of storm water for recharging of ground water. / The same shall be taken care of and complied

II. Operation Phase

S. No /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

/ Status of Compliance
1 / The STP should be installed for the treatment of sewage generated to be prescribed standards including odour and treated effluent will be recycled to achieve zero discharge. The STP should be installed at the farthest place in the project area. / Yes, a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of adequate capacity has been proposed and will be installed for the project and adequacy as well as efficiency will be checked. The treated water will be used in flushing and horticulture within in project premises.
2 / Separation of black and grey water should be done by use of dual plumbing line. Treatment of 100% grey water by decentralized treatment should be done ensuring that the re-circulated water should have BOD maximum 10 ppm and the recycled water will be used for flushing, gardening and DG set cooling and running of fountain in the water body to achieve zero exit discharge. / Yes, separation of gray and black water will be done by the use of duel plumbing line. However, grey water as well as black water will be treated in STP. The recycled water will be well within the permissible limits and will be used for flushing and gardening.
3 / For disinfections of treated waste water ultra violation radiation or ozonization should be used. / Yes, Ultraviolet radiation or ozonizationwill be used for disinfection of the treated waste water.
4 / The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated. Biodegradable waste shall be decomposed at site and dry /inert solid waste should be disposed off to approve sites for land filling after recovering recyclable materials. / Yes, the solid waste will be collected &segregated. The composting of biodegradable waste and non-bio-degradable solid waste will be disposed off to municipal landfill sites after recovering recyclable waste.
5 / Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of backup power for lifts, common areas illumination and for domestic use should be of enclosed type and confirm to the rule made under Environment Protection Act , 1986. The location of DG sets should be in the basement as promised by the project proponent with appropriate stack height i.e above the roof level as per the CPCB norms. The diesel used for DG should be low sulphur content (maximum 0.25%) / Yes, all diesel power generating sets will be commissioned in the acoustic room for power backup and stack height will be maintained as per CPCB norms.
6 / Ambient Noise level should be controlled to ensure that it does not exceed the prescribed standards both within and at the boundary of proposed Residential Complex / Yes, ambient noise levels are being monitored by outside approved lab on regular basis during the construction phase indicating all results within permissible limits of EPA, 1986. The latest monitoring has been done and attached as Annexure-2.
7 / The project proponent should maintain at least 20% as green cover area for tree plantation especially all around the periphery of the project site and on the road sides preferably with local species so as to provide protection against particulates and noise. The open space inside the plot should be preferably landscaped and covered with vegetation/grass, herbs & shrubs. / Agreed. More than 20% green cover area for tree plantation will be started at fast pace only after completion of civil construction work in the building. The open spaces inside the plot will be covered with herbs and shrubs.
8 / Weep holes in the compound walls shall be provided to ensure natural drainage of rain water. In the catchment areas during the monsoon period. / This condition will be duly complied during the operational phase of the project.
9 / Rain water harvesting for runoff and surface runoff, as per plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface runoff, pretreatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and greases. The bore well for rain water recharging should be kept at least 5 mts. Above the highest ground water table. / The same shall be implemented.
10 / The ground water level and its quality should be monitored regularly in consultation with Central Ground Water Authority. / Ground water monitoring is being done by outside approved lab. Results are attached as Annexure-2 and same will be monitored future also.
11 / There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exit point from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. / There will be no traffic congestion near the entry and exit points due to separate entry and exit points, wide roads will be developed as to avoid traffic congestion. Parking will be fully internalized. The adequate space has been given for fulfill the parking needs.
12 / A report on energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservations norms finalize by bureau of energy efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, “R & U factors etc” and submit to the SEIAA, Haryana in three months time. / Yes, we have assured to comply and report on the energy conservation measures to be taken in the building incorporating building materials and technology and R &U Factors etc. will be submitted as early as possible.
13 / Energy conservation measures like installation of CFLs/TFLs for the lighting the area outside the building should be integral part of the projects design and should be in place before project commissioning. Use CFLs and TFLs should be properly collected and disposed off/sent for “recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/ rules of the regulatory authority to avoid mercury contamination. Use of solar panels may be adapted to the maximum extent possible for energy conservation. / The CFLs/TFLs will be used for lightening purposes at common areas. The used CFLs and TFLs will be handed over to authorized vendors for the proper disposal.
14 / The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated as per requirements of MSW rules, 2000. The biodegradable waste should be composted by vermin composting at the site ear marked with in the project area and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land filling after recovering recyclable materials. / Yes, the practice of segregating biodegradable waste and non-bio-degradable waste will be adopted and then the waste will be disposed off to municipal Committee’s approved vendors. However, proper compliance of this condition will be done during operational phase.
15 / The provision of the solar water heating system shall be as per the norms specified by HAREDA and shall be made operational in each building block. / Appropriate provisions will be provided as per norms specified by HAREDA.
16 / The project proponent will use the water from the already existing tube wells for domestic purposes only after getting permission from CGWA during operation phase. / The same shall be complied.
17 / The traffic plan and the parking plan proposed by the PP should be adhered to meticulously with further scope of additional parking for future requirement. There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be used. / There shall not be traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking shall be fully internalized and no public space should be used.
18 / The project proponent shall install solar panel of 20 KW in the project area. / The same shall be complied.


S. No. /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

/ Status of Compliance
1 / The environmental safeguards contained in the EIA/EMP report should be implemented in letter and spirit. / We have assured to comply most of the environmental safeguards stipulated in the environmental clearance letter satisfactorily.
2 / Six monthly compliance reports should be submitted to the HSPCB and Regional Office, MoEF. GOI, Northern Region, Chandigarh and a copy to the SEIAA, Panchkula, Haryana. / Six monthly compliance reports are being regularly filed to the concerned authorities. Same will be done in the future also.
3 / The SEIAA, Haryana and reserve the right to add additional safeguards measures subsequently, If found necessary. Environmental clearance granted will be revoked ir it is found that false information has been given for getting approval of this project. / Agreed.
4 / The PP will start construction only after getting NOC from the forest department that the area under consideration does not fall under section-4 and 5 PLPA-1900 / Agreed.
5 / All other statutory clearance such as approval for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department ,Forest Conservation Act,1980, and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, PLPA, 1900, Forest Act, 1927 etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponent from the respective authorities prior to construction of the project. / Most of them have been obtained and few are in process, which will be obtained shortly.
6. / The project proponent will not violate any judicial orders / pronouncements issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court / High Courts. / Agreed.
7. / The project proponent should inform the public that the project has been accorded Environment Clearance by the SEIAA and copies of the clearance letter are available with the State Pollution Control Board & SEIAA. This should be advertised within 7 days from the date of issue of the clearance letter at least in two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region and the copy of the same should be forwarded to SEIAA, Haryana / The same shall be complied.