No- 1 .Are the standard and recommended actions consistent with PCORI mission and vision?

Comment; Being transparent in developing policies to encourage public registration of all PCORI studies and the sharing of study, protocols, statistical code, and data, there is nothing than a person of any race that honors more than getting to know that he or she is dealing with people who are transparent and much devoted in their work the way PCORI is with their staff in running their work in all waysand means.In fact Neemeka herbal clinic and research centre honors nothing than being transparence in all that it does on patientsand in research study, so that patients gets the really high quality herbal medicine findings needed especially on these chronic and multiple chronic diseases that can serve patients on large scale population worldwide.

Forming a standing committee within PCORI to recommend appropriate methods for data sharing and to ensure that proper scientific credit is given to those sharing protocols, code data, this shows PCORI’s profile(layout)on how the organization operates is committed with their work by ensuring that proper scientific credit is given to those sharing protocols, code and data.

Speeding up implementation of standards in funding announcements, peer, review and other internal process, PCORI staff developed templates for the preparation and review of proposals that incorporate the key elements of the standards; this makes the process of working to become very easy to operate or to run in all channels of work, to be keenly monitored, since some standards apply only to certain types of studies, a portfolio of templates applicable to various study designs should bedeveloped.

Support development and use of software for adaptive trials that can stimulate complex designs, broaden experience with adaptive trials for PCORI, perhaps through funding of a cohort of adaptive trials on priority topic areas. Mentor investigators and develop a ‘how to’ guide and a forum to share experiences with adaptive trials, develop a course work and training opportunities for statisticians and other methodologists interested in developing expertise in adaptive trials. Sponsor an institute of medicine committee to develop standards for research on medical tests.

NO-2. What methodological caps should be addressed in future report?

-Create an infrastructure to support research on patient engagement.

-Develop a sample patient engagement plan to demonstrate the key elements required for patient engagement in the research process.

-The sample plan should illustrate engagement of both patient informants and study participants.

-Systematically collect information about patient engagement methods from PCORI sponsored studies.

-Evaluate the effectiveness of patient informant engagement.

-Synthesizes results across studies.

-Disseminate findings to improve patient engagement in PCOR.

-Support training in patient engagement methods for investigators and patient informants.

-Improve the patient-reported outcomes( PRO) evidence base by supporting research on methods for assessing measurements properties ( based on qualitative and quantitative evaluations),score interpretability,meangfulness of score changes and strategies for minimizing and interpreting missing PRO data in PCOR.

-Evaluate patient dissemination activities and require incorporation in future research of relevant learning from this evaluation.

3. Can this report be used to inform PCORI policy regarding grant reviews and submission?

Comments. Should ensure that a sufficient number and range of topics are considered, before topics for research findings are selected. Engagement of multiple stakeholders, especially patients, involving patients and other stakeholders in developing questions for systematic review, researchers can compare what people want and need to know with what is and is not known. As a result, systematic reviews can identify gaps in knowledge that underlie un certainty among patients and clinicians. Sometimes systematic reviews can generate new questions.For example, a pooled analysis of several studies can reveal an important finding that was not evident in the individual studies.

Value of information analysis may be used to identify questions that have the greatest potential to improve population health by considering uncertainty in the health benefits and risks associated with alternative treatment choices, the ability of research findings to alter uncertainty, and the resulting care decisions. Reviews process identifies those proposals mostlikely tofulfill PCORI’s objective and agenda.

4. Do have any ideas about what the PCORI might distribute the final report to increase awareness and application of the standards?

PCORI should developand implement dissemination assessment to achieve broad awareness. P CORI research proposals must include an assessment that describes how the project and composition of the research team to support dissemination and the anticipated facilitators, barriers and potential strategies for dissemination to key stakeholder groups, including patients and individuals at risk of acodition,clinicians and other health care system staff, and policy leaders.

Effective dissemination should include the reports of results in a manner that is understandable to each target audience, information regarding the relevance of the results for decision-making (recognizing that research findings from a single study alone should not necessary affect decision-making or practice.) a long with attention to how the results can be incorporated into health decision-making, ifapplicable, the plan must specify how the dissemination strategy is expected to affect the identified health decisions and how dissemination engages the study participants or the population of interest ,that requires research dissemination, as well as engagement of patients and other stakeholders at this stage of research to represent a cultural shift for institutions and researchers.

5- Enter any additional comments or concerns here.

  • Neemeka herbal clinic and research centre the personnel investigator would like to upload full findings that are in the letter of support of Kenya Medical Research Institute (Centre for Traditional Medicine and Drug Research, P.O.BOX 54840-00200 NAIROBI, Kenya) Kemri and also a letter of support KenyattaUniversity office of the chairman Department of Health Sciences, Centre for Complementary Medicine andBiotechnology P.O Box 43844 Nairobi Kenya. Neemeka herbal clinic and research centre plus entire staff is in atonally research of herbs that are medicine for these chronic diseases. The centre is working round the clock in ensuring that they in research high quality findings required for these chronic diseases. In the letter of Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) page2, second paragraph states that search of available literature revealed no published report onthe toxicity of s.longepedunculata in humans despite the wide-spread use of the plant in various herbal remedies. Considering the potential toxicity of s.longepedunculata, herbal practitioners should be educated on this especially when they recommend this plant as part of complex regimen in the long term management of chronic illness.
  • Neemeka herbal clinic and research centre would like to appreciate and thank the entire staff of PCORI about the good work they are doing for patients especially those with chronic and multiple chronic diseases worldwide,working hand in hand in all means and ways in doing more research and being honest in submitting the really high quality findings needed for these chronic diseases that gathers large population worldwide. Neemekaherbal clinic and research centre also reflects thanks giving to anybody whose main objectiveis putting patients first by funding researchers in all means and ways as per research study is concerned, so that high quality findings is achieved for these chronic diseases.
  • Neemeka herbal clinic and research centre is doing more research on Diseases like;
  • -Heart diseases
  • -Diseases of liver
  • -Kidney problems
  • -A.I.D.S Virus
  • -Diabetes
  • -Lungs problems

