21st Century Music Composition

Created for High School Students Interested in Musical Composition and Music Compositional Software
Designed by Charles William Hesbacker Jr.
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Resources


Music Composition is an art form. Its roots span as far back as Ancient Greece. Musical composition is the creation and writing of music on a manuscript (musical score) or the computer. Today, composers write music for orchestras, wind ensembles, chamber groups, and percussion using computer programs that have been developed for creating musical scores which can be printed out and copyrighted.
The learning objectives:
1.  To analyze Bach’s music and identify his compositional techniques.
2.  To compose music with the aid of a computer.
3.  To utilize some of Bach’s techniques in the creation of music.
4.  To create a musical composition that has a beginning, middle, and end.
5.  The composition must contain a high degree of creativeness and craftsmanship and be pleasant to listen to.


You are to play the role of Johann Sebastian Bach. God has given you a second chance to live again and compose new masterpieces of music. There is a challenge. You must study seven of your previous masterpieces that you composed in your early years and incorporate those compositional techniques in the new masterpiece using Finale Song Writer 2010. This will stimulate new interest in classical music in the 21st century.
In addition, if you are ambitious, once the new composition has been created onto the Finale Song Writer, you can improvise and that is to change the notes around in the composition in order to create new melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.


Analyze the seven Bach masterpieces:
1.  Visit the seven Bach websites in the resource section and analyze the sheet music by clicking the View PDF excerpt.
2.  Print out all seven Bach compositions.
3.  Analyze each musical masterpiece.
4.  Look at the structure of the note passages.
5.  Identify compositional techniques.
6.  Circle note sequences and bass passages.
7.  Circle melodies and the repetitions.
8.  Look for beginning, middle, and end.
9.  Circle cadences.
Opening the software:
1.  Go to the START menu
2.  Open up Finale Song Writer 2010
3.  Press continue
4.  Open up Setup wizard
5.  Press Create New Ensemble
6.  Press Next
7.  Press Keyboards, then Piano, then Add, then Next
8.  Enter your Title and press Next
9.  Press Finish and a blank manuscript will appear.
1.  Look at the sheets of music you printed and start entering notes into your composition.
2.  Start with a bass pattern and press the play button
3.  Enter a melody and listen. Use counterpoint.
4.  Compare your composition with Bach’s and use Bach’s compositional techniques to create new musical passages through out your composition.
5.  Listen to your composition and try identifying what it is missing.
6.  Try placing embellishments in the melody since Bach loved to do this.
7.  Add a lot of note sequences in the bass and treble clef since Bach used this technique constantly.
8.  Ask class members to listen to your composition and ask them their opinion about what to add.
9.  Finalize your composition and save it to disk.
10.  When finished, hand disk to instructor for grading.


You shall be graded with the following rubric.
1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
S / The composition lacks musical technique and does not appeal to the human ear. / The composition includes at least one interesting melody but lacks overall appeal. / The composition includes some interesting musical melodies and appeals to the human ear / The composition includes several interesting musical melodies and is very appealing to the human ear.
Y / The melodies were copied note per note and compositional techniques are absent. / Some melodies are original but most are copied. Compositional technique is present but minimal. / Melodies for the most part are original. Different compositional techniques have been used. / Melodies are completely original. Compositional technique is exceptional.
P / The musical passage lacks a clear beginning, middle, and end. The elements do not connect well. Continuity is absent. / The musical passages are beginning to flow seamlessly. The beginning, middle, and end are present but lack expressiveness. Continuity is almost there. / The musical passages are seamless. There is a clear distinction of beginning, middle, and end. The ending seems final. / The musical passages are seamless and flow very gracefully. The beginning, middle, and end are very distinct and have a high degree of expressiveness. The ending is exquisite.


I hope this has been a wonderful learning experience for you. You have taken a step into the world of music composition. Composing a piece of music is a very difficult task. It involves higher order thinking and creativity skills not normally utilized in the classroom. Composing also tests the limits and capabilities of your skills as a musician.
The possibilities for music composition are limited only by your own imagination and creativity. Good luck with your new-found composing skills!!!
If you ever decide you want to learn classical piano, buy sheet music with the Urtext. According to Raffi Besalyan, it is the best music to learn from. Besides, Raffi was my instructor in college and he is a world renown classical pianist. You can visit him at his website.


7 Masterpieces Created by Bach
1. Allemande in G minor, BWV 836
2. Chorale in C Major, BWV 514 -- Urtext
3. Invention No. 13 in A minor, BWV 784 -- Urtext
4. Little Prelude in C Major, BWV 939 -- Urtext
5. Little Prelude in C minor, BWV 934 -- Urtext
6. Menuet in G Major, BWV 843
7. Prelude in C Major, BWV 846 -- Urtext
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page