US History Reconstruction to the Present 1st Semester Pacing Guide 2014-15

Chapter(s) / Date / Test Date / Days / Topic(s) / State Objectives/Strands
Unit 1
5 & 6 / Aug 6-14 / Aug 15 / 8 / Reconstruction of New South 1865-77
·  13-15 Amendments
Settling the West 1860s-1900
Industrial Age/Big Business & Labor/ Populism
Gibbons v. Ogden 1824Slaughterhouse Case 1873
Munn v. Illinois 1876 Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 / 1abc, 2ab, 4ac, 5abc, 6abc, 7abcd
Unit 2
7, 8, & 9 / Test Remediation
Aug 18-28 / Aug 29 / 10 / The Gilded Age/New Immigration/Progressive Movement 1890-1919
·  16-20 Amendments
ND-Chicago Fire 1871,Galveston 1900,
San Francisco, Earthquake 1906
Walbash v. Illinois 1886 North Securities v. U.S. Muller v. Oregon 1906 / 1abc, 2ab, 4abc, 6abc, 7abcd
Unit 3
9 & 10
NB / Test Remediation
Sep 1-Sep 10
Labor Day Sep 1 / Sept 11 / 8 / U. S. International Relations: U.S. Pro & Anti Imperialism, U.S. Involvement WWI 1898-1919
Epidemic- Worldwide Influenza
Schneck v. U.S. 1919 Abrams v. U.S. 1919 / 1bd, 2a, 3abce, 4a, 5ab, 7bc
Unit 4
NB / Test Remediation
Sept 12-17 / Sept 18 / 5 / Roaring 1920s, Harlem Renaissance
Gitlow v. New York 1925 / 1a, 2a, 3c, 4abf, 5ac, 6a, 7abcd
Unit 5
12 & 13
NB / Test Remediation
Sept 22-Oct 2 / Included in
9 wk exam / 9 / Great Depression The New Deal 1929-41
·  20-22 Amendments
ND-Dust Bowl
Schechter v. U.S. 1935 / 1bc, 2abc, 5ac, 6abd, 7ac
OCT 3 & 6 / 9-WEEK REVIEW Chapters 5-15
OCT 7 & 8 / Thur & Fri / 1st NINE WEEKS TEST Chapters 5-15
Unit 6
14 & 15
NB / Test Remediation
Oct 13-20 / Oct 21 / 7 / U.S. involvement in World War II, Europe & Pacific Campaigns, Homefront, Effects of war
Korematsu v. U.S. 1944
Hirabayashi v. U.S. 1943 / 1bcd, 2a, 3cde, 4a, 5c, 7a
Unit 7
16,19, 20
NB / Test Remediation
Oct 22-30 / Oct 31 / 7 / Cold War Foreign Policies 1940s-1991 Pres. IKE-Bush (Vietnam/Korea/Desert Storm Wars
·  22 & 26 Amendment
Dennis v. U.S. 1951
Tinker v. Des Moines 1969 / 1abd, 2ac, 3a,cdef, 4ce, 5bc, 7c
Unit 8
17, 19
NB / Test Remediation
Nov 3-10
DA Review / Nov 11
District Assessment
Week / 7 / IKE Fair Deal/JFK New Frontier/LBJ Great Society Domestic Policies 1950s-1960s
Warren Court Decisions 1960s
·  25 Amendment
ND- Camille / 1abc, 2abc, 4bdef, 5c, 6abd, 7abcde
Unit 9
Chapters 18 & 21
NB / Test Remediation
Nov 12-20 / Nov 21 / 8 / Civil Rights Movement Early 1900s-present
Politics of Protest/Social Changes/ Counterculture, Environment Movement
Brown v. Board of Education 1954
Roe v. Wade 1973
·  24 Amendment
Love Canal, Three Mile Island / 1abc, 2bc, 4abdef, 5c, 7abcde
Unit 10
22, 23, 24 / Test Remediation
Dec 1-3 / Nov 21 / 4 / Presidential Policies Nixon-Obama (Modern Era) Domestic/Foreign 1968-present
Katrina, Valdez Oil Spill, Gulf Oil Spill
U.S. v. Nixon 1974 / 1abd, 2bc, 3def, 4df, 5b, 6acd, 7abe
/ November 24-28 Thanksgiving No School
Dec 4-10 / 5 / REVIEW for STATE TEST / All Objectives
Dec 18 & 19 / Thur & Fri / 1st Semester Exams Chapters 16-26


·  All content strands will be covered in each unit: Domestic Affairs, Economics, Global Affairs, Culture, Civil Rights/Human Rights

·  Amendments

·  Court Cases

·  Natural Disasters

·  NB New Book