Most Common Narratives in COEUS for NIH grants:

(updated 03/23/2015)

Investigator: ______Application Due: ______

If resubmission/revision

COEUS# ______Original Grant Number______

NIH_Unknown = 000772 (if new grant application, otherwise specific agency)

For Investigator Initiated R01 grants the NEW Program Announcement = PA-13-302 (expires September 8, 2016)

Please use Adobe-B2 for PA-11-260 in COUES option

or if not R01, what is the RFA/PA number applied for?: ______

!!!! Need final Scientific Title before application can be routed. !!!!

*Biosketches (need final versions OF ALL to route for internal approval – needs to be in new format including the “personal statement” and suggestion of 15 publication limit)

Note: Each line with an asterisk (*) below represents an individual .pdf file you will provide

*Narrative (3 sentence limit)(need draft to route for internal approval)

*Project_Summary(a.k.a.“Abstract”–30 line limit) (need draft to route for internal approval)

*Facilities(need draft to route for internal approval)

*Equipment(need draft to route for internal approval)

*PHS_ModBud_Person Justification(need to route for internal approval)

(Note: include 0.00 calendar month consultants/collaborators in bud. justification)

…The Above Items are needed before the grant can be routed for internal approval…

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Specific Aims (one-page limit)

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Research Strategy (12 page limit total- three sections, one .pdf file)

~ Significance

~ Innovation

~ Approach

*Bibliography (A.K.A. Literature Cited)

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Resource Sharing Plan

….Optional Sections….If Applicable – (are any of these needed???)

If “Resubmission”, formerly known as “revision” or A1 or A2, this addresses the concerns of the reviewer:

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Introduction to Application (one-page limit)

If Renewal (Competing Continuation)

*PHS_ResearchPlanProgressReport PublicationList

*Appendix (if applicable – will there be other Appendices?)

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Letters Of Support (all combined into one .pdf document)?

*PHS_Cover Letter (Usually not required, but if planned will need to know before routing)?

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Multiple Leadership Plan(if two or more PI’s )?

If there are animals:

*PHS_ResearchPlan_Vertebrate Animals

If Human Subjects/IRB(if any of these are needed, they are ALL needed):

*Inclusion Enrollment Report (Only if Competing Continuation)

*Protection of Human Subjects

*Inclusion of Women and Minorities

*Targeted/Planned Enrollment

*Inclusion of Children

……….AND internally we PI to log in “FACTr” websiteto include the FACTr numberin COUES for the Hospital person (usually Sandy Greeno) to approve the internal routing:

( )

If “YES” to VICTR / CRC funds, facilities, or supplies being used for this proposal, then need to include a Letter Of Support from VICTR- standard draft letter available, or PI can log application at ( )


* Consortium/Contractual Arrangement (this one narrative contains two documents:

a)*Consortium Letter of Intent (signed LOI) (Subcontracts need a signed L.O.I.)

b)*Consortium Statement of Work (a.k.a. – Scope of Work

- eventually becomes part of contract)

* RR Budget - Note: (Subcontract RR Budget uploaded in “Budget” section in COUES)

From Consortium also need:

Admin Contact name/phone/email

Biosketches of key personnel (see section 1)

Congressional District

Official address of instituition

Link to new NIH instruction manual for SF424 applications:

Link to new instructions for Investigator-Initiated R01 applications: