NOTES ** to the Barrington Male Descendancy Chart Ft 4

NOTES for PART 4 of the TREE. Updated 17.06.02

Note **1… We can’t find a trace of Priscilla. Word of mouth handed down through the family was that Priscilla died as a child in Somerset. However on the death certificates of her parents, she is mentioned as being alive and in her 40’s. Jessie has found a ship entry for a Priscilla Male aged 29, coming to Australia on board the ship “KATE”, to Sydney. Age is about right. Nothing else on Priscilla other than someone thought she was deaf.. Haven’t been able to find out about the shipping passengers on the “KATE”.

Note **2.. Phyllis and Henry were married in June 1852 and almost immediately set sail for Australia. They arrived in Australia in July 1852 on the “Sir Edmund Parry”. Phyllis aged 20 and Henry 19. There were 2 children from this marriage. We haven’t been able to trace where Henry Perry got to. Phyllis then had 7 children to George Evans, the owner of the hotel at Bealiba. Jessie Cameron eventually found Phyllis and George’s marriage. They were married when George was 70, just 2 years before his death and when their youngest child was 12. PRESUME they couldn’t marry before then as Henry must have been alive.

Note **3 Annie was still married to Don Nicholson when she lived with Simeon Male PERRY. She and Don had 5 children, and Don was still alive and a school teacher. Don and Annie’s children were Margaret, Clarice, Donald, Martin and Kathleen. Simeon and Annie’s first 2 children were Alice May PERRY and Annie Rose PERRY. Annie altered the surnames of the next 3 children after they were registered. Strachen and Nicholson were used. There is a theory expressed that the last 3 children may not have been Simeons. The 3rd child was Sidney Asford Perry, but was registered as Nicholson and then reregistered as Strachan. Doris Jane Perry was registered under the name of Strachan. Phyllis Perry was registered in 1907 as Nicholson in Frankston, and reregistered in 1908 as Strachan. Annie giving her name as Annie Nicholson Starchan.. Beth Bell writes :: “ Annie must of been down with her brother-in-law, Alexander Nicholson, at that time as he was at Frankston. In the 1929 Electoral Roll, both Simeon and Annie were enrolled at Pearcedale, Framkston “ :::: We have been unable to find a divorce between Donald and Annie, or a marriage certificate for Simeon and Annie. Annie’s death is registered as Annie Perry. Annie was born 2.12.1870 and she died in 1960 aged 89 years.

Note **4 Bill Kitson is in charge of the Lands Department Museum in Brisbane. Jim Male has known Bill for about 26 years as both were members of the same orchid Society. It was only about 4 years ago that they discovered that they were 3rd cousins. Bill is suffering health wise with a fairly rare complaint. His brain is herniating into his spinal column. At the end of 1998, the condition appears to have stabalised. Bills wife, Angeline is of Dutch descent. She is a physiotherapist, and when Michael Male lived in Morayfield, Angeline was treating his step daughter.

Note **5. Ruth Whitehead ( nee MALE ) suggested in one of her letters that John Male was burried in Mildura. See Appendix E. Jessie Cameron found in early 1997, that John was burried in MILDURA under the name John MAIL. John died in a tent along side a stream where he had lived for years.. In 1880, John was up on 7 different charges of sheep stealing in St Arnaud, but he was found not guilty of all 7 charges. Story handed down through the family is that John and William quarreled and William ordered John off his farm never to put foot back on it. From the Land Transactions Records are the following.. [1] John Male , applied for allotment 3, Sec C1 Kooroc, 40 acres 0 roods 10.5 perches 9th May 1872. By the end of 1875 the land was fenced, partly cleared and had grown 15 acres of wheat and oats. It was transferred to James Bell 13th May 1882. [2] John Male, farm labourer of Bealiba, applied on 18th May 1872 for allotment 64 Sec. C. Keereh, 40 acres 1 rood 8 perches. By August 1875 the land was fenced, 25 acres cultivated, there was a log house with a bark roof, slab stable and dam. The land was transferred to James Bell 13th May 1882. [3] John Male applied 25th July 1874 for 50 acres 0 roods 12 perches in Kooreh. By early 1878 the land was fenced, partly cleared and had sown 3 acres of wheat. Transferred to James Bell 13th May 1882, and bought by William Male 12th September 1891.

Note **6. Luke Male arrived in Australia aged 17 on board the “WHITE STAR” in 1863. He died of a hernia strangulation, the youngest of his children being 6 months old. Lukes wife, Jane Gare, had to have her fathers written permission to marry, she being under the age of 21. Christened Mary Jane Gare. Luke and Jane lived in a mud brick house near the banks of the Avoca river in Victoria. Parts of the building still standing in 1997. Photos to prove.

The following 3 transactions from the Land registry. 21 st March 1868—Luke Male, groom, of Bealiba, who owned 1 acre in the town, selected 79 acres, 2 roods 35 perches, Parish of Kooreh. He completed payments and received the freehold 9th April 1873, when he had a house and fencing on the land and had cultivated 60 acres. At that time he was living in S Arnaud…. 30th October 1873 – Luke Male, Farmer of Bealiba selected 40 acres in Kooreh, on opposite side of Avoca river. By early 1877 he had fenced and cleared the land. 1st October 1874 – Luke Male selected 200 acres in Kooreh, on opposite side of the Avoca River. By early 1878 he had fenced; had a weather board cottage, dam and clearing.

Luke and Jane had 13 children. 5 boys died as children, 2 boys died single, 2 girls died single, and one girl married and had no issue. Only 2 boys and 2 girls married and had a family. From information passed down by word of mouth the 5 little boys that died and are buried in the same plot as their parents were :- Joseph aged about 6 years. Fell on his head off a horse. Albert Henry who fell off a bed and hit his head on a ships chest, being used as a cupboard. Arthur , died from convulsions, and there was an Inquest into his death. Sydney George and Simeon were the others that died as babies. Alfred Charles died aged 47. Committed suicide by drowning. Put snig chains around his body and walked into the dam at Myra Meadows, TARA.Q. People searching the whole district looking for him.. Only when his hat surfaced in the dam did it become known what had happened.

Harry the youngest died aged 77, and single. He sold the farm that had the mud brick cottage on and for some unknown reason, removed the guttering. The result was that rain eventually eroded some of the walls and most of the building collapsed. A few years prior to selling, Harry awoke one morning to find the Avoca River running underneath his bed. He left and went and lived with an old friend Ada Hills, about 5 miles away.

Of the daughters, Alice and Ada were single and Edith married but had no issue. Following is an extract from St Arnaud Mercury, 28th January 1890...... A Magisterial Inquiry was held on Monday by Mr Jas Edwards, J.P. into the circumstances attending the death of Arthur Male, 11 weeks, who died suddenly on Sunday. The deceased’s father, Mr Luke Male, Farmer, Avoca Forest, gave evidence that the child had been suffering from thrush for several weeks and on Sunday he took a fit about 4 pm, and another at 6.30 pm. Mr Male then started into St Arnaud with his little son, but, when near St Arnaud the child expired in his mother’s arms. He drove to Dr Wolfenden’s residence when the doctor advised him to report the matter to the police. Mrs Jane Male, the infant’s mother, corroborated the father’s evidence. Dr Wolfenden, who had made a superficial examination, was of the opinion that the infant had died from convulsions, probably owing to the intense heat of the weather on a somewhat weak and delicate constitution. The presiding Magistrate recorded a verdict in accordance with the Doctor’s evidence. See Notes ** 22 for more information.

Note **7. Registered at birth as Frederic. Listed as Frederick Luke at marriage and as Frederick William for the birth of his children and for the rest of his life. One of the 3 Male brothers that came from Victoria to Qld as mentioned in Ruth Males letter. Came and started Myra Meadows at Tara.. There was a falling out between the brothers. History repeating itself. Have many, many stories about the grandfather. Just too many to put into these notes. See special Notes - Grandfather Male.

Note **8. Dot was Charlies 2nd wife. Charlie’s first wife died of a blood clot after an operation for appendicitis. Fran Hughes ( nee MALE ) remembers Dot taking elocution lessons. Fran and younger brother Bob Male used to take Dot off saying :: Geoffrey, leave the cat alone and let it recover…. Charlie was the Forest Ranger at BOLLON, and he took a pay cut to become crown and hammer man in the Beerburrum Forestry, after Dots mother died. Dot and Charlie took over the running of the farm. On the farm there was a hollow log and in it Charlie had a post hole shovel, a post hole borer, a pick, an axe, a hammer and some staples, and wire strainers. This was so that he always had a set of tools. Bill was always borrowing tools and wouldn’t remember to return them. Charlie was the Crown and Hammer Man for the Forestry in Beerburrum. He drove a Forestry Jeep truck to and from work. One day he picked up Bill Rapkins and Ken Long ( local timber cutters ) and took them up the back of Peachester to mark timber. Along the bitumen road Charlie was doing 25 miles/hour and Bill and Ken were gently poking each other in the ribs making fun of Charlie’s slow driving. Up in the hills behind Peachester on roads made only by a four wheel drive, Charlie was still doing 25 miles per hour, between trees around trees up hills and down hills and Ken and Bill were holding on for dear life.

Note **9 . Bill dropped dead at age of 39. A long lean bloke who never seemed to have a days sickness.

Jacky, his wife and Jim Male were together in Grades 6 and 7 at Glasshouse Mts School. Jacky is exactly 2 years and 1 week older than Jim. Jacky has remarried and has a son, Matthew Edward SLITHERS, born abt 1978.

Note ** 10. Frank was a Assist Station Master, Qld Railways. A widower with 4 grown up children. Kath and Frank divorced after 10 years of marriage. No Issue.

Note **11.. Jim was a Real Estate Agent at one time. Divorced with 3 grown up children. This is the 2nd marriage for both. From Real Estate to Futures trader, and back in 2001 to Real Estate..

Note ** 12. Carol and Ron married approx 7 years. No Issue. Divorced. Ron has since remarried and has a child. Carol while married to Ron was a secretary in the Ministers Office. There she met Bill. Carol and Kathy boarded at Bills place while Kathy was going through separation and divorce proceedings. Carol auditioned for a part in a play “ DIMBOOLA ‘ put on by the King ST Players from Caboolture. Ron heard about the auditions, and being artistic he also auditioned. Both got a part and that is how they met. Both went overseas for 12 months. 6 months in England where Carol got a job while Ron couldn’t. Then 6 months in Dubai, where Ron Managed a Advertising Agency, and Carol couldn’t get a job. Shortly after their return they separated. Still very good friends.

Note **13. Lynda now lives in Bundaberg with Nick and Timandra, and Mike lives in Brisbane with Kerensa, Chelsea and Jamie. Timandra is only one of 3 red headed children that Jim Male knows of in this section of the Tree. Mike was divorced from Lynda on 20/01/1996. He and Kerensa married on 25/01/1996 and Jamie was born on 20/01/1996.

Note ** 14. Brianne had tight curly black hair. The local doctor’s wife, who had a wealth of experience with animals said that in sheep, this was a sign of copper deficiency. Tests showed that Brianne’s system cannot absorb copper.

Note ** 15. Amber is very athletic minded. During state schools athletics meets, she made friends with Catherine LESCHKAU. Both knew that they were related but couldn’t quite work out their relationship. They actually were 2nd cousins, once removed. Since both have gone onto High School, they no longer meet at Athletic events. The mistake they were making in working out their relationships was that they had Geoff Male and Jim Male as brothers, instead of Uncle and nephew.

Note ** 16. George and Louie bought and built a farm across the road from Myra Meadows which they called GEOLOU. George retired to Brisbane and was the keeper of the rifle range at Belmont for many years. Selwyn and Quentin sold the farm to Washington Developments who cut the area up into blocks and sold them. After the breakup of the partnership between the 3 male brothers, Fred, Frank and Alf, Alf died and his will caused problems. He left his share to 3 of his nephews. One he named as George Francis Male. There was no George Francis Male. There was a George Frederick and there was a Geoffrey Francis Male. Everyone knew that his intentions was that George, the son of Frank, was the one. Geoffrey had to sign a document that he had no claim on the estate and the estate could not be wound up until Geoff turned 21. This prompted George to name his children outside the usual run of family names.

George set a record at the Bisley Shoot in England, and in 1997 the record was still held by him. Myra Meadows was sold by Dorf and Adie in 1995. The Tara Airstip is on Myra Meadows land.

Note ** 17. Fran went into aged care home in Stenner St, Toowoomba 1997. Fran tells the story of how my father and his brother Ron taught Fran and Eloise how to waltz on the lawn of Myra Meadows with the old wind up gramaphone. Fran also tells of how she used to get into the shoes of Dorry ( Dot Male ) her cousin and walk around in the high heels. My father, Fred Male tells of how when the men came in from ring barking in the summer they would have a glass of wine from a cask kept in the underground larder at Myra Meadows. On one occasion the keg ran out ahead of time and it was found that Eloise and Fran were helping themselves during the day time. Fran died in her sleep, February 1999.