- school website with excellent downloads
– an excellent website with many free things. A cheap membership allows you to download lots of things for your science classes.
– join this website with ‘Limited membership’ (free). There are some excellent lesson plans for science including learning objectives.
– an excellent website. Become a member for free!
– excellent website with work on all subjects. Even has Powerpoint presentations to download.
for photos and examples of children’s work
You can become a member for a fee but they do have some FREE downloadable materials.
- photos and information about animals
– good website with lesson plans and worksheets for bilingual education
- FANTASTIC website with information about animals with the sound they make
- great links
- CLIL teachers’ web guide
For plants
I love this website.
Fantastic website in Spanish and in English
Check out the activities
- fantastic unit for plants
Foundation Stage and First cycle
- colour a sunflower on-line
- lesson plan about Van Gogh
- to buy units of work
Second and third cycle
- excellent website with everything you might need to teach about plants including growth, nutrition and reproduction
- info. about plant stories
- free plant flashcards
- to buy flashcards of the different steps in the planting process
- great website but you have to be a member for the books and many worksheets
Science clips about plants graded for age groups
- log on for free and create information card about plants
Check You tube for videos
man planting potatoes with good information
Estas me parecen estupendas a mí, y las agrego aquí a la lista de Vanessa
Una vez al año, coincidiendo con la semana en la que se celebra el día del maestro ( para ellos) abre la página totalmente gratuita en todas las áreas y son muchas. Este año recopilé un buen montón de actividades de las ANL.
Currículum para todas las áreas y una fuente de ayuda
Check out The Survival Guide for basic school social language a really excellent page with language for the children to click on and repeat. Requests using ‘Can I ...?’ - Can I have + classroom objects? I’m hungry. Can I have + food? I’m thirsty. Can I have + drinks? Can I go + places in school? Can I play + toys? Can I play outside? What’s the matter? I’ve got + sickness words. What have you got? Everyday things the children might have. I can + activity verbs.
you can find a whole section on pronunciation.
– one from Sonia
- for ideas and materials from Foundation stage through to Secondary
- excellent website for downloading mini-books. Book breaks is really interesting. Also has a section for children
- excellent website with something for everyone
has a Spanish version
- this page is for secondary teachers but check it out for help with your own English.
/ check out this part of Isabel Perez’s page to let the children listen to the words in English. British English. The Tube idea is lovely!
- a beautiful website with flashcards, stories and activities
- great resource with all the main vocabulary for primary with pronunciation. American English
- my favourite for worksheets and for CLIL. An excellent website. Become a member for free!
– one of Carmela’s favourites
I love this one! Lots of things to save you time including Powerpoint presentations.
- excellent website with songs for teaching anything!
– Another great one. Check out ‘Display photos’ for ideas on displaying the children’s work
- just about everything for the under fives
- Really excellent website. Check out the worksheets for using popular songs but turn the volume down. Really annoying version of ‘Can’t buy me love’ in the background
- An award-winning school website for everything about British culture and life in a UK primary school.
/ arriba /Primary School|Secondary|Primaire|Secondaire
Web sites
First and Primary School /
Junta de Andalucia
Materiales para la Educación Bilingüe en la WEB
First school
My favourite website at the moment withSpanish version. Activities, crafts, preschool materials. Colour and print.
Excellent site with good section on curriculum planning
Preschool coloring
Preschool printables
Early childhood
Good section on arts and crafts
Early Childhood
Colouring pages and flashcards
Preschool and primary
Has an art and craft section for pre-schoolers.(Flashcards, lots of materials. Projects, picture dictionaries)
Preschool and primary
Lots of resources
Links to many teachers’ pages
Excellent links
A beautiful website with flashcards, stories and activities
Free printable pages and worksheets
All the subjects. From 4 to 11
Educative activities for children
Great links
Teaching ideas
The graphics on this site are a bit silly I don’t like them but look at: Hallowen. The jig-saw is a nice idea. There are some partsof this site only available to members but on phonics/alphabet you can download a quite nice alphabet sheet; scroll to the bottom and click on pdf.
Bilingual quizzes
This is a portal and has access to many sites.Search for ´culture´ for some good resources on multi-cultural themes.
Famous people
Lots of them! Click on ‘Teachers’ for lesson plans.
Many Topics
Downloadables on many topics
A primary school in the UK
This is the site of a primary school in the UK. It’s an excellent site with a great deal of information about British culture.There are even worksheets for teachers for download. Entirely safe to refer students to.
A&C BlacK
Books. Well known editors.
La página de Isabel Pérez
Excelente página para la enseñanza del inglés. Nuevas tecnologías. Muchos enlaces. Montones de recursos.
La página de Aurora Gil
Inglés y Francés todos los niveles
Stories, games, songs
Games, stories, activities...
An excellent website with great ideas and links to other storytelling web pages
Easy printable books with versions in Spanish. Includes lesson plans
Eric Carle
Ideas to use with Eric Carle stories
More ideas for ERic Carle boooks
Teaching reading
Advice on teaching reading
Songs for the youngest
Excellents songs for classroom routines
Songs for teaching
If this is as good as it looks I think you will be pleased with it.
Songs from all over the world
Children songs
Alphabet and phonics songs
More Alphabet and phonics songs
Incredible resource of all sorts of games
Traditional party games
220 party games for all ages
Writer’s workshop
Downloadable books
See: My alphabet book. Noun clown Go to preschool worksheets for fine motor practice sheets. Handwriting practice sheets to download. Scroll to bottom of page and look at plans by grade level also available in pdf.
Different types of writing
Very very useful site for me, explains different types of writing.
Dealing with errors
Good for dealing with errors
Early years
An English site so no inappropriate spellings. This is an excellent site especially for early years.
Try: Early learning worksheets.
Some very nice themes, try: ‘Goldilocks’.
Look at Hallowe’en. Even if you only use it for pictures it’s useful.
Some good handwriting sheets: look at pencil control sheets. Also gives ‘aims’.
On Bonfire Night there’s even some great photographs of fireworks.
It’s quality stuff, but I would probably be more inclined to use it with secondary.
British Culture
Central London
You can watch a webcam of central London and send postcards to friends.
The English monarchy
Reliable information about the English monarchy but it’s a high level of English even on the Kid´s Zone page. A useful resource for the teacher.
Many aspects of English life
Primary School|Secondary|Primaire|Secondaire
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Avda. 28 de febrero, 167
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Tfno: 959 55 32 23
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fichas de evaluación
lectoescritura para adultos
fichas de matemáticas
material de refuerzo, lengua, matemáticas, habilidades básicas todo está en pdf y se puede
matemáticas de 5º dividido por bloques...
ejercicios de lengua y matemáticas...
ortografía, vocabulario, comprensión lectora,dictados, signos de puntuación
calabazas de halloween
español para extranjero pero vamos que si lo adaptais son fichas de clase para niveles bajos
páginas para PT
Para infantil principalmente...y primaria posiblemente...
Hay para todos los niveles
tipos de letra
(en esta última vienen un montón de enlaces a otras webs)
(esta también tiene un monton de enlaces)
(tb es directorio)
(esta ultima también es un directorio de recursos)
Useful links
Here are some links to other useful websites where you might find material to supplement your classes.Education Sites
British Primary Schools
Tourism and Travel
The Royal Family
News and Media
Conservation and Ecology
Charities and Organisations
Space and Space Travel
Education Sites
BBC Education Page
The BBC’s guide to education in Britain.
Channel 4 Primary Education Page
Resources for teachers, covering a range of primary school subjects.
The British Council
This site contains online resources for children learning English, including songs, stories, games and puzzles.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Accessible information on a huge number of subjects.
Sesame Workshop
The website of ‘Sesame Street’, an American TV programme that uses puppets, games and songs to teach reading, writing and numbers.
British Primary Schoolsback to top
Ambleside C.E. Primary School
Includes lots of activities, such as quizzes and word-searches, and pages written by children.
St Mary’s C.E. Primary School
Includes photos of children’s work and children working in class.
Edleston Primary School
A very impressive website, with interactive games and stories, as well as pictures of children’s work.
Snaith Primary School
Lots of information and interactive activities relating to a variety of topics.
Tourism and Travelback to top
Official Cities Index Site
Links to official city sites in the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States.
Beautiful England -London
A very informative site, with lots of pictures. Take a tour of the Capital, from the Tower, to Big Ben to The London Eye.
Use this site to find street map of any area in the UK. It also has aerial photographs of some places: click on the camera icon.
Tourist Authorities for Britain
The official Tourist Authorities or Tourist Boards for Britain, with information about what to see and practical help for tourists.
Northern Ireland
WorldWeb Travel Guide
A tourism and travel guide to the USA, with interactive maps and much more.
Leonard’s Cam World
Leonard's Cam World features over 2500 outdoor cameras. See cities and states all over the world through the camera’s lens.
The Royal Familyback to top
The British Monarchy
The official site of the British Monarchy, containing a variety of resources related to the British Royal Family past and present.
Royal Residences
The official site for visitors to the Queen’s residences.
Historic Royal Palaces
The official site for Historic Royal Palaces.
News and Mediaback to top
BBC World Service
International news and features on British life.
Spanish edition
British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
The homepage of the BBC. A huge site with an extensive range of resources including news, sport, weather, education, food and many more topics.
Conservation and Ecologyback to top
World Wildlife Fund
Information about the world’s largest conservation organization.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Crueltyto Animals (RSPCA)
A site detailing the work of the RSPCA in Britain, with resources for children.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
This is the kids’ section of the website of ASPCA, which exists to prevent cruelty, pain and suffering in animals. It is full of activities for children and information about animal protection.
Charities and Organisationsback to top
UK Registered Charities List
A comprehensive list of registered charities in the UK, grouped by topic.
Girl Guides
The Girl Guide Association has a programme of activities for girls and young women.
The Scouting Association
The official site of the Scout Association.
Artback to top
National Portrait Gallery (London)
Includes portraits of the most famous people in British history.
The Tate Gallery
This site links to all the Tate galleries: Tate Britain, Tate Modern (London), Tate Liverpool and Tate St Ives (Cornwall). The collections include British art and 20th century international art.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The MMA collection contains more than two million works of art which span more than 5,000 years of world culture.
Space and Space Travelback to top
European Space Agency
ESA, the European Space Agency, provides a vision of Europe’s future in space. The site contains a wide variety of information relating to Europe's space programme including articles on life in space.
North American Space Agency (NASA)
This site gives details of America’s space programme. It includes video and links to other NASA sites.
/ Actualice sus datos
The websites referred to here are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content.
excellent resource. Check the topics marked BGFL to hear teachers and children speaking.
- good section on arts & crafts
Spot’s official website
– check the Planning documents for Buildings, Festivals. Minibeasts, Ourselves, Toys and Transport
- excellent site - good section on curriculum planning
- Great songs for classroom routines
- lesson plans organised under ‘Áreas’ or topics
about everything for the under fives
– Fantastic website for FREE flashcards about anything
- flashcards for primary school vocabulary – clothes, the body, jobs, school, the playground, shops and places, sea and zoo animals. Includes wordcards for those teachers working at word level.
- for pictures to make into flashcards
- this is an excellent page for downloading flashcards and art and crafts. You need to register for the good stuff but it is free!
- a beautiful website with flashcards, stories and activities
- excellent website for flashcards and printables in colour
- some free classroom flashcards. The rest you have to pay for
- Excellent website with flashcards and storycards. You have to pay for some but they are very cheap.
- where I found the Posters for Primary. It talks about a pricelist but then I didn’t have to pay for them.
- some free classroom posters
- some good posters but NOT free
– excellent website with work on all subjects. Even has Powerpoint presentations to download.
– vocabulary subject
- for FLASH pictures to insert into your PPT
- An award-winning school website for everything about British culture and life in a UK primary school.
- fantastic fonts
- with pictures organised by subjects.
– great free videos, pictures and noises
- excellent website with songs for teaching anything!
– lots of new, original stories
- great links
- has excellent links
- photocopiables on topics
- Fantastic website create your own worksheets on Classroom objects or many other subjects
a German website with nice printables in English.
- links to many teachers’ pages
– traditional party games
– party games
- audio stories in American English
- same website as above but the story section
- ideas to use with Eric Carle stories
- more ideas for Carle books
– storybooks on-line
Bigbooks to download
- easy printable books with versions in Spanish. Includes lesson plans.
- an excellent website with great ideas and links to other storytelling webpages
or - download stories
and audio version
- download stories and audio version
Check these pages out:
- everything for Little Red Riding Hood. This is the first in a series of units of work for primary teachers.
- listen and follow LRRH on this page
- similar materials for Goldilocks
on the same website:
- with activities about some well-known storybook with videos of the authors reading their own stories
For your English
- an excellent website with lots of links
– online encyclopedia
Exercises for your own English