2014/2015 / Ramsgrange Community School Transition Year Plan –
Part 1 of 3
Subject to ongoing updating. / []

Table of Contents

Part 1 General Introduction to the Schools TY Programme
Page 3
General Introduction
Page 4
Mission Statement
General Aim of Transition Year
Ramsgrange Community School Aims for TY
Page 5
The Transition Year Opportunities
Page 6
The TY Core Timetable 2014/2015
Page 7
Proposed Events/Modules during the Year
Page 8
Proposed TY Schedule 2014/2015
Page 9
Communication in TY

Page 10


Communication inTY

Page 11


Assessment in TY

Page 12


Evaluation in TY

General Introduction to the Ramsgrange Community School Transition Year Programme

It is with great pleasure that we present this Transition Year Programme. Ramsgrange Community School has successfully run the Transition Year programme since approx. 1994/1995 as a non-compulsory one year programme which faciliates students experience a smooth transition to the Leaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied Programme and beyond. It has been designed by our teaching staff and is updated and redesigned regulalry to cater for our student needs and take into account the resources available to the school.

Our Transition Year Programme provides our students with the opportunity to get a broad educational experience, away from the pressure of formal examinations with a view to increasing maturity before proceeding to Senior Cycle. The programme consists of a variety of subjects, in an effort to facilitate our students sample them and make informed choices for their future study. Work Experience and Community Service are an intergral part of our programme. Students are encouraged to undertake three placements throughout the year, one of which will be a community service placement. Students are encouraged to choose placement areas suited to their career and personal amibitions. The programme also facilitates the involvement of students in additional modular work as well as a number of planned events, which can vary from year to year.

It is hoped that students will, during this year, take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision-making and develop a range of critical thinking and problem solving skills. Transition Year will provide an opportunity for students to reflect on and develop an awareness of the value of education and training and help in preparing them for the ever-changing demands of the world of work and future relationships.

The Ramsgrange Community School TY Programme, inkeeping with our school mission statement, is committed to the holistic education of its student population. The programme is devised to improve student’s self-confidence, communication skills and interpersonal skills. As well as providing a wide range of educational subject areas, the school is very committed to affording each student with the opportunity to prepare for further education and the world of work. In addition, all students are actively encouraged to participate in all elements of the Programme including the Annual Christmas Market, YSI, An Gaisce and the weekly activities offered by the school. Strong links have been developed and nurtured with, community, voluntary, sporting and statutory organisations.

The programme is constantly evolving and developing in keeping with the changing world around us. We have taken great care in drawing up our programme to include sufficient content to provide our students with varied learning experiences. Subject departments are encouraged to evaluate their subject and make changes to make them relevant. Students are also encouraged to evaluate the programme during the year. Sample evaluation templates are available for use for students and teachers.

Students will be assessed throughout the year in a variey of ways, which will include written examinations, oral presentations, aural assessments, project and practical task assessments, Sample assessment templates are distributed to teachers for use and also to students for self assessment. Students on the Transition Year Programme will be closely monitored and a report will be sent to all parents twice yearly. Parents/Guardians of students who fail to submit project work are also notified. School certficates will be awarded to all students who complete the Programme as part of the end of year graduation ceremony, where student successes are celebrated with parents, teachers and course leaders. Students also receive a number of certficates of participation for their involvement in various aspects of the programme over the year.


Principal TY Co-ordinator Programme Co-ordinator

Ramsgrange Community School Mission Statement

“Ramsgrange Community School is a welcoming, open and inclusive school. Our aim is to develop each student as a whole person by promoting an atmosphere of respect, honesty and fairness in which all the school community can achieve their full potential.”

General Aim of the Transition Year

“Transition year programmes are intended to facilitate the integrated development of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, social and vocational capabilities of each individual student through structured learning experiences. The general aim of the Transition Year is the preparation of young people for their role as autonomous, participative and responsible members of society”.

(Guidelines for Transition Year.)

Ramsgrange Community School Aims For Ty

Ramsgrange Community School TY curriculum is one that will:

¨  Provides students with opportunities to develop their personal, intellectual, spiritual, social, physical and emotional life in a caring, stimulating and varied learning environment.

¨  Provide a transition between Junior and Senior cycles.

¨  To encourage students to achieve their potential in subject areas and learning experiences within the programme.

¨  To provide a broad and balanced curriculum including the provision of additional support in the core subjects where possible.

¨  To provide students with opportunities for personal and social development.

¨  To help students to discover their inherent talents, skills and to foster a spirit of leadership amongst the cohort.

¨  To facilitate students in making better-informed subject choices for Senior Cycle.

¨  To assist students in taking greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making.

¨  To prepare students for the world of work, further education and life-long learning.

¨  To provide students with the supports and skills necessary to grow in self-confidence and develop a range of interpersonal and communication skills.

The Transition Year Opportunities

Ramsgrange Community School’s mission statement of developing each student as a whole person is supported through the provision of many broad and varied TY opportunities which are delivered through the TY core timetable and also through modular work, project work, co-curricular and extra curricular work.

Students are afforded the opportunity to:

ü  Make informed choices about Leaving Certificate subjects.

ü  Develop a variety of new skills

ü  Learn more about the working world through work experience.

ü  Catch up on learning missed out during the Junior Cycle.

ü  Take part in outdoor pursuits

ü  Participate in the An Gaisce Award

ü  Learn about working as part of a team.

ü  Undertake projects on various topics.

ü  Practice meeting deadlines for assignments.

ü  Become more independent learners and understand their own educational needs

ü  Develop more understanding and confidence about themselves as a person.

ü  Learn about leadership, co-operation and dealing with conflict

ü  Learn through meeting people beyond the classroom.

ü  Increase their awareness of social issues.

ü  Discover more about your own personal strengths – what you are good at.

ü  Discover more about jobs and career opportunities.

ü  Enhance ICT skills through the ECDL.

ü  Become a more mature person, articulate and self confident person

ü  Add a valuable set of experience to their CV

ü  Sample and discover new subjects

ü  Become more involved in the community through community service placement

ü  Become a Young Social Innovator

ü  Practice enterprise and engage with the Annual School Christmas Market

ü  Learn first aid

ü  Link with voluntary and community organisations

The Transition Year Core Timetable 2014/2015

Subject / Periods Allocated / Teacher
Gaeilge / 3 Single Periods / Aine Coughlan
English / 3 Single Periods / Michelle Ryan
Mathematics / 3 Single Periods / Sarah Kirwan
Religion/Tutor / 2 Single Periods / Marie Mc Cabe (Chaplain)
French/Euro Project / 2 Single Periods / (Sarah Larkin/)Katherine Curtis Jones
Home Economics / 1 Double and 1 Single Period / Mairin Dunne
Environmental Social Studies / 2 Single Periods / Deirdre O Donoghue
Science / 2 Single Periods / Sarah Kirwan
Art/Craft/Design / 2 Single Periods / Aoife Power
Business Studies/Enterprise / 2 Single Periods / Louise Walsh
Physical Education / 1 double Period / Conor Berry
Woodwork/DCG / 2 Single Periods / Shane Walsh
ICT/ECDL / 3 Single Periods / Louise Walsh
Guidance/Work Experience / 1 Single Period / Mary Harris
YSI / 1 Single Period / Mairin Dunne
SPHE / 1 Single Period / Mary Harris
Work Placement/Community Service / Tuesday / Co-ordinated by Louise Walsh and Mary Harris

Proposed Events/Modules during the year

·  Annual Christmas Market (End Nov/Early Dec)

·  Rotary Youth Leadership (Oct)

·  1 Day of Work Experience and/or Community Involvment each Tuesday.

o  each student will undertake 3 placements over the year

o  2 placements will be of work experience

o  1 placement will be of Community Involvement

o  Dates for same are decided in consultation with the Principal, Co-ordinator of work experience and co-ordiator of LCA programme taking due consideration of the school calendar and students/parents will be informed of same

·  Scratch Programming/Coding Module (Jan)

·  Drama Module (Term 1)

·  Music/Rhythm Module (May)

·  Horticulture Module (Sept/Oct)

·  First Aid Programme (September)

·  Self Defence Programme (January/February)

·  Enterprise/Celtic Enterprise Competition (ongoing over the Year – Final in March)

·  YSI (Ongoing – Final in March)

·  An Gaisce (ongoing over the year)

·  GAA skills coaching (Sept/Oct)

·  Fundraising Initiatives (Various Times)

·  Team Building/Outdoor Pursuits (Sept)

·  E-Uth and Euro Project (Hosting and/or Trip Abroad – usually twice yearly Oct/April)

·  Voluntary Work – Meals on Wheels (Term 1 and 2)

·  Seachtain na Gaelige (Mar)

·  Irish Dancing Module (March)

·  Driver Awareness Programme (Feb/Mar)

·  Photography Module and Exhibition (April/May)

·  Relevant Guest Speakers

·  TY Graduation - Performance/Exhibition of Work/Presentation of Certificates with Parents, teachers and course leaders and relevant members involved in TY over the year

·  RCS School prize giving

·  End of Year Trip/Activity (Varied – Surfing/Camping/Paintballing/Horse Riding…)

Proposed TY schedule for 2014/2015 (subject to change)

August – December 2014
August 26th / Tuesday / In School Day/Module Work
such as Work Exp preparation/First Aid/GAA Coaching/Team Bonding/An Gaisce/YSI and Young Scientist preparation modules will all be carried out during these days so students MUST have full attendance
2nd Sept / Tuesday
9th Sept / Tuesday
16th Sept / Tuesday
23rd Sept / Tuesday
30th Sept / Tuesday
Sept will also involve preparation time and planning for the following activities and competitions which will be ongoing during the year: An Gaisce /Build a Bank/Young Scientist Competition/Young Social Innovators and Celtic Enterprise Competitions
Rotary Youth Leadership / Sept/Oct (Date to be decided)
Horticulture Module / Weekend (Selling of Herbs Enteprise)
Enterprise / Build a Bank/Enterprise products from practical subjects
Tuesday 7th Oct – Tuesday 16th Dec / Off Tuesday 28th Oct for Mid term / Placement 1for 10 Tuesdays
5th – 8th Nov, 2014 / Hosting of Euro Project
30th Nov 2014 Sunday in Ramsgrange CS Christmas Market – TY stands for selling craft and wood/metal/H Ec products made over the first term
Charity Fundraiser / St Vincent De Paul/WSPCA
Drama Module + Performance / To be notified of dates/times / Varied
Trip to Opera / October
Trip to Cinema and Library / (with LCA)
Meals on Wheels / Voluntary Work with St Louis Day Care / 1 student per day until Christmas (to be reviewed there after)
Ice-skating Trip / Week before Christmas hols
January 2015 – March 2015
Jan 6th / Tuesday / In School day/Safe pass
Tues 13th Jan – Tues 24th March / Off Tuesday 17th March for St Pat’s / Placement 2 for 9 Tuesdays
Early Jan / Young Scientist Competition / Trip
February 2015 / Schools Finals of Celtic Enterprise Competition (Regional Final in March)
Bag Packing Fundraiser / Thurs/Friday/Saturday (dates to be confirmed)
Feb/March / Driver Safety Programme / Full day with Wexford Emergency Services
April 2015 – May 2015
Tues 14th April – Tues 26th May / Tuesday / Placement 3 for 7 Tuesdays
Photography Module and Exhibition / Dates ot be confirmed / April/May
YSI / Speak Out
Euro project Trip Abroad / Dates to be confirmed / Subject to full participation in TY and ALL TY activities/modules and behaviour record
Rhythem Module / Samba
TY Graduation / Date to be confirmed / Presentation of all student work
RCS Prize Giving / Date to be confirmed / TY Student of the Year
End of Year Trip/ Activity / If Applicable

Communication in Transition Year


·  Student TY notice board is used to relay information and celebrate successes

·  Regular class contact between TY co-ordinator and theTY group ensures ongoing communication and students use school journal to record same

·  Students meet with their class tutor weekly

·  Student assemblies are scheduled at varing intervals throughout the school year (usually 1 before Oct break, 1 before Christmas, 1 before Easter and 1 before year end)

·  The school website www.ramsgrangecommunityschool.ie and or Twitter @Ramsgrange_CS are also used.

Teaching Team

·  TY Co-ordinator meets the TY team of teachers at the outset of the academic year to discuss proposed TY schedule/plan for year.

·  New teachers to the programme are offered additional induction support from the coordinator if required.

·  TY team finalise TY scheme following discussion with subject department which is then available for inspection

·  Informal meetings take place at various times to discuss in more detail relevant activities/events during the year

·  Staff room TY notice board and e-portal are frequently used to support TY planning of events/activities and give notice/information on same.

·  Staff room TY notice board is used to give details of relevant CPD available to teachers