College of Education
Faculty Assembly Minutes

March 22, 2016

BH 21

Dr. Staples called meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Rosemary Boggs moved approval of minutes from February 23 meeting, seconded by Dr. Be Stoney, motion passes.

Standing Committee Reports

A.  Academic Affairs – Dr. Brad Burenheide – Special Education change in terminology from Adaptive and Functional to High and Low Incidence titles, cleaned up program descriptions, approved

B.  Faculty Affairs – Dr. Jessica Lane – No report

C.  Student Affairs – Dr. Lotta Larson – Please nominate for undergraduate and graduate awards by April 1.

D.  Diversity for Community – Dr. Robert Hachiya

We are having Education Summit 3 with Topeka Public Schools along with Washburn and Baker universities. We are working on recruiting students into the teaching profession. Alex Red Corn – KSU Indigenous Alliance formed with a variety of groups on campus to spotlight events along with the powwow. The list of happenings to be emailed, 1491’s comedy group that raises serious issues about social justice through social media will present an afternoon session 2:00 pm, March 30.

E.  Technology – Dr. Ann Knackendoffel

The POLL group will meet on March 30. If you are launching new courses in CANVAS, this is meeting to attend. The open alternative textbook initiative invites proposals to the University (for up to $5000) or COE (for up to $2000). Proposals are due by April 22.

Other Reports

A.  Faculty Senate – Dr. Jackie Spears

·  Faculty Senate - Provost Mason attended this last meeting. Furloughs are a possibility, not a preference.

·  Grades through CLEP or AP will no longer be used in KSU GPA.

·  Regents schools are being asked to set same scores for all tests.

·  Human Capital will have an Open House March 28.

·  The senate is reviewing policy of extending tuition waiver to KSU employee families if an employee dies and a family member attends the university.

B.  Graduate Council – No report

C.  EGSO – No report

D.  Continuing Education – Rosemary Boggs

·  Thank you to those who applied for the Distance Conference and online central course. Final decisions will be made in April. The RFP grant process brought in 6 proposals from Education and course applications totaling 45 submissions.

E.  Education Council – Dr. Vickie Sherbert (for Trina Harlow)

·  Announced the Leading and Learning Event – April 5. The BBQ tickets may be purchased for $9.00 from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the Dean’s Office. Open House is April 16 with many 3 choirs from USD 383, animals and exciting activities for everyone.

F.  April Center for Student and Professional Services – Dr. David Griffin,

No report

G.  Library – Laura Bonella

·  The deadline for Kirmser Undergraduate Research Award is April 23. The budget is low so low-use items will be cut. Morse Family and Community Public Policy scholarship for summer projects and internships, information/details are on the webpage (


·  The CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs) accreditation team will be on campus May 1-4.

·  The Chester E. Peters Lecture Series will be April 28, Student Affairs perspective on campus issues.

·  There will be an artist from Peru coming to visit the last week in April.

Dean’s Report -

·  All Standards met, no areas for improvement!! Official word from the National and State review will come in October.

·  Shannon Fox from Graduate school will now fill our Fiscal Budget Position.

·  Dr. Jessica Lane has accepted the tenure track position in Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs.

·  Our Foundation has a $15 million goal, we have raised 11.5 million, and the vast majority of funds go to student scholarships. Approximately 1.2 million have gone to student scholarships.

·  Student Enrollment numbers are 1,100, down by 93 from the fall 2015. We have 865 graduate students, down by 35 from last semester. We have hired Mac Benavides to work on recruitment and he has started with a full program.

·  Improving Chill plan – They will begin by dropping the ceilings to put in new vents, which will be be messy. This will take approximately 3 weeks per floor:

o  May 16 – June 3, 1st floor

o  June 6 – June 24, 3rd floor

o  June 24 – July 1, 4th floor

o  July 5 – July 22, 2nd floor

o  Restroom upgrades – April 1shutting down one floor at a time

·  All repairs should be complete and everything up and running by the first day of classes.

·  Budget – 2% call-back due from every unit due to lower enrollment and increase in utilities and insurance. 3% call-back from institutions of Higher Education. Our central administration absorbed half of it, COE is required to give back $360,000 from one-time money.

·  Fiscal year 2017 – not sure! Most likely between 2-4% cut. Asking for tuition cap increase. General Use money is where the cuts will come, about half of our budget. Other half of our budget comes from other funding, for example, Global Campus.

·  List of happenings – will be sent electronically.

Meeting was adjourned 9:48 am