Marawood Music Conference
Spring Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 25, 2005* 4:30 p.m.
Fresh Country Aire
I. Call to order-4:30 p.m. by president Matthew Robisch
Present at meeting: Matt Robisch, Cassandra Jablonsky, Randy Veale, Lois Kremer, Brian Kray, Tom Zimmerman, Toni Novak, John Rickinger, Donley Niskanen, Stacey Howe, Katie Hartke, Celia Sturzl, Becky Nadler, Margaret Gronski, Molly Thomas, Lia Klumpyan, Patty Riske
Minutes to last meeting were read and approved.
II. Old Business:
A. Review of Solo/Ensemble and concerns: Concerns were voiced about adjudicators. All agreed that an evaluation should be filled out and sent to WSMA. Randy Veale encouraged every one to become adjudicators as well.
B. Review of Choir and Band Festival: Randy Veale brought up the concern of
using four judges. Discussion ensued about the value of having four judges. Some feel the comments tend to be the same for each ensemble. Rotating a judge out was discussed. The value of the written critique was questioned. Matt Robisch shared their experience of he and Dennis Webb coming to each other’s schools as a consultant. Lia Klumpyan brought up doing a clinic instead of Choir Festival. It was stated that this is within the rules of WSMA if written permission is granted by WSMA. Ideas were given to supplement the process of preparing for Choir Festival. It was stated that if directors want to make a change, it is up to them to initiate the change. The participating schools would still be take their place in the rotation of hosting Festivals. Any decisions were tabled until we know how or if the conference will be divided.
C. Matt Robisch read the rewritten music by-laws. They were approved at the last meeting and are included with this mailing. It is asked that the principals approve them for the Conference Packet as they are more clear and accurately reflect the Music Conference's activities.
III. New Business:
A. Dates for future Marawood Music Conference events were reviewed.
Auburndale said they might be interested in hosting 2007 Conference Music Festival. Marshfield Columbus Band will be joining Pittsville for Band Festival for 2006. Stratford Band will not participate in Band Festival in 2006. Motion was made and seconded to accept the future music dates. The motion passed.
B. Conductor Search: The 2005 All Conference Choir and Band will be held at Pittsville November 1, 2005. Randy Dickerson from UW Eau Claire has been contacted to direct the band. Rick Bjella from Lawrence University in Appleton has been contacted to direct the choir.
C. Conference Re-Alignment: A motion was made and roll-call vote taken regarding conference realignment. After discussing the possible conference realignment proposals and the positive and negative aspects of each, it was decided to make an advisory motion. The motion was made that the Marawood Conference Music Educators should stay together as a music district and include Phillips and Park Falls if necessary. Voting yes: Matt Robisch, Cassandra Jablonsky, Randy Veale, Brian Kray, Tom Zimmerman, Toni Novak, John Rickinger, Donley Niskanen, Stacey Howe, Katie Hartke, Kia Klumpyan, Patty Riske, Celia Sturzl, Becky Nadler, Margaret Gronski, Molly Thomas. Voting No: None Abstaining: Lois Kremer
D. Becky Nadler thanked the conference for the opportunity to work with them. She is moving to Appleton to get married. A round of applause was given for all schools who hosted events.
E. A motion was made and passed for Patty Riske to be the president elect for 2005-06. John Rickinger was elected last spring to be the 2005-2006 president and.
F. Our next meeting will meet Wednesday, September 21 at 4:30 p.m. at a central location to be chosen later.
G. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.