Grade 1: Unit 3

Big Idea: It’s a big, wonderful world.

Lesson 11
Why do authors write stories? / Lesson 12
Why is the order of story events important? / Lesson 13
What changes do the different seasons cause? / Lesson 14
What clues help you figure out why events happen? / Lesson 15
How are animals the same and different?
Main Selection & Genre / Sea Animals
Informational Text / How Leopard Got His Spots
Folktale / Seasons
Informational Text / The Big Race
Fantasy / Animal Groups
Informational Text
Standards / Informational 3, 8 and 9 / Literature 1 and 2 / Informational 3, 8 and 9 / Literature 1 and 2 / Informational 3, 8 and 9
Writing Standards / Writing Nonfiction (Being a Writer)
Writing 2: Informational Writing
Writing 7: Research
Language Standards / Proper Nouns
Possessive Nouns (*ECC only)
Classify Categorize (ECC) / Proper Nouns
Possessive Nouns (*ECC only)
Homophones / Subjects and Verbs
Words Ending in –ed, -ing, -s / Verbs and Time
Classify & Categorize (ECC) / The Verb be
Suffixes –er, -est
Foundational Standards / Phonics: Digraph th, Base Words and –s, -es, -ed, -ing
Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where
Fluency: Phrasing / Phonics: Digraphs ch, tch, Possessive ‘s,
Phonogram -atch
Sight Words: been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very
Fluency: Rate / Phonics: Digraphs sh, wh, ph, Contractions with ‘s, n’t
Sight Words: down, fall, goes, green, grown, new, open, yellow
Fluency: Accuracy / Phonics: Long a (CVCe), Soft c, g, dge,
Phonograms –ake, -ace
Sight Words: four, five, into, over, starts, three, two, watch
Fluency: Expression / Phonics: Long i (CVCe), Digraphs kn, wr, gn, mb, Phonograms –ine, -ite
Sight Words: bird, both, eyes, fly, long, or, those, walk
Fluency: Intonation
Speaking & Listening / See Overarching Standards for Speaking and Listening 1
Science / Balance and Motions
Health / Physical Activity, Injury Prevention, Anatomy
Reading Literature Standards
Journeys Lessons 12 and 14 / Reading Informational Standards
Journeys Lessons 11, 13, 15 and
Extending the CC – Unit 3 (ECC)
Literature 1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
·  I can ask questions about key details in a story.
·  I can answer questions about key details in a story and make a conclusion. / Informational 3: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
·  I can identify two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information that are connected.
·  I can describe the cause/effect relationship that exists between two events in a text.
Literature 2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
·  I can identify the key details.
·  I can retell a story using the key details.
·  I can recognize the lesson the author is trying to teach me. / Informational 8: Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
·  I can identify the author’s purpose for writing a text.
·  I can identify reasons the author gives me to support their purpose.
Informational 9: Identify basic similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
·  I can find ways that two texts on the same topic are alike.
·  I can find ways that two texts on the same topic are different.
Focusing our Instruction

** Standards listed in bold indicate mastery and the final time this standard will be included in a unit study.
** Underlined words indicate academic vocabulary for instruction.

Writing Standards
Writing Nonfiction
(Being a Writer) / Language Standards
Journeys Lessons 11-15 and
Extending the CC – Unit 3 (ECC)
Writing 2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.
·  I can select a topic to inform my readers about.
·  I can supply my readers with facts about the topic I am writing about.
·  I can create a conclusion for my writing that lets my reader know it is finished. / Language 1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
·  I can identify and use proper nouns. (Lessons 11 and 12)
·  I can recognize if a noun is singular or plural. (Lesson 13)
·  I can recognize and use singular and plural nouns with the matching verb. (Lesson 13)
·  I can use verbs to show past, present, and future tense. (Lessons 14 and 15)
·  I can identify and use possessive nouns. (ECC)
Writing 7: Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of "how-to" books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions).
·  I can work with my classmates and teacher and use nonfiction texts to gain information about a topic. / Language 4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
·  I can determine the meaning of homophones by using context clues and the word’s spelling. (Lesson 12)
·  I can identify and use the word endings –ed, -ing and –s. (Lesson 13)
·  I can identify and use the suffixes –er and -est to determine the meaning of a word. (Lesson 15)
Language 5: With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
·  I can sort words into groups by looking at how they are alike and different. (Lessons 11, 14 and ECC)
Foundational Standard 2 – PA
Journeys Lessons 11-15 / Foundational Standard 3 – Phonics
Journeys Lessons 11-15 / Foundational Standard 4 – Fluency
Journeys Lessons 11-15
Foundational 2:
·  I can blend sounds together to produce a word. (Lessons 11-15)
·  I can isolate the beginning, middle and ending sounds of a word. (Lessons 11-15)
·  I can stretch out a word by saying each sound in order. (Lessons 11-15) / Foundational 3:
·  I can recognize and read sight words. (Lessons 11-15)
·  I can recognize and read words with the –s, -es, -ed, and –ing and possessive -‘s endings. (Lesson 11)
·  I can recognize and use common consonant digraphs (th, ch, sh, wh, ph) when I read and spell words. (Lessons 12 and 13)
·  I can recognize and read final –e and common vowel team conventions when I read and spell words. (Lessons 14 and 15) / Foundational 4:
·  I can pay attention to commas and phrases as I’m reading to let me know when I should pause. (Lesson 11)
·  I can read at a “just-right” pace depending on what I am reading. (Lesson 12)
·  I can recognize words and read them accurately when I read aloud. If I skip a word, I can go back and read that part again. (Lesson 13)
·  I can read in a smooth and natural way. (Lesson 14)
·  I can use intonation as I read aloud, by bringing my voice down at the end of a statement and lifting my voice up at the end of a question. (Lesson 15)
Speaking & Listening Standards
Journeys Lessons 11-15
See Overarching Standards for Speaking and Listening 1

Des Moines Public Schools 2013-2014 Literacy Curriculum Guides Grade 1 – Unit 3