Ashley Molina 9/13/2012

Pride and Prejudice Reader Response

As many times as you read Pride and Prejudice one general idea always prevails. Never settle for less than your heart desires. My favorite character proves this repeatedly. When it comes to Pride and Prejudice the main question isn’t “Do you like the book“, but the question is “Who do you like in the book?” My answer to this question is Elizabeth Bennett. I am usually always drawn to the outgoing people much less than the reserved. Elizabeth is a girl who takes joy in her life and her family. Most girls her age like her sisters Kitty and Lydia feel they must be in the company of men or in constant flirtation to have joy. Elizabeth does not need a man to make her happy. This is proven continuously throughout the book first with the proposal of the dreadful Mr. Collins’ and then the proposal of the prestigious Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth has a lot of courage to turn down both of these men. She will never settle for less than her own happiness, and a person never should. I respect her character for defending her happiness even when her mother scolds her for her decisions. It is a hard thing when my own mother disagrees with my choices. Especially when my choices depend on my happiness in life. Elizabeth has a strong-willed mind, and does not let her mother deter her true feelings. Even when Mrs. Bennet thinks she will make Elizabeth marry, Elizabeth will not do it.“But depend on it Mr. Collins’ that Lizzy shall be brought to reason. I will speak to her about it myself directly. She is a very headstrong foolish girl, and does not know her own interest; but I will make her know it.” Mrs. Bennett cares only about the family name when it comes down to it. I honestly think she could care less about how her daughters feel in life, if they all get married. To her, society and it’s ever present demands of social acceptance by marriage, is all that matters. But Elizabeth will stay true to how she feels inside, and not just think of her future in terms of society.

Another reason I admire Elizabeth is because she has pure rationality. She cares about herself, and not society’s views. Charlotte on the other hand has social rationality. I feel like Charlotte will never be truly be happy, but when society looks at Charlotte they assume happiness because she has a husband to take care of her. Charlotte was more worried of how society views her, so her rationality told her to give up happiness to be looked upon as a proper woman. Charlotte even talks about comprising her happiness for marriage. "Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance…It is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life."But what is it about Elizabeth that changed a man who was otherwise indifferent about her looks and character to a man who loves her wholeheartedly and admires her? I feel as if it is the true honest qualities in Elizabeth Bennett that draw Darcy to her. Elizabeth has a sense of who she really is and that gives her something most other woman at that time didn’t have in society. Also, turning down Darcy’s proposal also showed him that she was not intimidated by his position in society.

At the end of the day Elizabeth Bennett prevailed in marriage in the book, because she married a man who cared about her honest heart and not just how good of a wife she may be. Darcy even tells Elizabeth he admires her.“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”And the fact that Elizabeth did absolutely nothing but be herself, to change a man like Mr. Darcy , is quite an accomplishment as a woman.

I find myself to be a lot like Elizabeth Bennett. I have never once cared to be with a certain person because of how popular they are, or how much others like him. I would only ever be with someone who I cared about on my own terms. I must say that I am lucky not to have a mother like Mrs. Bennett though. My mother would only ever want me to follow my true feelings and marry for love and faith, not for money or other material things. I pride myself in being my own person just like Elizabeth. I have courage to speak my mind and have my own ideas. And I most definitely never feel the need to have a man in my life to be happy. To me, those things will come in time, and if they are rushed they may not happen the way they should. I also think Elizabeth is an excellent friend, and sister. I do not have any sisters but I’ve had good friends in life that I have considered something close to a sister. Elizabeth always listens attentively and cares about how the person feels even when she has her own problems. Even when her good friend Charlotte marries the man who first proposed to her she tries to feel nothing but happiness for her. Of course she feels some anger, but who wouldn’t? The point is, is that she would never show those feelings to her friend because she wishes the best for her. And of course she is always worried of how her sister Jane feels, and about her love life as well. She tries to prevent all pain that might come to her sister through her affections for Mr. Bingley. She spares her feelings as often as she possibly can. I never want to see the people I care about upset or hurt. One of Elizabeths’ qualities that I also feel that I have is the audacity to admit when she is wrong. She assumed Darcy to be a horrid person inside and out. She also though Bingley was a bad person and did not truly care for Jane. She repeatedly thought that all of Darcy’s actions were selfish. But in reality she realized Darcy’s actions were the best for her family and her sister Lydia, and the main reason for his actions was his love for her. Also, Bingley never knew of the schemes that were made to keep him and Jane apart, and eventually showed his true love for Jane. Elizabeth knew she was wrong in each of these assumptions and admitted so. I will never be to prideful as to not be able to admit when I am wrong either.

Pride and Prejudice mostly related to me through the character of Elizabeth, but I think this book can relate to most of my relationships in life when it comes to romance whether I have the bashful relationship of Jane and Bingley, the mysterious and surprising relationship of Elizabeth and Darcy, or the reserved and compromised relationship of Charlotte and Mr. Collins. But the main truth I will hold true to as well as Elizabeth, is never settle for less than your heart desires.