PPCMA Update (01-30-10)

Dear PPCMA Members:

PPCMA’s Questionnaire for 2010 PPOA Board Candidates

On January 7th, 2010, the PPCMA Advisory Council (excluding Bev Hayes due to her candidacy) sent out a set of what we felt to be very important questions to the six individuals running for the PPOA Board of Directors.

PPCMA feels very strongly that these questions are relevant and worthy of a response from anyone wishing to be elected to the PPOA Board of Directors. Furthermore, this electronic format also provides a vehicle for the full PPCMA membership to better see exactly where each candidate comes down on these important questions. The PPOA sponsored Wine & Cheese meeting, Channel 28 and the Breakfast Club provide a chance to hear prepared speeches and at best get questions answered on a limited or individual basis. We feel a more efficient way is to gather key candidate positions on leveraging issues, in the candidates own words, and distribute them via email. After all, so many good PPOA members simply do not have time either away from work or family to attend the "candidate" meetings.

Unfortunately, despite what PPCMA felt was asking the candidates fully appropriate and valid questions, what in fact we received back were detailed responses from only three of the six candidates. Those are provided below via web link, exactly as we received them, in alphabetical order. We especially wish to thank those Board candidates that chose to respond.

We simply cannot understand why any serious PPOA Board candidate would not be ready and willing to put their personal position down on paper for any interested PPOA member to consider. The PPCMA Advisory Council furthermore does not see how any candidate that would ignore such questions could possibly expect votes from the very group that has taken the time to seek out answers to questions they believe are important. It is noteworthy that the three non-responding candidates were endorsed as a group very early on by the “Pecan Good Governance Group”!

We would like to also point out that a “Wine & Cheese” candidate meeting is scheduled at the Clubhouse from 4 to 6 pm on Sunday, January 31st. Also, candidates will speak at the “Breakfast Club” on February 10th and on Channel 28 broadcasts airing during the month of February, for those that are on cable.

Remember that you do not have to vote for three candidates. You may in fact vote for up to three candidates, which means one, two or three. This is a very important point if you are not completely sure about three, or have only one or two candidates that you strongly wish to see elected. A vote for a candidate that you are unsure of could mathematically reduce the chances of a candidate you strongly wish to succeed. The way the election works mathematically is that the total votes received by each candidate are tallied, and the top three vote getters are elected. We want you to be fully aware of how the PPOA election process actually works.

Finally, after marking your choices on the ballot you will soon receive from PPOA, be sure to place them in the “Secret Ballot” envelope, then seal and place that envelope in the second envelope which has your name and account number visible on the outside. This is used by PPOA to validate the number of votes each member has, as some members own multiple lots. Failure to follow this procedure will result in PPOA not counting your ballots.

Also, PPCMA strongly encourages its members to hand deliver their ballots by personally placing them directly into the locked ballot boxes at the Clubhouse, instead of sending ballots through the mail for a PPOA employee to place in the ballot box.

Your interest is very much appreciated and we sincerely hope that you will take the time to look over this material and forward it on to your friends and neighbors. Finally and most importantly, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO VOTE!

Now for the Q&A itself, we hope that you find it helpful! Our transmittal letter, the actual questions themselves and candidate responses are shownvia the web link below. Again, special thanks go to those candidates who chose to participate!

Thanks for reading and helping to "spread the word!"

Thank you,

PPCMA Advisory Council (excluding Bev Hayes due to her candidacy)

Jim Allen

Kate Dodd

John Gehring

Steve Haines

Ray Stallings

Dan White

To Join PPCMA, simply e-mail us at