Session 4 Lessons 26 - 34


1. In the Babylonian exile, God's people were taken from their land and held captive in the city of...

a. Judah.

b. London.

c. Jerusalem.

d. Babylon.

2. When someone is in exile, they are...

a. held captive against their will.

b. usually unhappy.

c. fearful of what will happen to them.

d. all of the above.

3. The time in exile for God's people was more than...

a. 100 years.

b. 500 years.

c. 50 years.

d. 150 days.

4. The ancient city of Babylon is currently found in modern-day...

a. Iran.

b. Iraq.

c. Turkey.

d. Ethiopia.

5. The king in power during the time of the Babylonian exile was...

a. Nebuchadnezzar.

b. Moses.

c. David.

d. Solomon.

6. Ezekiel's images of God included...

a. a God filled with anger.

b. a God of judgment.

c. a God of faithfulness.

d. all of the above.

7. If someone is faithful, they...

a. break promises.

b. show loyalty at all times.

c. change their mind a lot.

d. take your things without asking.

8. The authors of the books of Ezekiel and Isaiah were understood to be...

a. very handsome.

b. the same person.

c. prophets.

d. direct descendants of King David.

9. The number of sections that the book of Isaiah is often divided into is...

a. one.

b. two.

c. three. (Correct. Chapters 1-39, 40-55, 56-66.)

d. four.

10. An important thing to remember about the exile is...

a. God was always with God's people.

b. God stopped loving God's people because they were mean.

c. God makes bad things happen to us so we will love God more.

d. Babylon isn't such a bad place to live.

1. In 597 B.C. God's people were taken captive by the people from Babylon. (True.)

2. The event described in question #1 is often called the Babylonian exile. (True.)

3. The story of the Babylonian exile is an example of how God abandons God's people when times get tough. (False. It is a story of God's faithfulness at all times.)

4. King Nebuchadnezzar was in power during the time of the exile. (True.)

5. Exile is similar to a vacation at Disneyland. (False. People are usually exiled against their will.)

6. The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel wrote about the exile. (True.)

7. Isaiah and Ezekiel were the only people who wrote about the exile. (False. Many other prophets wrote about these events.)

8. God's people were unable to worship God when they were in exile. (False. God was worshiped in Babylon, but just in a different way than God's people were used to worshiping.)

9. The ancient city of Babylon is currently in modern-day Iraq. (True.)

10. We know from the story of the exile that God is always with us. (True.)


1. Haggai and Zechariah were...

a. the names of Martin Luther's children.

b. mascots at your school.

c. two new languages that were recently discovered.

d. prophets sent by God.

2. The story of the return from exile is an example of...

a. God's faithfulness.

b. a message of hope for people everywhere.

c. the mercy of God.

d. all of the above.

3. Zechariah called the people to...

a. learn a new dance move.

b. repent.

c. return to God.

d. both b and c.

4. A prophet is someone who...

a. works for the Internal Revenue Service.

b. ignores God and does what he or she wants.

c. proclaims a message from God.

d. none of the above.

5. Exile is...

a. another word for exhale.

b. the name of a new hip-hop group.

c. a prolonged separation from one's home or country.

d. God's punishment for not keeping the Ten Commandments.

6. Loving one's neighbor is...

a. always easy.

b. sometimes difficult.

c. commanded by God.

d. both b and c.

Ezra and Nehemiah

1. After being exiled in Babylon, God's people returned home to...

a. Egypt.

b. Jerusalem.

c. Eden.

d. England.

2. Ezra was a...

a. prophet.

b. king.

c. priest.

d. slave.

3. Nehemiah worked for...

a. the Persian king.

b. the pope.

c. the bishop.

d. the governor.

4. Nehemiah's job before going to Jerusalem was...

a. shepherd.

b. building and grounds supervisor.

c. tax collector.

d. taster and server of royal food.

5. Ezra and Nehemiah both worked to...

a. rebuild the city of Jerusalem.

b. establish the importance of the law.

c. rebuild the temple.

d. all of the above.

6. Ezra was particularly concerned with laws regarding...

a. mixed marriages.

b. preparation of food.

c. keeping slaves.

d. all of the above.

7. Ezra and Nehemiah's leadership was especially important because...

a. God didn't talk to anyone else.

b. God's people were not intelligent.

c. most of the people who were in exile never lived in Jerusalem.

d. nobody else knew how to build a temple.

8. The books of appear to be sequels to...

a. Genesis.

b. 1, 2 Chronicles.

c. Song of Solomon.

d. Revelation.

9. The story of Ezra and Nehemiah shows us that...

a. rituals and traditions are unimportant.

b. rituals and traditions should never be changed.

c. rituals and traditions need to be reformed at times.

d. rituals and traditions are for fools.

10. Reform means to...

a. change everything.

b. change nothing.

c. throw the baby out with the bathwater.

d. change some things but not everything.

1. When God's people were released from exile, they were in need of leadership. (True.)

2. Two men, Ezra and Nehemiah, were concerned with refocusing people on the law of Moses and with rebuilding the temple. (True.)

3. Ezra was a priest. (True.)

4. Nehemiah's job in the Persian government was to taste and serve the royal food. (True.)

5. Ezra and Nehemiah were enemies. (False.)

6. Ezra and Nehemiah did not feel it was important to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. (False.)

7. The same person who wrote 1 and 2 Chronicles probably wrote the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. (True.)

8. It is possible that Ezra and Nehemiah never met. (True.)

9. Ezra and Nehemiah were not concerned with making changes in religious rituals and traditions. (False.)

10. Since God is unchanging, we should never change the way we worship God. (False.)


1. Is Esther a book in the Old Testament or New Testament? (Old Testament.)

2. Was Esther a prophet or a queen? (Queen.)

3. Whose example do we follow when we serve others: Mom, Jesus, or the pastor? (Jesus.)

4. Name one leader in the Bible. (Examples are Moses, Abraham, Paul, Peter, Jesus, Joshua, Esther, Noah, Timothy.)

5. Name one example of evil in the world. (Answers will vary.)

6. What is one way that people identify you? (Name, hair/eye color, interests.)

7. Name a life challenge you face daily. (Peer pressure, dating, school.)

8. True or false: By speaking up, Esther made a good choice for the Jewish people. (True.)

9. The story of Esther is the basis for which Jewish festival? (Purim.)

10. What three names do Christians use for God? (Father, Son, Holy Spirit.)


1. Job is described as a man who was...

a. selfish and greedy.

b. stupid and lazy.

c. upright and blameless.

d. rich and famous.

2. One day Job discovered that ______were destroyed.

a. his properties

b. his several thousand animals

c. his children

d. all of the above

3. Job had sores on his ______, which made him miserable.

a. arms

b. legs

c. entire body

d. pinky toe

4. Job's three friends were named...

a. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar.

b. Sharach, Meshach, and Abednego.

c. Paul, Peter, and Judas.

d. Abraham, Noah, and Joseph.

5. Job's friends believed the reason for his suffering was...

a. he built his house on unholy ground.

b. Job or his family must have done something to deserve it.

c. God is full of wrath and anger.

d. no reason whatsoever.

6. A large section of the book of Job is often called...

a. the Great Flood.

b. the Great Punishment.

c. the Great Debate.

d. the Great Feast.

7. At the end of the book of Job we learn that...

a. Job commits suicide.

b. God returns land, blessing, family, and long life to Job.

c. God refuses to speak to Job.

d. God had given up on Job long ago.

8. The story of Job helps us to know that...

a. bad things only happen to bad people.

b. real friends will tell you when you've messed up.

c. suffering is punishment for wrongdoing.

d. God is always working, even if we don't know what God is doing.

9. Though Job was a pretty unhappy person,...

a. he remained faithful to God.

b. he learned how to get over it.

c. he never complained.

d. he learned how to play cribbage with his friends.

10. On our journey of faith we should remember that God...

a. always answers our questions.

b. is always with us.

c. abandons us from time to time.

d. gives us whatever we deserve.

1. Job was a good guy who was described as "blameless and upright." (True.)

2. God permitted Satan to make Job suffer. (True.)

3. In a stunning turn of events, Job's family died, land was destroyed, and animals were killed. (True.)

4. Job was afflicted with painful sores on his entire body. (True.)

5. Job's friends came to assure Job that he wasn't suffering because of anything he did wrong. (False.)

6. Job agreed with his friends that he deserved God's punishment. (False.)

7. God offered a clear and understandable explanation for Job's suffering. (False.)

8. God eventually redeemed Job by making him well and blessing him with all the things that were taken away—and then some. (True.)

9. The story of Job reminds us that we always understand what God is doing. (False.)

10. Believing in God means that you'll never have any questions because God will always answer them right away. (False.)


1. The book of Daniel is written in which two languages?

a. Aramaic and Hebrew

b. Spanish and French

c. Greek and Italian

2. Nebuchadnezzar commanded his servants to heat the furnace...

a. a little bit hotter.

b. seven times hotter.

c. a million times hotter.

3. After Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall,...

a. more handwriting appeared on the ceiling.

b. he prepared a vegetarian snack.

c. Belshazzar was murdered and his kingdom was taken over by Darius the Mede.

4. King Darius was flattered when his advisers suggested that he make a law that...

a. all people worship only him for 30 days.

b. no lions could be kept as pets.

c. his subjects could not write on the walls.

5. King Darius couldn't sleep while Daniel was in the lion's den...

a. because he trusted and respected Daniel.

b. because the lions were roaring so loudly.

c. because his advisers were playing cards all night.

1. The books of Daniel and Revelation represent apocalyptic literature in the Bible. (True.)

2. People under persecution really don't care about signs of hope. (False.)

3. Daniel exemplifies a believer who is faithful to God, even under pressure. (True.)

4. Death is not the last word for God. (True.)

5. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon made a huge statue using duct tape. (False.)

6. The king changed the names of Daniel and his friends. (True.)

Psalms - Praise

1. Psalms were originally meant to be used for...

a. collective worship.

b. individual devotions.

c. both of the above.

2. The Hebrew word for "psalms" is tehillim, meaning...

a. a book in the middle of the Bible.

b. praises.

c. Torah.

3. The psalms were composed over...

a. seven centuries by many different authors.

b. a really productive weekend.

c. summer vacation for King David.

4. A psalter refers to...

a. something you keep next to a "pepperer" on the table.

b. the robe a pastor wears.

c. a collection of psalms.

5. In Greek the word psalmos means...

a. music associated with a stringed instrument.

b. beef rolled up in bread.

c. "God bless you."

1. There are 150 psalms in the Bible. (True.)

2. The psalms are only meant to be read silently or whispered. (False.)

3. Psalms point to the ways past generations relied on God. (True.)

4. The lyrics of the psalms include songs to God, from God, and about God. (True.)

5. Both Christians and Jews all over the world use the psalms. (True.)

6. Psalms were often sung. (True.)

Psalms – Help

1. God always hears us...

a. and welcomes our cries for help.

b. but God is very busy with lots of people.

c. as long as we speak the perfect words.

2. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact date when the psalms were written...

a. but we know it was in the 20th century.

b. because the psalms avoid mentioning historic circumstances.

c. but we're pretty sure it was on a Sunday.

3. The psalms cry out for justice and fairness...

a. but enemies are easily forgiven.

b. and call for the unjust to be punished.

c. in odd verses only.

4. Psalm 22:1, later used by Jesus, reminds us that...

a. Jesus understands what it means to face great suffering.

b. we are constantly forsaken by God.

c. the psalmist really distrusted God.

5. The instrument most often associated with the psalms is...

a. the electric guitar.

b. the penny whistle.

c. the harp.

True or False Questions

1. Lament psalms typically begin with a plea and end with praise. (True.)

2. Psalmists were attempting to survive and be transformed. (True.)

3. God's justice has arrived and we no longer have to wait. (False.)

4. When we get angry, God gets even angrier. (False.)

5. Families today really can't relate to the pain and alienation described in the psalms. (False.)


1. The word Ecclesiastes can be translated as...

a. the "timekeeper" in Aramaic.

b. "assembly" in Greek and "congregation" in Hebrew.

c. "21st book in the Bible" in Italian.

2. Hebrew poetry used this literary characteristic:

a. parallelism of lines.

b. rhyming first words.

c. a Haiku structure.

3. Early Christians saw Jesus as...

a. a really great tilapia fisherman.

b. a mediocre carpenter.

c. a wisdom teacher.

4. The futility of ______is referred to in Ecclesiastes 38 times.

a. asking your parent for a MP3 player

b. a low-carb diet

c. vanity

5. God tells Job to consider two creatures of God's creation: the behemoth and the leviathan. We know these creatures as...

a. the birds and the bees.

b. jackalopes and mosquitoes.

c. hippopotamus and crocodile.

1. The book of Job asks the question of God's relationship to evil and suffering. (True.)

2. Proverbs was written by an ancestor of a Hallmark greeting cards executive. (False.)

3. Wisdom was God's companion from before creation. (True.)

4. Jesus rejected the female Wisdom as part of his self-understanding. (False.)

5. Lutherans understand Scripture, reason, and tradition as the source of our knowledge about God. (True.)

6. Job's three friends gave him good advice. (False.)