VBA Restricted Taxa

List of taxa deemed “restricted access” in the VBA

The VBA contains records of threatened and non-threatened species occurring in Victoria. While most of this data is viewable to all VBA users, DEPI restricts access to some species location data in order to prevent illegal taking or destruction. These data, deemed "restricted access", are made available to decision makers to ensure that these sites are protected as far as possible from inappropriate land use or development and accidental damage. These "restricted access" records have more stringent usage conditions as defined in the VBA Terms & Conditions of Use.

The list of taxa currently deemed "restricted" are shown below.


Borya mirabilis - Grampians Pincushion-lily

Caladenia arenaria - Sandhill Spider-orchid

Caladenia audasii - McIvor Spider-orchid

Caladenia pumila - Dwarf Spider-orchid

Caladenia sp. aff. fragrantissima (Central Victoria) - Bendigo Spider-orchid

Caladenia sp. aff. venusta (Kilsyth South) - Kilsyth South Spider-orchid

Calochilus richiae - Bald-tip Beard-orchid

Gaultheria hispida - Snow-berry

Pterostylis despectans - Lowly Greenhood

Pterostylis valida - Robust Greenhood


Austrogammarus australis - Dandenong Freshwater Amphipod

Austrogammarus haasei - Sherbrooke Amphipod

Austropyrgus grampianensis - Dairy Creek Austropyrgus Snail

Colubotelson joyneri - Phreatoicid Isopod

Colubotelson searli - Phreatoicid Isopod

Dinotoperla walkeri - Stonefly

Engaeus australis - Lilly Pilly Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus fultoni - Otway Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus mallacoota - Mallacoota Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus phyllocercus - Narracan Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus rostrogaleatus - Strzelecki Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus sericatus - Hairy Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus sternalis - Warragul Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus strictifrons - Burrowing Crayfish

Engaeus urostrictus - Dandenong Burrowing Crayfish

Euastacus bidawalus - East Gippsland Spiny Crayfish

Euastacus claytoni - Clayton’s Spiny Crayfish

Euastacus crassus - Alpine Spiny Crayfish

Euastacus yanga - Variable Spiny Crayfish

Eucalliax tooradin - Ghost Shrimp

Gariwerdeus beehivensis - Phreatoicid Isopod

Gariwerdeus ingletonensis - Phreatoicid Isopod

Gariwerdeus turretensis - Phreatoicid Isopod

Gramastacus insolitus - Western Swamp Crayfish

Hemiphlebia mirabilis - Hemiphlebia Damselfly

Hyridella glenelgensis - Glenelg Freshwater Mussel

Leptoperla kallistae - Kallista Flightless Stonefly

Michelea microphylla - Ghost Shrimp

Naiopegia xiphagrostis - Phreatoicid Isopod

Notopala sublineata - River Snail

Notoperata sparsa - Caddisfly

Oecetis quadrula - Caddisfly

Phreatoicopsis raffae - Phreatoicid Isopod

Phreatoicopsis terricola - Phreatoicid Isopod

Pseudocloeon hypodelum - Mayfly

Ramiheithrus virgatus - Caddisfly

Riekoperla darlingtoni - Mt Donna Buang Stonefly

Riekoperla intermedia - Stonefly

Riekoperla isosceles - Stonefly

Synamphisopus ambiguus - Phreatoicid Isopod

Synamphisopus doegi - Phreatoicid Isopod

Tamasia furcilla - Caddisfly

Taskiria otwayensis - Caddisfly

Thaumatoperla alpina - Stonefly

Thaumatoperla flaveola - Alpine Stonefly

Thaumatoperla robusta - Stonefly

Thaumatoperla timmsi - Stonefly

Triaenodes resima - Caddisfly

Triaenodes uvida - Caddisfly

Victaphanta compacta - Otway Black Snail

Westriplectes angelae - Caddisfly

Westriplectes pedderensis - Caddisfly

Wundacaenis flabellum - Mayfly

TERRESTRIAL FAUNA (nesting and/or breeding records only)

Callocephalon fimbriatum - Gang-gang Cockatoo

Calyptorhynchus banksi - Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo

Calyptorhynchus lathami - Glossy Black-Cockatoo

Haliaeetus leucogaster - White-bellied Sea-Eagle

Lophocroa leadbeateri - Major Mitchell's Cockatoo

Morelia spilota metcalfei - Carpet Python

Morelia spilota spilota - Diamond Python

Polytelis anthopeplus - Regent Parrot

Polytelis swainsonii - Superb Parrot

Published by the Victorian Government Department of Environment and Primary Industries Melbourne, May 2013

© The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries 2013

This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.


This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.