Kaishore guggulu – Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage, Side Effects

Kaishore guggulu is one of the very famous Ayurvedic herbal product. It acts as – aging skin health promoter, joint health, natural blood cleanser, useful as supportive dietary herbal supplement in many health conditions such as diabetes, skin diseases etc.

Name differences–kaishore guggulu,kaishor guggulu,kaishora guggulu,kaisora guggulu,kaisora gulgulu – all these terms are synonymous. They are all one and the same.

Composition of Kaisora guggulu –
Triphala (Haritaki, Vibhitaki and Amalaki fruit rind) – 3 Prastha – 2.304 kg
Amruta – Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia – 1 Prastha – 768 g
Water – Ardha Drona – 6.144liters
Guggulu – Commiphora mukul – 768 g
Triphala(Haritaki, Vibhitaki and Amalaki fruit rind) – 2 Pala – 96 g
Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia – Giloy – 1 Pala – 48 g
Tryushana – Trikatu – Pepper, long pepper and ginger – 6 Aksha – 72 g
Vidanga – False Black pepper – Embelia ribes – ardha Pala – 24 g
Danti – Baliospermum montanum – root – 1 Karsha – 12 g
Trivrit – Operculina turpethum – 1 karsha – 12 g
Ghrita – quantity sufficient.

Method of preparation of Kaishore Guggul –
Its method of preparation is an example for Agni Siddha guggulu. – Where fire is used in the preparation of tablet.
First the said amount og Triphala and Amruta (Guduchi) are taken in coarse powder form. It is added with 6.144liters of water, and boiled down to half quantity -(3.072liters). This boiling should be done in an iron vessel. It is then filtered.
To the filtered decoction, guggulu is added. It is heated further with continuous stirring and pounding till it reaches Gudapaka (semisolid) consistency.
It is taken out of fire and is added with fine powder of rest of the herbs.
The total mass is mixed well and it is taken into a vessel, smeared with ghee (so that the mass does not stick to the vessel and it will be easy to roll into pills).
Then, pills are rolled.

Traditional reference:

What is the dosage?
Usual dosage is two tablets two or three times a day, after food.
The traditional dose, as explained in the verse is 3 grams per day, in divided doses.
If your doctor has not specified any particular co-drink for this medicine, then by default, this tablet should be taken along with warm water or warm milk.
It is traditionally indicated in
Kushta – skin diseases with secretions, for which it is administered along withManjishtadi kashayam
Tridoshaja Vatarakta – Gout-arthritis
Vrana – non healing wounds with suppuration, wherein, it is administered along withKhadiradi Kashayam
Gulma – abdominal tumor, fibroid, for which, it is administered along withVaranadi Kashayam
Prameha Pidika –Diabetic carbuncle
Prameha – urinary disorders, diabetes
Udara – ascites, constipation
Mandagni – low digestion strength
Kasa – cold, cough
Shvayathu – inflammatory conditions
Pandu – Anemia
On long term usage, (only as per physician’s advice), it acts as Rasayana – anti ageing benefits.
Reference:Sharangdhara Samhita Madhyama Khanda 7/70-81