Sample Paper Reference P000138

NCFE Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 2


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You may use a dictionary during this assessment.

Read the scenario and each document carefully.

Read each task carefully before starting to write.

At the end of the assessment hand all documents over to the invigilator as instructed.


For Examiner use only: / Writing
Task number / 1 / 2 / 3 / Total marks
Marks awarded


You are a member of a social committee that organises a range of fun events to raise money for charities. The committee is planning two events using ‘chocolate’ as the theme. The first event is a fund-raising Chocolate Tasting Day featuring activities with boxes of chocolates as the prizes; you have been asked to help run some of the activities on the day. The second event is an outing to Cadbury World.

Whilst the committee is agreed on the fund raising purpose of the events, some members fear that the ‘chocolate’ theme could be seen to be promoting bad eating habits. The two events are to be discussed at the next meeting.

Source Documents

The following source documents might contain useful content when considering the purpose of these activities. You may choose to select and use any of the material, such as: evidence to support or contradict argument; background ideas and opinions; and technical vocabulary when taking into account the context and audience. You may also use your own ideas to complete these activities. You are not marked on your ability to read the documents.

Read documents 1, 2, and 3 and then complete the three Activities.

Writing Activity 1: You receive an informal email from a friend on the committee and write a reply.

Writing Activity 2: The committee needs more information and has asked you to write a report for their next meeting on the advantages and disadvantages of eating chocolate.

Writing Activity 3: You need to write a formal letter to your supervisor at work requesting a change in your working times.

Document 1

We think about it, dream about it, and probably - just sometimes - eat a bit too much of it. Some people even go so far as to claim to be addicted to it. But what drives our cravings for chocolate? Some believe it contains mind-bending ingredients that can enhance our moods. One bite, they maintain, and chocolate's psychoactive compounds cause warm and fuzzy feelings to wash over us, making us want more and more. But Peter Rogers, professor of biological psychology from Bristol University who is speaking at the BA Festival of Science in York, has carried out research that suggests this is not the case.

He said, “Research suggests chocolate's chemical make-up is not the culprit for our lust for the stuff. A lot of those substances are in other foods that do not have the same appeal as chocolate." Instead, he suggested that chocoholics were chocoholics because their favourite food was often deemed "naughty but nice". He explained: "The nice bit is its sweet taste, lovely melt-in-the-mouth texture, and our associations that we have in our food culture - we use it as a gift, a reward and as something to treat ourselves with - which gives it extra appeal. On the negative side, it is something we shouldn't eat too much of, it's not a staple food in our diet, it is relatively high in fat and sugar, and therefore potentially unhealthy." It is this that makes us want it so much. He suggests trying to enjoy the experience of eating it rather than feeling bad about it could break the naughty-but-nice cycle.

Document 2

Document 3

Writing Activity 1: Writing a reply to an email

(Total 14 marks)

Marks are given in this task for:

·  Present information/ideas concisely, logically, and persuasively
·  Present information on complex subjects clearly and concisely
·  Use evidence to support arguments
·  Use an appropriate writing style for the purpose / 7 marks
·  Organise written communication effectively / 4 marks
·  Ensure written work is fit for purpose and audience, with spelling and grammar that support clear meaning / 3 marks

You receive an email from a friend on the committee and decide to reply. Your

informal response should include evidence to support your arguments and convey your ideas and opinions effectively and persuasively.


It was great to see you again at the committee meeting last week. I’m just emailing to get your thoughts on one or two of the issues. I thought the woman who spoke up at the end had a really good point. Aren’t we being a bit irresponsible holding a chocolate tasting event if chocolateis as addictive as she said? What did you think?

To be honest, I’ve also got doubts about the visit. Aren't we encouraging bad eating habits and obesity? Remember it was me who put forward the motion thatchocolate and crisps should be bannedfrom the vending machines outside the Sports Hall! I mean, how crazy is that - getting people to take fitness seriously, and then the next minute, trying to sell them chocolate? Or is it just me? How do you feel about it?

Look forward to hearing your views as ever.



You may use the space below for planning and drafting your response.

Writing Activity 1. Write your response to the email here:

Writing Activity 2: Writing a report

(Total 20 marks)

Marks are given in this task for:

·  Present information/ideas concisely, logically, and persuasively.
·  Present information on complex subjects clearly and concisely.
·  Use an appropriate writing style fit for purpose / 8 marks
·  Use a range of sentence structures, including complex sentences, and paragraphs to organise written communication effectively / 3 marks
·  Punctuate written text using commas, apostrophes and inverted commas accurately
·  Ensure written work is fit for purpose and audience, with accurate spelling and grammar that support clear meaning / 9 marks

For their next meeting, the committee has asked you to write a brief report on the advantages and disadvantages of eating chocolate.

Address your report to “The Social Committee”.

You may use the space below for planning and drafting.

Writing Activity 2. Write your report to the committee here:

Writing Activity 3: Write a formal letter

(Total 16 marks)

Marks are given in this task for:

·  Present information/ideas concisely, logically, and persuasively
·  Use an appropriate writing style for purpose / 4 marks
·  Use a range of sentence structures, including complex sentences, and paragraphs to organise written communication effectively / 3 marks
·  Punctuate written text using commas, apostrophes and inverted commas accurately
·  Ensure written work is fit for purpose and audience, with accurate spelling and grammar that support clear meaning / 9 marks

You have been asked to help run some of the activities on the Chocolate Tasting Day. However, this will mean that you will need permission to either change your shifts at work or take time off. Write a formal letter of request to your supervisor, Fran Burton, giving reasons why you feel your request is valid.

You may use the space below for planning and drafting.

Writing Activity 3. Write your letter to your supervisor here:

End of Assessment