Benchmarks in organism performance and their use in comparative analyses
Peter J. Edmunds†, Hollie M. Putnam, Roger M. Nisbet, and Erik B. Muller
†Corresponding Author, e-mail:
Online Resource 1. Summary of values compiled from the literature and summarized to describe a representative scleractinian. 1 – Caribbean, 2 – Pacific or Indo-Pacific, 3 – Red Sea, 4 – temperate/cold water; nd = depth not reported or not discernable.
Family / Species / Depth (m) / Value / Reference1. Dark respiration (µM O2 cm-2 h-1)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 10 / 0.38 / Porter (1980)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 0.43 / Porter et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 0.27 / Porter et al. (1984)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 0.53 / Edmunds and Davies (1986)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 0.31 / Edmunds and Davies (1989)
Poritidae / Porites spp. 2 / 7 / 0.05 / Edmunds (2005a)
Pocilloporidae / Seriotopota hystrix2 / 6 / 0.31 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 6 / 0.38 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora eydouxi2 / 5 / 0.36 / Davies (1984)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 5 / 0.84 / Davies (1980)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 15 / 0.35 / Davies (1980)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3.5 / 0.67 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3.5 / 0.72 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 2.5 / 0.19 / Bythell (1988)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 1 / 0.39 / Gladfelter et al. (1989)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp. 3 / 8 / 0.30 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp. 3 / 8 / 0.15 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1.5 / 0.95 / Lesser et al. (1994)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1.5 / 1.80 / Lesser et al. (1994)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1.5 / 3.60 / Lesser et al. (1994)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.67 / Rex et al. (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.80 / Rex et al. (1995)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 2 / 0.81 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 10 / 0.55 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 20 / 0.63 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 40 / 0.46 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 13 / 0.41 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 20 / 0.30 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 40 / 0.21 / Davies (1980)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 / 0.56 / Patterson et al. (1991)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 / 0.88 / Patterson et al. (1991)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 3.5 / 0.78 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiforms2 / 3.5 / 0.70 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.25 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.76 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 1.47 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 1.66 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 1.25 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.16 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.44 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 1.58 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 2.29 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 2.74 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 2.19 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.22 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Agaricidae / Agaricia lamarcki1 / 40 / 0.40 / Davies (1980)
Agaricidae / Agarica undata1 / 66 / 0.25 / Davies (1980)
Agaricidae / Agaricia grahamae1 / 80 / 0.14 / Davies (1980)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 / 1.33 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 / 0.70 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 / 0.43 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
2. Maximum Gross Photosynthesis (µmol O2 cm-2 h-1)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 10 / 1.31 / Porter (1980)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 1.02 / Porter et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 0.90 / Porter et al. (1984)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 3.67 / Edmunds and Davies (1986)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 2.86 / Edmunds and Davies (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopota hystrix2 / 6 / 0.94 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 6 / 1.06 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora eydouxi2 / 5 / 1.61 / Davies (1984)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3.5 / 4.06 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3.5 / 2.88 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 2.5 / 0.75 / Bythell (1988)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 1 / 0.94 / Gladfelter (1989)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp.2 / 8 / 1.20 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp.2 / 8 / 0.84 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1.5 / 2.60 / Lesser et al. (1994)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1.5 / 5.70 / Lesser et al. (1994)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1.5 / 9.10 / Lesser et al. (1994)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 1.00 / Rex et al. (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.80 / Rex et al. (1995)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 / 1.03 / Patterson et al. (1991)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 / 2.13 / Patterson et al. (1991)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 3.5 / 3.30 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 3.5 / 3.17 / Anthony and Fabricius (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 1.49 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 2.88 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 3.30 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 3.88 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 2.32 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.78 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 2.03 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 4.70 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 5.46 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 5.52 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 3.09 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 4 - 5 / 0.44 / Castillo and Helmuth (2005)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 3.92 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 3.24 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 2.74 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
3. Calcification (µmol CaCO3 cm-2 h-1)
Faviidae / Cladocora caespitosa3 / nd / 0.34 / Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. (2006)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 10 / 0.68 / Bruno and Edmunds (1997)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 10 / 0.59 / Bruno and Edmunds (1997)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 0.63 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 0.54 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 0.43 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 0.33 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 1.03 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 0.75 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 1.01 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Astroceoniidae / Madracis mirabilis1 / 13 - 18 / 0.80 / Elahi and Edmunds (2007)
Favidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 2 / 0.48 / Marubini and Davies (1996)
Oculinidae / Oculina patagonica2 / nd / 0.08 / Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. (2006)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 0 - 6 / 0.22 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 0 - 6 / 0.27 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 0 - 6 / 0.24 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 0 - 6 / 0.02 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.02 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.04 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.07 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.05 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.16 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.06 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.03 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.01 / Clausen and Roth (1975)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora eydouxi2 / 5 / 0.33 / Davies (1984)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 0.5 / 0.62 / Marubini et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 0.58 / Marubini et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 4 / 0.45 / Marubini et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 6.5 / 0.26 / Marubini et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 1.5 / 0.42 / Smith et al. (2007)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 1.5 / 0.08 / Smith et al. (2007)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 1.5 / 0.58 / Smith et al. (2007)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 1.5 / 0.26 / Smith et al. (2007)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 2 / 0.40 / Marubini and Thake (1999)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 2 / 0.45 / Marubini and Thake (1999)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 2 / 0.52 / Marubini and Davies (1996)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora caliendrum2 / 0 - 6 / 0.33 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora caliendrum2 / 0 - 6 / 0.61 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora caliendrum2 / 0 - 6 / 0.30 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora caliendrum2 / 0 - 6 / 0.02 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora hystrix2 / 0 - 6 / 0.47 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora hystrix2 / 0 - 6 / 0.55 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora hystrix2 / 0 - 6 / 0.51 / Edmunds (2005b)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora hystrix2 / 0 - 6 / 0.17 / Edmunds (2005b)
4. Chlorophyll a (nM cm-2)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 1 - 2 / 2.80 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 1 - 2 / 1.12 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 13 / 3.47 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 13 / 1.90 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora formosa2 / 1 - 3 / 0.90 / Harithsa et al. (2005)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 1 - 2 / 4.81 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 1 - 2 / 1.45 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp. 2 / 5 - 10 / 4.71 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp. 2 / 5 - 10 / 1.26 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Agariciidae / Agaricia agaricites1 / 15 / 2.50 / Warner et al. (1996)
Agariciidae / Agaricia lamarki1 / 15 / 5.81 / Warner et al. (1996)
Agariciidae / Agaricia spp. 1 / 4 - 6 / 7.50 / Venn et al. (2006)
Agaricidae / Agaricia tenufolia1 / 1 - 2 / 11.91 / Sebens et al. (2003)
Agariciidae / Coeloseris mayeri2 / <1 / 7.16 / Brown et al. (1999)
Agariciidae / Coeloseris mayeri2 / <1 / 28.20 / Brown et al. (1999)
Faviidae / Favia fragum1 / 4 - 6 / 11.30 / Venn et al. (2006)
Faviidae / Goniastrea aspera2 / <1 / 7.16 / Brown et al. (1999)
Faviidae / Goniastrea aspera2 / <1 / 36.93 / Brown et al. (1999)
Faviidae / Goniastrea aspera2 / <1 / 11.53 / Le Tissier and Brown (1996)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / <1 / 5.37 / Brown et al. (1999)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / <1 / 25.96 / Brown et al. (1999)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 5 - 10 / 5.46 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 5 - 10 / 3.30 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Faviidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 13 / 10.41 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 13 / 3.36 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 15 / 6.83 / Edmunds et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 4 - 6 / 7.39 / Venn et al. (2006)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 9 - 13 / 12.31 / Szmant and Gassman (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 1 - 2 / 9.85 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 1 - 2 / 1.01 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 13 / 9.85 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 13 / 3.92 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 - 16 / 4.76 / Fitt and Warner (1995)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 15 / 7.19 / Warner et al. (1996)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 / 9.06 / Patterson et al. (1991)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 14 - 17 / 2.18 / Fitt and Warner (1995)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 4 - 6 / 13.76 / Venn et al. (2006)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 1 - 2 / 17.68 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 1 - 2 / 3.13 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 13 / 12.31 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 13 / 4.03 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Montipora capitata (verrucosa)2 / 2 / 12.62 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Acroporidae / Montipora capitata (verrucosa)2 / 2 / 12.98 / Grottoli et al. (2006)
Acroporidae / Montipora digitata2 / <1 / 3.97 / Saxby et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora digitata2 / <1 / 4.03 / Saxby et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 46.11 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 39.17 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora verrucosa (capitata)2 / 10 / 8.28 / Grottoli-Everett (1995)
Acroporidae / Montipora verrucosa (capitata)2 / 1 - 2 / 17.01 / Coles and Jokiel (1978)
Oculinidae / Oculina patagonica2 / 2 - 5 / 17.91 / Fine and Loya. (2002)
Agariciidae / Pavona clavus2 / nd / 0.62 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Agariciidae / Pavona clavus2 / nd / 0.67 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 0 - 10 / 50.36 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 11 - 20 / 45.88 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 21 - 30 / 22.38 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 31 - 40 / 23.50 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 6.94 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 11.86 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 15.44 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 9.51 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 7.05 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 7.50 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 4 - 6 / 7.50 / D'Croz and Maté (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 3 - 4 / 8.95 / Schlöder and D'Croz (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.94 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / nd / 0.53 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora elegans2 / nd / 0.85 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora elegans2 / nd / 0.66 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites astreoides1 / 4 - 6 / 4.70 / Venn et al. (2006)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 25.06 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 25.63 / Grottoli et al. (2006)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.39 / Rex et al. (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.78 / Rex et al. (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.36 / Rex et al. (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.67 / Rex et al. (1995)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 4 - 6 / 7.72 / D'Croz et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 4 - 6 / 7.72 / D'Croz et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 3 - 4 / 27.98 / Schlöder and D'Croz (2004)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / nd / 0.62 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / nd / 0.76 / Glynn et al. (2001)
Poritidae / Porites lutea2 / <1 / 5.37 / Brown et al. (1999)
Poritidae / Porites lutea2 / <1 / 21.82 / Brown et al. (1999)
Poritidae / Porites lutea2 / 1 - 3 / 1.23 / Harithsa et al. (2005)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 4 - 6 / 5.15 / Venn et al. (2006)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora hystrix2 / 6 / 2.80 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
Siderastreidae / Siderastrea radians1 / 1.5 / 5.26 / Warner et al. (1996)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 3.48 / Porter et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 12.09 / Porter et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 0 - 0.5 / 4.03 / Dubinsky et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 15 / 15.89 / Dubinsky et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 2.92 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 5 - 10 / 5.92 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 5 - 10 / 3.91 / Haramaty et al. (1997)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 6 / 3.80 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 6 / 4.20 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989)
5. Tissue Energy (J mg-1)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 16.2 / Edmunds and Davies (1986)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 14.4 / Edmunds and Davies (1989)
Fungidae / Heliofungia sp. 2 / nd / 18.1 / Davies (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora meandrina2 / 1 - 12 / 22.1 / Tricas (1989)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 1 - 12 / 19.4 / Tricas (1989)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 1 - 12 / 18.8 / Tricas (1989)
6. Biomass (mg cm-2)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 18.6 / Edmunds and Davies (1986)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 15.5 / Edmunds and Davies (1989)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 / 15.5 / Porter et al. (1989)
Agaricidae / Agaricia lamarcki1 / 31 / 32.8 / Porter et al. (1989)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 17.0 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Acroporidae / Montipora capitata (verrucosa)2 / 2 / 7.0 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 1.5 - 2 / 12.4 / Warner et al. (2002)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 1.5 - 2 / 4.5 / Warner et al. (2002)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 12 - 15 / 8.33 / Fitt et al. (1993)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 1 - 2 / 8.9 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora palmata1 / 1 - 2 / 3.4 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 1 - 2 / 3.9 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 1 - 2 / 1.7 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 13 / 2.6 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / 13 / 1.2 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 1 - 2 / 17.5 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 1 - 2 / 6.0 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea faveolata1 / 13 / 11.8 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastarea faveolata1 / 13 / 3.8 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 1-2 / 13.1 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 1 - 2 / 3.7 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 13 / 6.9 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 13 / 3.3 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastarea franksi1 / 13 / 6.9 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 13 / 1.6 / Fitt et al. (2000)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / nd / 16.1 / Anthony et al. (2002)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / nd / 8.0 / Anthony et al. (2002)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora eydouxi2 / 5 / 2.2 / Davies (1984)
Agaricidae / Agaricia tenuifolia1 / 1 - 2 / 4.9 / Sebens et al. (2003)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora verrucosa2 / 7 - 23 / 1.5 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Salvat (1995)
Acroporidae / Acropora samoensis2 / 7 - 23 / 2.1 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Salvat (1995)
Acroporidae / Acropora subulata2 / 7 - 23 / 0.8 / Hoegh-Guldberg and Salvat (1995)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 17.4 / Grottoli et al. (2006)
Acroporidae / Montipora capitata (verrucosa)2 / 2 / 8.0 / Grottoli et al. (2006)
7. Carbohydrates (mg cm-2)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 / 0.5 / Porter et al. (1989)
Agaricidae / Agaricia lamarcki1 / 31 / 2.2 / Porter et al. (1989)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 2.7 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Acroporidae / Montipora capitata (verrucosa)2 / 2 / 0.8 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 12 - 15 / 0.3 / Fitt et al. (1993)
Rhizangidae / Astrangia danae4 / 1 - 10 / 5.6 / Szmant and Pilson (1980)
Rhizangidae / Astrangia danae4 / 1 - 10 / 6.2 / Szmant and Pilson (1980)
Acroporidae / Montipora digitata2 / 1 - 2 / 0.1 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Acropora tenuis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.4 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Oculinidae / Galaxea fascicularis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.5 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 1 - 2 / 0.4 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Symphyllia recta2 / 1 - 2 / 0.5 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.9 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Platygyra sinensis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.6 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora digitata2 / 1 - 2 / 0.2 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Acropora tenuis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.4 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Oculinidae / Galaxea fascicularis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.5 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 1 - 2 / 0.4 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Symphyllia recta2 / 1 - 2 / 0.4 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.8 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Platygyra sinensis2 / 1 - 2 / 0.7 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 0.2 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
8. Lipids (mg cm-2)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 / 2.27 / Porter et al. (1989)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 12 - 15 / 1.80 / Fitt et al. (1993)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 2 / 11.00 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Platygyra sinensis2 / 1 - 2 / 14.30 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 2 / 5.00 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Platygyra sinensis2 / 1 - 2 / 10.10 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 1 - 2 / 13.20 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Symphyllia recta2 / 1 - 2 / 13.60 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 1 - 2 / 7.90 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Symphyllia recta2 / 1 - 2 / 9.40 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Oculinidae / Galaxea fascicularis2 / 1 - 2 / 16.60 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Oculinidae / Galaxea fascicularis2 / 1 - 2 / 6.50 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 0.83 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 5.44 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia danae4 / 1 - 10 / 3.40 / Szmant-Froelich and Pilson (1980)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia danae4 / 1 - 10 / 3.10 / Szmant-Froelich and Pilson (1980)
9. Protein (mg cm-2)
Acroporidae / Acropora tenuis2 / 1 - 2 / 4.00 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Acropora tenuis2 / 1 - 2 / 3.40 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Agaricidae / Agaricia lamarcki1 / 31 / 14.48 / Porter et al. (1989)
Agaricidae / Agaricia tenufolia1 / 1 - 2 / 3.48 / Sebens et al. (2003)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia danae4 / 1 - 10 / 11.20 / Szmant-Froelich and Pilson (1980)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia danae4 / 1 - 10 / 8.90 / Szmant-Froelich and Pilson (1980)
Oculinidae / Galaxea fascicularis2 / 1 - 2 / 5.30 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Oculinidae / Galaxea fascicularis2 / 1 - 2 / 5.30 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 2 / 5.40 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 2 / 4.70 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 1 - 2 / 11.60 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia hemprichii2 / 1 - 2 / 9.80 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Favidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 / 8.37 / Porter et al. (1989)
Favidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 12 - 15 / 4.38 / Fitt et al. (1993)
Favidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 21 / 0.22 / Edmunds and Gates (2002)
Favidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 21 / 0.33 / Edmunds and Gates (2002)
Favidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 15 / 0.25 / Edmunds and Gates (2002)
Favidae / Montastraea franksi1 / 15 / 0.85 / Edmunds and Gates (2002)
Acroporidae / Montipora capitata (verrucosa)2 / 2 / 2.24 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Acroporidae / Montipora digitata2 / 1 - 2 / 2.60 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora digitata2 / 1 - 2 / 2.10 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 3.46 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Acroporidae / Montipora monasteriata2 / 3 - 5 / 6.86 / Anthony and Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)
Faviidae / Platygyra sinensis2 / 1 - 2 / 7.40 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Faviidae / Platygyra sinensis2 / 1 - 2 / 6.80 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 0 - 10 / 16.00 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 11 - 20 / 15.00 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 21 - 30 / 10.00 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Euphyllidae / Plerogyra sinuosa2 / 31 - 40 / 10.00 / Vareschi and Fricke (1986)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 3 - 4 / 0.06 / Schlöder and D’Croz (2004)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 2 / 7.31 / Rodrigues and Grottoli (2007)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 1.32 / Rex et al., (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.76 / Rex et al., (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 1.26 / Rex et al., (1995)
Poritidae / Porites cylindrica2 / 3 / 0.77 / Rex et al., (1995)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 3 - 4 / 0.26 / Schlöder and D’Croz (2004)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 4.33 / Edmunds and Davies (1986)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 3.78 / Edmunds and Davies (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / “shallow” / 1.80 / Falkowski and Dubinsky (1980)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 15 / 1.90 / Falkowski and Dubinsky (1980)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 1.49 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
Mussidae / Symphyllia recta2 / 1 - 2 / 11.00 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
Mussidae / Symphyllia recta2 / 1 - 2 / 12.10 / Leuzinger et al. (2003)
10. C content (mM cm-2)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 1.08 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 0.75 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / nd / 0.10 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / nd / 0.10 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Dendrophylliidae / Tubastrea coccinia1 / nd / 0.20 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Dendrophylliidae / Tubastrea coccinia1 / nd / 0.50 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia poculata3 / nd / 0.60 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 9 - 13 / 0.30 / Szmant and Gassman (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 9 - 13 / 0.20 / Szmant and Gassman (1990)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 0.06 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
11. N content (mM cm-2)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 / 0.06 / Porter et al. (1989)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 0.02 / Porter et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 0.01 / Porter et al. (1984)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 0.10 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 0.08 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / nd / 0.01 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / nd / 0.01 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Dendrophylliidae / Tubastrea coccinia1 / nd / 0.04 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Dendrophylliidae / Tubastrea coccinia1 / nd / 0.08 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia pocullata4 / nd / 0.12 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 9 - 13 / 0.04 / Szmant and Gassman (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 9 - 13 / 0.03 / Szmant and Gassman (1990)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 0.01 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
Agaricidae / Agaricia tenufolia1 / 1 - 2 / 0.04 / Sebens et al. (2003)
12. C:N (based on weight %)
Acroporidae / Acropora spp. 2 / 5 / 6.0 / Graham (2007)
Mussidae / Lobophyllia spp. 2 / 5 / 5.5 / Graham (2007)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora spp. 2 / 5 / 7.0 / Graham (2007)
Poritidae / Porites spp. 2 / 5 / 6.4 / Graham (2007)
Faviidae / Montastrea annularis1 / 9 - 13 / 7.9 / Szmant and Gassman (1990)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 3 - 4 / 6.1 / Schlöder and D’Croz (2004)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 3 - 4 / 6.1 / Schlöder and D’Croz (2004)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 - 5 / 7.3 / Muscatine et al. (1989)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 11.1 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / nd / 6.1 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Dendrophylliidae / Tubastrea coccinia1 / nd / 5.7 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Rhizangiidae / Astrangia poculata4 / nd / 6.3 / Szmant et al. (1990)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 - 8 / 9.6 / Szmant (1991)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 - 8 / 9.6 / Szmant (1991)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 6 - 8 / 9.5 / Szmant (1991)
13. Polyp density (polyps cm-2)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 22.6 / Edmunds and Davies (1989)
Poritidae / Porites porites1 / 10 / 25.0 / Edmunds and Davies (1986)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 33.9 / Porter et al. (1984)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 2 / 24.6 / Porter et al. (1984)
Faviidae / Favia favus2 / 5 - 35 / 0.4 / Wijsman-Best (1974)
Faviidae / Favites pentagonia2 / 1 - 33 / 1.7 / Wijsman-Best (1974)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / 14 / 5.3 / Patterson et al. (1991)
Pocilloporidae / Seriatopora hystrix2 / 3 / 34.4 / Al-Sofyani and Niaz (2007)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 2 - 15 / 0.8 / Lasker (1981)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 2 - 15 / 1.8 / Lasker (1981)
Poritidae / Porites lutea2 / 1 / 68.6 / Scoffin et al. (1992)
Acroporidae / Acropora hyacinthus2 / 1 - 3 / 112 / Hall and Hughes (1996)
Acroporidae / Acropora gemmifera2 / 1 - 3 / 126 / Hall and Hughes (1996)
Acroporidae / Acropora millepora2 / 1 - 3 / 87 / Hall and Hughes (1996)
Acroporidae / Acropora nana2 / 1 - 3 / 50 / Hall and Hughes (1996)
Faviidae / Goniastrea retiformis2 / 1 - 3 / 8.5 / Hall and Hughes (1996)
Pocilloporidae / Stylophora pistillata2 / 1 - 3 / 360 / Hall and Hughes (1996)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 3 - 4 / 67 / Anthony (1999)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora verrucosa2 / 3 / 129 / Sier and Olive (1994)
Oculinidae / Oculina varicosa1 / 80 - 100 / 2.4 / Brooke and Young (2003)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora meandrina2 / 1 - 12 / 66.4 / Tricas (1989)
Poritidae / Porites lobata2 / 1 - 12 / 76.7 / Tricas (1989)
Poritidae / Porites compressa2 / 1 - 12 / 61 / Tricas (1989)
Acroporidae / Acropora cervicornis1 / nd / 25 / Szmant (1986)
Poritidae / Porites astreoides1 / nd / 18 / Szmant (1986)
Siderastreidae / Siderastrea siderea1 / nd / 9 / Szmant (1986)
Faviidae / Favia fragum1 / nd / 12 / Szmant (1986)
Faviidae / Diploria strigosa1 / nd / 2 / Szmant (1986)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 12 / Szmant (1986)
Faviidae / Montastraea annularis1 / nd / 2 / Szmant (1986)
Meandrinidae / Dendrogyra cylindrus1 / nd / 3 / Szmant (1986)
Mussidae / Mycetophyllia ferox1 / nd / 2 / Szmant (1986)
Faviidae / Favia speciosa2 / 3 - 6 / 0.7 / Todd et al. (2001)
Faviidae / Montastraea spp.1 / 11.5 - 27 / 3.8 / vanVeghel and Bak (1993)
Faviidae / Montastraea spp.1 / 3.5 - 20.5 / 5.1 / vanVeghel and Bak (1993)
Faviidae / Montastraea spp.1 / 3.5 - 20 / 5.4 / vanVeghel and Bak (1993)
Faviidae / Montastraea spp.1 / 3.5 - 21 / 4.7 / vanVeghel and Bak (1993)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 5 - 17 / 0.4 / Acosta and Zea (1997)
Faviidae / Montastraea cavernosa1 / 5 - 17 / 2.0 / Acosta and Zea (1997)
Agaricidae / Pavona spp. 2 / 3 - 8 / 33.7 / Glynn et al. (2000)
Agaricidae / Pavona spp. 2 / 3 - 8 / 26.1 / Glynn et al. (2000)
Agaricidae / Pavona spp. 2 / 3 - 8 / 23.4 / Glynn et al. (2000)
Agaricidae / Pavona spp. 2 / 3 - 8 / 26.8 / Glynn et al. (2000)
Agaricidae / Pavona spp. 2 / 3 - 8 / 22.8 / Glynn et al. (2000)
Agaricidae / Pavona gigantea2 / 1 - 3 / 16.9 / Palardy et al. (2006)
Pocilloporidae / Pocillopora damicornis2 / 1 - 3 / 33.4 / Palardy et al. (2006)
Agaricidae / Agaricia tenuifolia2 / 1 - 2 / 11.5 / Sebens et al. (2003)
Acosta A, Zea S (1997) Sexual reproduction of the reef coral Montastrea cavernosa (Scleractinia: Faviidae) in the Santa Marta area, Caribbean coast of Colombia. Mar Biol 128: 141-148
Al-Sofyani AA, Niaz GR (2007) A comparative study of the components of the hard coral Seriatopora hystrix and the soft coral Xenia umbellata along the Jeddah coast, Saudi Arabia. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 42: 207–219
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