Theater Arts 1B

C. Burriss

A comprehensive listing of abstracting and indexing databases available via the library can be found via the Library's home page:

Look under LIBRARY COLLECTIONS: Electronic Indexes & Abstracts. Another way of investigating databases and other resources for specific disciplines or topical areas is to use the California Digital Library (CDL) Searchlight form (

Many of the databases that the library subscribes to are available to users on the UC Berkeley campus or users of the UCB modem pool only. UCB students, faculty, and staff may access these databases

Some good places to start for scholarly articles related to mass communications and film:

International Index to the Performing Arts

IIPA Full Text covers nearly all aspects of performing arts, from scholarly studies to snapshots ofpopular culture. IIPA Full Text draws its content from more than 210 scholarly and popular performing artsperiodicals, and also indexes a variety of documents such as biographical profiles, conferencepapers, obituaries, interviews, discographies, reviews and events.Includes retrospective citations from 46 periodicals,dating backto 1864.

MLA [Modern Language Assn.] Bibliography

Includes international coverage of materials in the areas of literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore. The database contains over 1 million citations from over 4,000 journals, series, books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies. Coverage includes 1963 -present. Mostly citations with occasional links to ejournal.

Expanded Academic Index ASAP

Contains records for articles from popular magazines, general interest journals, and scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and general sciences. Legal, business, and health journals are also included. Citations for articles in medicine, technical fields, and selected other areas include abstracts. Coverage includes 1980 to the present. Links to full-text for some journals indexed

Arts and Humanities Citation Index

Indexes 1,100 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals, as well as covering individually selected, relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals. Coverage includes 1975 - present. Citations only

Proquest Direct (PA Research II)

Includes abstracts and indexing to more than 1,100 periodical titles, plus current coverage of New York Times, and Wall Street Journal articles. Coverage includes 3 choices: Current (1998 - Present), Backfile (1986 - 1997), Deep Backfile (Prior to 1986). ProQuest includes some full text.

Other Relevant Databases:

Art Abstracts

The Art Abstracts database contains over 279,000 citations to items from over300 international publications, including journals, yearbooks, museum bulletins, filmreviews, bibliographies, conference reports, review articles, interviews andexhibition listings, in a variety of languages. A good source for articles on avant garde and experimental arts that straddle boundaries, such as video or performance art. Coverage includes 9/84 to present. Art Index Retrospective covers 1929-1984.

Essay & General Literature

Cites essays and articles contained in collections of essays and miscellaneous works published in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. More than 300 volumes are indexed annually. Additionally, more than 20 annuals and serial publications are indexed. EGL focuses on the humanities and social sciences, with subject coverage ranging from economics, political science, and history to criticism of literary works, drama, and film. Coverage begins with 1/85 Citations only


Full text archive of interdisciplinary scholarly journal literature. Some of the journals included: African American Review, American Economic Review, American Historical Review, American Political Science Review, American Quarterly, American Sociological Review, World Politics.

Project Muse

Full text of over 40 scholarly journals in the humanities, the social sciences, and mathematics. Includes: Biography, Camera Obscura, Comparative Literature Studies, Criticism, Cultural Critique, Human Rights Quarterly, Journal of Asian American Studies, Journal of the History of Ideas, Journal of Women's History, Journal of World History, Modernism/Modernity, Postmodern Culture, Reviews in American History, Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Social Text, Wide Angle.