1 / Shokin Yu.I., Ermakov N.B., Molorodov Yu.I.,Stolyarov S.V., Fedotov A.M. Development of data model for biological collection………………………………………………………………… / 4712 / Domrachev V.A., Karakoz A.V. Prospects of application of
electromechanical systems in sowing selection machines………... / 471
3 / Matveichuk V.F., Evgrafov V.I. Norms and rules for test measurement instruments, and development and certifications of measurements procedure………………………………………………. / 472
4 / Kerimbay N.N., Mamutov Zh.U. Development of adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture in republics Kazakhstans...... / 473
5 / Herbst R., Lamp J. Efficient production of digital soil maps for precision farming………………………………………………….. / 474
6 / Shindelov A.V., Tihonkin I.V.,Herbst R. Adaptation of precision agrotechnologies to siberian conditions……………………… / 482
7 / Seredovich V.A., Kaljuzhin V.A., Dubrovsky A.V.,
Malygina O.I. About the working out of automatic informational system of territorial management of Novosibirsk area…………… / 482
8 / Vasenev I.I. Framework decision support system for land agroecological evaluation and land-use agroecological optimization at the level of farm and region……………………………….. / 483
9 / Rukhovich O.V., Belichenko M.V. Application of predictive soil mapping for the agricultural enterprises…………………………... / 484
10 /
Medennikov V.I., Muratova L.G. Scientific bases of the program of development of informatization of the agrarian science
/ 48511 / Medennikov V.I., Muratova L.G. Modelling of scripts of development of information of the agriculture…..…………………. / 485
12 / Medennikov V.I., Salnikov S.G. Theoretical and practical problems of informatization of agriculture of the Russian Federation… / 486
13 / Medennikov V.I., Sergovantsev V.T., Tcherkasov U.N., Salnikov S.G., Lichman A.A., Muratova L.G., Mosjagina V.V.
Monitoring of the condition of informatization of the agrarian science / 487
14 / Pomogaev V.M. Information facilities for innovative processes in agro - industrial complex in Omsk region………………………… / 487
15 / Neustroev M.P., Jurov K.P., Tarabukina N.P., Baishev A.A., Ordakhov I.A., Petrova S.G., Alt V.V., Bobrova T.N., Kolpakova L.A., Volokhin A.S. Computer database of information “Horse diseases in Yakutia”………………………………………. / 488
16 / Vershinin A.S., Stashevskaya T.M. Information technologies in educational process of high school……………………………….. / 488
17 / Potanin V.G., Aleynikov A.F. Development and ways to improve systems of rational agricultural nature management……………….. / 489
18 / Zagorulko G.B., Gonchar A.M., Zagorulko Yu.A., Rjabkov A.N. Intelligent system for prophylaxis and elimination of imbalance of elements in the human organism…………………………. / 489
19 / Krasinsky V.I. A reliable method of diagnostics on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets…………………………………………… / 490
20 / Kashirsky A.I. IT-industry and system of knowledge production managements of competitive agricultural production…………….. / 491
21 / Garke T.M., Kretova E.A. Virtual reading room as a means of accessing full text databases………………………………………. / 492
22 / Schukin S.G. Conceptual positions systems of progressing of agriculture of Russia on the basis of information know-hows……… / 492
23 / Dobrotvorskaya N.I., Kolpakova L.A., Savchenko O.F. Workstation of agronomist as a smart tool to design adaptive-to-landscape cropping systems………………………………………. / 493
24 / Gurova T.A., Berezina V.Yu. Computer data base “Diseases of grain crops”……………………………………………………….. / 494
25 / Kolev N.V., Stoimenov G.G., Kirkova J.M., Penev K.P.,
Nenov M.P., Alt V.V. Methodology and results of spatial evaluation of the parameters of the thermal and water ballances of the “soil – plant – atmoshere” system………………………………… / 494
26 / Usikov S.V., Kartashov J.I., Vasilyeva LK., Petkau O.G., Bogachev I.M., Vyilegganin V.V., Jakushev V.P., Ananyev I.P., Tulin E.V. Technologies and means of quality diagnostics, identification of liquids and agricultural materials on the basis of the method of state for the precision agriculture problems solving …. / 496
27 / Aleynikov A.F. Thermotronics as alternative for using microelectronics…………………………………………………………….. / 497
28 / Derunov I.V., Archipov M.V., Mikhailenko I.M., Terleev V.V., Geludkov A.G., Velikanov L.P. Methodology of introscopical diagnostics of grain hidden defects and automated computing analysis of rays images for earlier express control of new grain class………. / 499
29 / Ananyev I. P. Impedance resistive and reactive parts separation of a capacitive dielectric transducer in a self-excited oscillator with inertial stabilization of oscillation amplitude………………... / 500
30 / Ananyev I.P., Belov A.V. The probe-type of a bicomponent dielectric measurement transducer of soil moisture and electrical conductivity……………………………………………………….. / 501
31 / Boyko A.V. Improvement of the metrological features of the systems of the measurement power parameter on base information technology / 502
32 / Ivanov G.Ja., Kuznetsov A.U., Lisenkov P.A. Mathematical model of induction motor with poorly varying loading as control of object… / 503
33 / Ivanov G.Ja., Kuznetsov A.U., Lisenkov P.A. Application of the frequency-adjustable electric drive in the agricultural production…. / 503
34 / Aksenov V.V., Resepin A.I., Tkachenko V.O., Maximenko A.V. Preprocessing of starch-containing stuff by electron jet………….. / 504
35 / Shuvalov G.V. Improvement of the methods and facilities of the checking GSM in agribusiness industry………………………….. / 504
36 / Krikov A.M., Nemcev A.E., Demenok I.V. Know-hows specialized directory system nonproduction supply industrial agrarian
complex (IAC)…………………………………………………… / 505
37 / Novoselov A.L., Melbert A.A. Evaluation of possibilities of flame- and spark quenching, release noisiness reduction of
agricultural machinery diesels…………………………………….. / 505
38 / Cherepov O.D. About ecological characteristics combustion engine……………………………………………………………… / 506
39 / Melbert A.A. Modelling of gas cleaning processes in a catalytic neutralizer for agricultural machinery diesels……………………. / 507
40 /
Ovchinnikova N.I., Jurev S.A. To the question of the estimation of reliability of process of cleaning bread grains to straight lines combine harvesting with "DOMINATOR SL-108 MAXI"……….
/ 50841 / Kem A.A., Krasilnikov E.V. Influence of parameters of the design of the suspension bracket of working body sternevoj of the seeder on uniformity of the course on depth……………………… / 509
42 / Grebennikov A.S., Konovalov A.V. Irregular conditions of similar components of the automobiles brake system…………………. / 509
43 / Denisov A.S., Baskhov N.V., Bokharev A.V. The estimation of the resource of motor and tractor engines with the use of an integral measuring instrument of an exploitation process…………….. / 511
44 / Savchenko O.F. Enhancement of expert system for combustion
engines by using CALS-technologies……………………………. / 512
45 / Valkov V.A., Livshits V.M., Monoszon A.A., Koshevoi V.G., Pyatin S.P. Automation of diagnostic trials of autotractor motor engines……………………………………………………………. / 513