This book contains information about the club, its facilities and their proper use, and the privileges and responsibilities of membership as of February, 2012.

Included in this manual are the constitutional by-laws of the club and the Elk River City Code; Chapter 50, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions; Division 2 Dangerous Weapons.


The Elk River Sportsman’s Club is incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a nonprofit organization. The club has been in operation since January 2, 1946, when it was chartered as the St Louis Park Sportsmans Club. In 1962, the club’s range was in the path of the I-35W construction, so the current club property – 304.71 acres – was purchased for $25 per acre. The club was rechartered October 21, 1997. The name was changed to Elk River Sportsmans Club on August 17, 1999, and to Elk River Sportsman’s Club in 2009.

Our activities are recreational, and as such, we participate in both conservation and shooting programs. Family use of the range is encouraged, as outlined under the section ‘FAMILY PARTICIPATION.’

The club functions under the provisions of its constitution and by-laws. All business matters are handled by a Board of Directors, which meets monthly or as required by circumstances. The Board establishes the frequency and location of general membership meetings, usually 7 PM on the third Tuesday of each month.

During the months of April through October, meetings are held in the clubhouse at the range. November through March meetings are held at a location determined by the Board.


Membership is open to all persons over 18. A club member in good standing who has donated 8 hours of work to the club during the previous year may sponsor one candidate for membership. An application for membership must be completed, and both the applicant and sponsor must attend a meeting of the Board of Directors, at which time the application will be considered.

Initial membership cost is the annual dues plus an initiation fee. Thereafter, the cost is the annual dues as established by club by-laws. Dues for the coming year become payable on December 1st, and if not paid by the last day of December the member is dropped from the membership rolls. The club roster is for internal club activity use only and will not be distributed for any other purpose.

As of 2010, all new members are required to be a member of the NRA. As a condition of renewal, those members who joined in 2010 and thereafter must provide proof that their NRA membership is valid, or they must renew their NRA membership as part of their ERSC membership renewal.

The club is non-partisan and does not endorse any political party or candidate. However, the club urges all of its members to review the qualifications and records of all the candidates and vote, keeping in mind the best interests of our club and the shooting and hunting sports.

Each year, members have the privilege and responsibility of electing, or being elected to, a position as a club officer or board member. Candidates for office are selected by a nominating committee and/or nominations from the membership. All Annual, Senior and Honorary Life members are eligible to hold office. The term of office is for one year, but an officer may serve any number of terms.

Club officers consist of the President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Officer, Research Officer, Conservation Officer, two Sergeants at Arms, ten members of the Board of Directors, and an Activity Chair for each of the following activities: Archery, Black Powder, Bench Rest, High Power/KD, Pistol, Smallbore, Shotgun, Firearms Safety, Camping, and Food Services. The Board of Directors consists of all of the above, plus an Editor appointed by the Board of Directors.


The Elk River Sportsman’s Club welcomes and encourages the participation of family members in the club activities and use of the range facilities. These use privileges are extended to your spouse and members of your family below the age of 18, but they must accompany you at all times. You are directly responsible for their actions while on club property. Children are not allowed within the club range areas without adult supervision.

The spouse of a member may become an Associate member, and juvenile dependents may become Junior members, as outlined in Article III, Section (E) of the constitution.


The number of guests a member may bring to use the club facilities is limited to three non-family guests. As defined in the previous section, only your spouse and your children are considered ‘family.’

Additional guests beyond the limit of three will require a Range Use Request be submitted and approved by the Board of Directors. As their host member, you will act as a Safety Officer, and you may not shoot while your guests are actively shooting. You may demonstrate proper safety and shooting technique, or take turns shooting.

Members have range use priority over guests, including your family members, except during competitions or other club-sponsored events.


Classes require a Range Use Request, whether they are formal (NRA, DNR Firearms Safety, 4H, or similar) or informal. Range Use Request forms are available at the clubhouse or on the club website, and may be submitted by mail or e-mail to the Corresponding Secretary.

Requests for classes require an appearance before the Board at a Board or Member meeting. Classes require knowledgeable instructors, as demonstrated by certification through the MN DNR, NRA, or other organization, and/or proven experience teaching firearms safety and use.

Instructors must have their own liability insurance, or have insurance through their sponsoring organization (DNR, 4H, etc.). Proof of insurance is required before any class will be approved.

You are responsible for the conduct and actions of your guests/students, and close supervision of each guest is required. You must accompany them at all times. Do not ask or expect other club members to assume responsibility for your guests!


Various range facilities have been constructed on the property, and these are maintained for your use as long as you remain a member in good standing.

The current facilities include:

·  A 38' by 80' clubhouse with indoor archery and airgun targets for use in the winter.

·  A shotgun range with skeet, sporting clays and 2 regulation ATA trap ranges, available only during Club events. One electric trap and a practice trap range (“Crazy Quail”) with two manual trap machines are available to any member during regular hours of operation. A brief training session in the use of the electric trap machine is required. There is a shotgun patterning board next to the skeet house.

·  A 25-yard pistol range. Half of the firing points are covered for protection from sun and rain.

·  A 100-yard range with covered firing points.

·  A 25/50-yard range, with half the firing points covered.

·  A Smallbore rifle range with target holders at 50 and 100 yards, and reactive targets that may be set at 25 yards and 40, 60, 77 & 100 meters. There are three permanent shooting benches.

·  A Known Distance (KD) rifle range with firing lines at 100, 200, 300, 400 and 600 yards, complete with modern pit facilities and target frames.

·  An outdoor archery range for practicing at 20 to 65 yards, plus walk-through trails with 3D targets and a 20-yard indoor range in the clubhouse.

·  A camping and recreation area with picnic tables near the clubhouse for tent, trailer or van camping. Water and electric power are available, but there is no waste dump on the site.

·  A large, open ‘rendezvous’ camping area, and several smaller ‘primitive’ camping areas with fire rings, are located near the Pistol range.

The range has electric power in specific locations only – It is not distributed throughout the entire range. There is no storage available. Users must bring in all supplies. All ranges have access to toilet facilities.


The Key Word is SAFETY

The club has developed rules of conduct and procedures for range use to promote the safety of our members, guests, and the residents of the properties surrounding our property. These rules are enforced, and it is mandatory that they be observed at all times by every person who uses the range. These rules are in effect at all range areas, and they are in addition to the basic safety rules for handling firearms and ammunition (The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety).

{Specific rules for the various ranges follow this section}

1. Firing shall be limited to prepared ranges only, with their adequate impact backstops. Only the target holders provided for that range shall be used.
When putting targets on target holders, be positive that the targets are at a height that will assure bullet impact in the backstops from whatever shooting position is being used. Paper targets only shall be used, with the targets mounted in the center of the target holder to prevent damage to the wooden structure supporting the target holders.

2. Firing at objects on the ground or at targets mounted in such a manner that bullets may strike the ground and ricochet is prohibited and shall not be condoned for any reason. Firing at aerial targets with handguns or rifles is prohibited on all range property.
It is recommended rifles be loaded with one round at a time when sighting-in or target shooting on the 25-50 yard, 100 yard, and the KD Ranges. Exceptions to these recommendations:

ü  During practice for and during any High Power shooting competition

ü  During preparation for hunting when the member wants to practice a particular shooting stance.

ü  When shooting .22 caliber rifles or other firearms that are difficult to load one round at a time.

ü  During police training.

Pistols are excluded from this recommendation.

3. Restrict your firing to the range designed for that purpose:

Pistol Range

Pistols and revolvers, all calibers

Rimfire rifles and airguns

Carbines and rifles (except .50 BMG)

Police/self-defense shotguns, no slugs (targets 14-20 only)

25 and 50 Yard Range

Pistols and revolvers, all calibers

.22 and other rimfire rifles

Centerfire rifles (except .50 BMG)

Black powder pistols and rifles

Shotgun, slugs only

100 Yard Range

Hunting caliber pistols/revolvers

Centerfire rifles (except .50 BMG)

Rimfire rifles

Black powder rifles

Shotgun, slugs only

Smallbore Range

.22 and other rimfire rifles


Shotgun Ranges

Shotguns with #7 ½ shot and smaller only, no slugs.

Known Distance Range (KD)

Firearms appropriate for long-range shooting and not prohibited by KD range rules (i.e., pistols and shotguns). Rimfire rifles are prohibited except for organized club events. The firing of .50 BMG rifles requires certification, and they are allowed only on the KD range (see KD rule 9).

4. Hunting on club property is prohibited, except with the approval of the Board of Directors.

5. Members shall have priority over guests for use of the range facilities, except for competitions or other club events.

6. Lock combinations are available to members only for access to our facilities. Furnishing the lock combination to non-members is prohibited unless approved by club officers for a specific reason.

7. The entrance gate is to be kept closed after entering and when leaving the range. During an organized shoot or activity that is open to both members and non-members, the gate will be opened by the Activity Chair or event sponsor in charge, and he or she shall be responsible to clear out any non-members after the event and closing the gate.

8. Shooting is prohibited before 8:00 A.M., Monday through Saturday, and before 9:00 A.M. on Sunday. No shooting after sunset. Sunset tables are posted at each range. By special request and with the approval of club Officers, night shooting for the training and qualification of law officers has been approved as a controlled scheduled public service.

We ask members to use discretion in their interpretation of sunset, as there can be times when light conditions are inadequate for shooting even before official sunset times.

9. The consumption of alcoholic beverages on club property, or the use of firearms while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, is prohibited. Combining alcohol or drugs with the use of firearms is considered a violation of our safety practices.

10. When any person is forward of the firing line at any point on the Smallbore, 25/50-yd, 100-yd and Pistol ranges, the range will be closed and all firearms unloaded and actions left open with a chamber flag inserted, and the shooters not down range are to step away from the benches and not handle any firearms. The range shall not be reopened until a positive check has been made for any person who may still be down range.

Warning beacons have been installed at the 100-yard and 25/50-yard ranges to alert shooters that the range is closed, and members are required to use them.

11. Firearms are to remain unloaded at all times except when on the firing line and ready to fire. At all other times, actions are to remain open and the firearms unloaded, or cased and stowed for transportation.