2009/10 Interim Report

FSWP File Number* / FSWP 09 EE 69

* Please use the FSWP File Number provided in previous FSWP project correspondence.

  1. Project Information

1.1.Project Title
Nechako White Sturgeon Community Outreach Support
1.2.Proponent’s Legal Name
Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative
1.3.Project Location
Nechako River Watershed
1.4.Contact for this report
Name: Carla Wainwright / Phone: 250.277.2105 / Email:
  1. Interim Project Results

2.1.Describe the work carried out to date as related to each objective described in your initial proposal (insert extra rows if needed).
(Note for future: outputs generated in support of progress will need to accompany your FINAL REPORT. Example of outputs: technical reports, maps, photos, evidence of communications, lists of participants at meetings, etc.)
Objective (from proposal) / Progress to date / Tasks to complete
Example: Restoration of riparian habitat on 14 sites on the Bonaparte River by March 31, 2010. / Example: All restoration sites completed pre-assessment.12 sites begun restoration, with the other two complete. / Example: Completion of the remaining 12 sites includes installation of LWD, rip-rap, and seeding.
1- Decreasing direct anthropogenic harm and mortality to Nechako white sturgeon by First Nations Food, Social and Ceremonial (FSC) fisheries; / The NWSRI together with the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council has hired a consultant to work together with the CSTC Harm Reduction Outreach worker to engage in a series of workshops in FN communities to address the issue to direct anthropogenic harm and mortality to white sturgeon. Feedback from these sessions will feed into the 2010-2015 NWSRI Communications Plan. To date two sessions have been completed in the Saikuz territory. / Sessions (2 in each community) have been planned through both October and November in Nak’azdli, Tl’azt’en, Nadleh Whut’en, and Takla Lake.
2- Providing improved coordination and support services to the Community Working Group arm of the Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative. This in turn will improve community-level awareness regarding the decline of the Nechako white sturgeon population, habitat loss and recovery activities; / Work in this area has been on-going and support has been provided for a Community Working Group meeting, River’s Day and the organization of the 2009 Save our Sturgeon School Event. / The NWSRI Coordinator will continue to work together with the CWG on outreach and awareness building activities through the rest of the fiscal year as funds permit.
3- Providing support for the organization and execution of the 2009 SOS – Save our Sturgeon juvenile release event where over 1,000 First Nation and non First Nation school children from the Nechako Watershed each release a 4 month old juvenile sturgeon into the Nechako River. / The 2009 Save our Sturgeon School Event was held in Vanderhoof at Riverside Park on October 7th. Unfortunately due to funding constraints, the Initiative was unable to have juvenile fish for the children to release. However, a program was still put into effect – with a water quality testing station, a white sturgeon biology and conservation station and a sturgeon kite flying station. Fewer children attended this year, but the day was a definite success and feedback has been very positive. / Remaining tasks for this objective include a final report from the educational coordinator for the event as well as a final wrap up call for the SOS Sub- Committee. Both are scheduled to be completed the week of October 19th.
4- Providing support for the organization and execution of three regional community based workshops to educate the public about both white sturgeon conservation and watershed health. / Workshops have been planned in Vanderhoof, Fort St. James and in several First Nation communities as described above in Objective 1. The purpose of these workshops is to build on any past information provided to FN and non FN communities, to initiate low level of audience research to get a sense of each communities knowledge and beliefs, barriers and potential incentives, to engage and empower FN and non FN communities to contribute at an individual and community level. And specifically with FN communities, to help them identify what they think will work most effective at changing FN FSC behaviours that negatively impact the sturgeon populations and habitats. / The Vanderhoof meeting is scheduled for October 20th. The Fort St. James meeting will take place sometime in the next 6 weeks. FN Meetings as outlines in Objective 1 are also planned within the next several weeks.
2.2.If applicable, describe any changes to the project’s objectives, with rationale (insert extra rows if needed). NOTE: Indicate any related changed in the schedule of tasks in section 2.4.
Original Objective
(from proposal) / Revised Objective / Rationale
Example: Restoration of riparian habitat on 14 sites on the Bonaparte River by March 31, 2010. / Example: Restoration of riparian habitat on 12 sites on the Bonaparte River by March 31, 2010. / Example: Landowners on two sites sold property and new landowners cannot be contacted in time to get necessary permits.
2.3.If applicable, describe any changes to the methods that will be used to achieve objectives, and any implications these changes may have.
2.4.Paste in the timeline identified in your proposal (tasks with associated completion dates) and note any changes to the timeline or addition of tasks. Insert extra rows if needed.
Task / Original completion date
(from proposal) / Changes to timeline (if applicable)
1- 2010-2015 NWSRI Communications Plan / October 1, 2009 / March 31, 2010
2- 2009 SOS Release Event (now School Event) / October 15, 2009 / No changes
3- Community Workshops (3) on white sturgeon / March 15, 2010 / No changes
4- Outreach in FN Communities / March 15, 2010 / No changes
5- 2009-10 NWSRI Annual Report / March 31, 2010 / Preliminary draft only to be completed by March 31, 2010
2.5.Do you expect any difficulty in completing the project on time or within budget? Place an X in the appropriate box. If YES for either, please phone your FSWP contact as soon as possible.
Difficulty being on time? / No: / X / Yes:
Difficulty being within budget? / No: / X / Yes:
  1. Project Budget

In Part A, please list all line-items from your original proposal, and add any additional line-items for costs to-date that were not originally budgeted. Please include more specific descriptions of services or items where possible, (e.g. the name of the company or individual contracted), and actual rates, unit costs, and total costs. In Part B, report the original amount budgeted per line item from the detailed proposal, and the actual FSWP amount spent to-date. Please NOTE that FSWP does not expect actual spending to-date to necessarily align with the original budget.
3.1 If you have had any significant differences in your spending to-date in comparison to your original budget, please provide an explanation. Significant differences could include costs that exceed 20% of a line-item or budget category (labour, materials, administration), and new items or services that were not originally budgeted, exceeding 10% of total FSWP contribution.
  1. Project promotion

What steps are you taking to contribute to public understanding of watershed and salmon issues by promoting your project? (If you have already responded to our questionnaire about these activities, you may skip this question)
For example, please describe briefly your effort to:
  • Host a visit from government officials
  • Hold a public event or media briefing
  • Post a sign introducing your project or suggesting action
  • Post educational web content
Note: We ask that you acknowledge FSWP funding in these activities. You may speak with your staff representative or the communications manager to discuss opportunities.
FSWP may be able to provide an event sponsorship (up to $500) or a sign budget (up to $500). Please note here if you are interested in pursuing either opportunity.

Please use this space to provide any other comments on either your project’s progress or any comments on the FSWP.