Quiz #5

NAME Section

  1. Which of these elements would have the lowest first ionization energy? {not drawn to scale!}
  1. Element ABElement B

C Element CDElement D

  1. Given the representation of a chlorine atom, which circle might a Br be?
  1. Element A BElement B

C Element CDElement D

  1. As one moves from left to right ( → ) within a period across the periodic table, the atomic radius of the elements encountered tends to:
  2. increase Bstay the same Cdecrease
  3. The measure of the attraction that an atom has for electrons involved in chemical bonds is known as:
  1. electronegativity Belectron affinity

Cionization energy Dradioactivity

  1. Of the following elements, which one would have the smallest ionization energy?
  1. Lithium (Li, atomic #3) BNitrogen (N, atomic #7)

C. Boron (B, atomic #5) DNeon (Ne, atomic #10)

  1. Generally speaking, the group of elements with the highest ionization energy is:
  1. Group 16 BGroup 18

C Group 17 DGroup 1

  1. The most active metals are located in the:
  1. lower right hand corner of the periodic table
  2. lower left hand corner of the periodic table
  3. upper right hand corner of the periodic table
  4. upper left hand corner of the periodic table
  1. As one moves from down ( ↓ ) a group on the periodic table, the atomic radius of the elements encountered tends to:
  2. increase Bdecrease Cstay the same

  3. Given the representation of a chlorine atom, which circle might represent an atom of sulfur?
  1. Circle B BCircle C

CNone of these DCircle D

  1. Of the following elements, which one would have the smallest radius?
  1. Boron (B, atomic #5) BNitrogen (N, atomic #7)

C Lithium (Li, atomic #3) DNeon (Ne, atomic #10)

  1. As one moves from left to right ( → ) within a period across the periodic table, the electronegativity of the elements encountered tends to:
  2. decrease Bstay the same Cincrease
  1. The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the:

A upper right-hand corner of the periodic table Blower right-hand corner of the periodic table

C lower left-hand corner of the periodic table Dupper left-hand corner of the periodic table

  1. As one moves from left to right ( → ) within a period across the periodic table, the ionization energy of the elements encountered tends to:

Aincrease Bdecrease Cstay the same

  1. Of the following elements, which one would have the largest ionization energy?
  1. AHydrogen (H, atomic #1) BSodium (Na, atomic #11)

CPotassium (K, atomic #19) DCesium (Cs, atomic #55)

  1. The least electronegative elements are the:

ANoble gases BAlkali metals CMetalloids DHalogens