New York State Student Learning Objective Template

All SLOs MUST include the following basic components:
Population / These are the students assigned to the course section(s) in this SLO - all students who are assigned to the course section(s) must be included in the SLO. (Full class rosters of all students must be provided for all included course sections.)
Spanish II Class; all 30 students (see attachment for roster with baseline student information)
Learning Content / What is being taught over the instructional period covered? Common Core/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards?
New York State Learning Standards for Languages Other Than English (LOTE). All standards will be focused on during the interval of instruction.
Interval of Instructional Time / What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)?
September – June 2012-13.
Evidence / What specific assessment(s) will be used to measure this goal? The assessment must align to the learning content of the course.
1.  Spanish I summative assessment results from students in 2011-12.
2.  District-developed pre-assessment administered at the beginning of the school year.
3.  District-developed summative assessment administered at the end of the school year.
Baseline / What is the starting level of students’ knowledge of the learning content at the beginning of the instructional period?
1.  All students had 2011-12 Spanish I results that demonstrated scores of proficient or higher in all basic vocabulary and grammar.
2.  Scores ranged from 6% - 43% on the Spanish II District-wide diagnostic assessment.
(Please see attachment for student roster with all baseline data).
Target(s) / What is the expected outcome (target) of students’ level of knowledge of the learning content at the end of the instructional period?
80% of students will demonstrate mastery of at least 80% of the Spanish II performance indicators, as measured by the district developed summative assessment in June 2012.
HEDI Scoring / How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)?
Highly Effective: 86-100% of students demonstrate mastery of 80% of the Spanish II performance indicators, including all special populations.
Effective: 77% -85% of students demonstrate mastery of 80% of the Spanish II performance indicators, including all special populations.
Developing: 65% - 76% of students demonstrate mastery of 80% of the Spanish II performance indicators.
Ineffective: 64% or less of students demonstrate mastery of 80% of the Spanish II performance indicators.
20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
95- 100% / 90 -94% / 86 – 89% / 85% / 84% / 83% / 82% / 81% / 80% / 79% / 78% / 77% / 75 – 76% / 73 –
74% / 71 – 72% / 69– 70% / 67– 68% / 65- 66% / 51– 64% / 21– 50% / 0 – 20%
Rationale / Describe the reasoning behind the choices regarding learning content, evidence, and target and how they will be used together to prepare students for future growth and development in subsequent grades/courses, as well as college and career readiness.
Previous work in Spanish I focused on working with basic vocabulary and grammar, and building preliminary oral skills. The diagnostic assessment is heavily focused on more advanced writing and reading skills, which are essential components of the Spanish curriculum. Spanish II requires students build on their learning from Spanish I in order to acquire mastery in these areas and to be prepared for Spanish III. Since all students completed Spanish I having achieved basic proficiency levels, I am confident they will achieve 80% mastery or above on at least 80% of the Spanish II materials. This will ensure students are prepared for subsequent sequences in Spanish whether here in this school, or in college for those who are graduating.