Welcome: Thad Walker
Approval of minutes: Tara Pendleton
Motion to approve September minutes: Kristie White
Principal’s Report: Tina Fogal
We had a great McTeacher Night this past month. We had a wonderful turn out for our Veteran’s Day assembly yesterday. We had a great success with Gator Run and had fun at Halloween parties. Don’t forget we cannot turn left out of Grove and onto Shephard during entry and exit times. Report cards will be online November 20th. PARCC results are in. We don’t know a lot other than the scores. We are still learning what that means and where we stand. Strategic Planning meetings are happening monthly. Contact Dana Brown for more information. The next strategic planning meeting is December 1st. We also have an opening for a new CAC (Citizen Advisory Council) member. They meet monthly.
Unit 5 Update: Mike Trask:
I highly recommend being involved in the Citizen Advisory Council. We have a new tech coordinator. To clear all the rumors, there was a bullet found in locker room of Normal Community High School. Police were involved and no gun or other bullets were found. Please contact state representatives to get their act together and get a budget passed.
Unit 5 Educators Association: Karl Goeke.
I represent the 900 educators here in the community. We promote the “Know me. Know my name.” project. It’s goal is to get to know the students by name and get familiar with those students who have no adult relationships and who may be falling under the radar. The association advocates for better learning conditions and better education. There is a survey online to take so they know where parents are concerned and not just the educators. Website is UFEA.Org/ideas. This is not just a bargaining committee, but also a helpful organization.
Committee Report: We will receive grants through the end of this month for the enrichment grant program. There will be more to come, hopefully by January.
Book Fair: (Amy Leathery & Mary Ellen Kiley) We had a great turn out and made about the same amount as the previous year. We possibly had more sales during the day because of the wish lists. Approximate sales totaled $8,000.
Box Tops/Labels for Education:
(JoAnn Cavanaugh and Melissa Winkel) The first place class for box tops was Mrs. Smith’s third grade class. Second place was Mrs. Fletcher’s kindergarten class. Third place was Mrs. Damery’s kindergarten class.
Hospitality: (Sarah Strubhar) We will do something including pie and cider buffet next Thursday. We are currently working on 12 days of Christmas. Please label anything sent in to the school with Hospitality/PTO.
Library- IMC Coordinator: (Nikki Hudelson) We are still looking for parent volunteers to assist during class times with check-in and check-out, shelving, and computer assistance. The volunteer sign up is on the Grove PTO website. We really need volunteers for November and December. We will start letting the teachers know so they can reach parents.
Schwan’s and Pie Sales: (Tara Pendleton) We had amazing pie sales this year. The total amount sold was roughly $714. We get 40% of that. There were two classes that were so close in numbers that we decided to have two winners. Mrs. Kimmel, and Mrs. Kauten are winners and get parties. The pies will be ready for pick up on November 24th between 5-6pm.
We are doing well with Schwan’s sales.
Directory: (Tara Pendleton) Directory is done.
Room Parent/Volunteer Coordinator: Thank you for the Halloween parties. Mrs. Fogal has pictures on the
(Miranda Frank & Kristi White) Facebook page. We are getting ready for Christmas parties on December 17th. We are also getting ready for basket coordinators. It’s new this year. It is no longer room mother’s responsibility.
There will be a basket meeting next Thursday right here 6:30 and a pllanning committee meeting for Family Fun Day the first week of December. Contact Jessica Stephens.
School Rewards: (TBD) Amazon Smile, Target RedCards and Meijer Rewards are possible ways of giving back to the school. There’s a link on the Grove website with information regarding these programs.
Spirit Wear: (Katy Fiala and Erin Weaver) We have made about $500 worth of sales.
SCRIP: (Aliyyah Balson) Orders went well. ¾ new orders. We have another order due on December 3rd. The pick-up date will be on the 9th. Two-thirds of the purchases were from new buyers. We need to get old customers back. After the order due on December 3rd there will not be any more until February.
Website: (Tara Pendleton) I update the information on the PTO website regularly. Please check often for updates.
Facebook: (Kristine Walker) We are trying to move away from our Fan Page and have moved over to a Group format: OFFICIAL Grove Elementary PTO. Continue to sign in or check in at events so it will show up in others news feed. Send out reminders in Friday emails for parents to join.
Teachers Report: Mrs. Fletcher Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the luncheon. The Word of the Week is a new program teachers have started recently. Words will be on the sign on Monday of each week. Field trips and Halloween parties went great!
Treasurers Report: (Ryan Clouse): Don’t forget about classroom funding for reimbursements, as well as the school rewards partners on the Grove website. Yankee Candle info went out. We get 40% of each sale. Please share the information with families.
Announcements: No PTO meeting in December and no holiday raffle this year.
PTO meeting: January 7rh
Joe’s Station House Pizza: November 17th (College Hills location)
Avanti’s : December 14th
Motion to adjourn: Rebecca Harmon
Second motion: Thad Walker
Closing: (Thad Walker)
Elizabeth Smart is the at large that was chosen. Thad will have all the information out through Mrs. Fogal by Tuesday.