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Run Time: / 10:30:06 / EPEGS
Submitted Date: / Not Submitted / CSIP
SCHOOL YEAR: 2009 - 2010
Mission Statement: / It shall be the mission of the Arcadia Valley R-2 School District to establish an educational environment conducive to the needs of all students. The district will provide varied opportunities to increase skill, broaden knowledge, to promote strength of character and develop work habits to successfully:
1. seek and maintain employment
2. further education through a trade or technical school
3. and/or attend an academic college or university
Local Needs: /
  1. District's previous CSIP increased student achievement; just failed to maintain unrealistic increase to 100% mastery of the hardest state test in the nation!
  2. The district has not always taken advantage of coding on MAP testing to identify students who eligible for MAP-A and who have not been in the district the minimum time for AYP determination.
  3. District failed to update and vertically & horizontally align written curriculum as MSIP standards changed.
  4. Admin team did not emphasis the use of the district's written curriculum for instruction and assessment.
  5. MAP data has not been used to drive instruction during the school day or in afterschool programs.
  6. Mastery learning has very rarely been a focus of instruction and assessment.
  7. Most special education students were not provided instruction that was measured by MAP.
  8. Curriculum for most afterschool programs has been disjointed and not necessarily related to weak spots in the daily curriculum.
  9. Parents have not been properly made aware of the importance of achievement testing.
  10. Parents have often been unable to assist their children with homework or have not understood the importance of their involvement in their child's education.
  11. Parents not often informed of school activities related to student achievement & afterschool programs.
  12. District has not offered educational opportunities to parents and family members.
  13. Students with IEPs and free/reduced do not perform as well as other students.

1. Goal: Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals.
1. Objective: Annually, the district will identify, obtain, and/or secure the resources needed to support quality 100% of educational programs and services.
MSIP Standard: 6.1
Progress Measure:
School Year / Baseline / Progress / Target / Target Met
2008 - 2009 / 70% / 75 / 75% / Yes
2009 - 2010 / 75 / 85 / 85% / Yes
2010 - 2011 / 85% / 90% / 90% / Yes
2011 - 2012 / 100% / N/A
2012 - 2013 / 100% / N/A
2013 - 2014 / 100% / N/A
Comments: Based on staff requests for technology resources -- the percent to be funded or approved.
1. Strategy: All students will engage in rigorous instruction driven by technology enriched curriculum that meets students? assessed needs, results in high levels of academic achievement and performance, and fosters lifelong learning
MSIP Standard: 6.1,6.3
Persons Responsible: Technology Committee, Reading Coach
Funding Source Name: Health/METS Grant, Title I - School Improvement (g), Schoolwide Pool, High Schools That Work, Title II D eMints, Technology Education Grant, Title I, TITLE II.D, Title I School Improvement (a), eMINTS/METS Classroom Grant Program, TITLE VI.B
Date to Implement Strategy: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: With the assistance of technology, students at all grade levels will improve MAP and EOC test scores. Over the next three-year period the percent of students scoring at the proficiency or advanced level of the MAP will increase at least 5% per year per tested grade level in math, language arts and science.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: All students will have access to computer based primary and supplemental instruction in order to meet grade level expectations for AYP standards in Math
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: All students will have access to computer based assessment tools to meet grade level expectations for AYP standards in Reading
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
4.Action Step: All Kindergarten through 4th grade students will be measured through Dibbles Testing
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
5.Action Step: All students will be required to complete assignments that are related to the Show-Me Standards, vocational competencies, and the GLEs using technology
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
6.Action Step: All teachers and students will use technology infused lessons to promote thinking, learning, researching, problem-solving, and producing projects.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
7.Action Step: All mathematics and science classes will use daily interactive lessons found through Internet or computer software via SmartBoards, projectors, and CBL (calculator-based laboratories).
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
8.Action Step: All teachers and students will have access to print and non-print resources through the Library Media Center's automated catalog, on-line resources and circulation systems
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2. Strategy: Written curriculum for 100% of classes taught in the District will incorporate content and processes related to equity, technology, research, and workplace readiness skills
MSIP Standard: 6.1,6.8,7.3
Persons Responsible: Instructional Coaches, Principals, Technology Committee
Funding Source Name: eMINTS/METS Classroom Grant Program, Local Funds, 21st Century, Basic Formula - Classroom Trust Fund, Safe Schools, Basic Formula - State Monies, Reading First, Career Ladder
Date to Implement Strategy: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: All classrooms will have access to multimedia computer systems and eMINTS type classrooms will be added to each building as funding allows.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: Staff members of AV R-II will integrate technology into the curriculum at all grade levels to increase student learner outcomes. Over the next three years staff members will demonstrate at least a 10% average annual increase in the integration of technology into the classroom to the level of no less than 60% of lessons containing technology applications.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: With the assistance of technology, students at all grade levels will improve mathematics and communication arts test scores. Over the next three-year period the percent of students scoring at the proficiency or advanced level of the MAP will increase at least 5% per year per tested grade level and subject.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
4.Action Step: All curricula (to the extent possible) will be entered into an electronic alignment tool to provide curriculum alignment to the Show-Me Standards, frameworks, and grade-level expectations. Access to the electronic curricula will increase articulation on the curricula throughout the district
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
5.Action Step: All teachers and administrators will update to and utilize electronic curriculum alignment program
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
6.Action Step: Teachers and students will have access to technology equipment through the Library Media Centers for curriculum implementation and student presentations
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
7.Action Step: Use technology to communicate effectively and creatively: Students and teachers will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences and address all learning styles.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
8.Action Step: All students will use technology for research, problem solving, and decision-making at least once per year in each core class.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3. Strategy: District curriculum will inspire educators to use research based instructional strategies (such as eMINTS or equivalent) that are powered by technology and engage diverse learners in the excitement of learning through student centered, collaborative, project based, and inquiry based activities, and promote research, problem solving and communication.
MSIP Standard: 6.1,6.4,6.8
Persons Responsible: Technology Committee, Principal
Funding Source Name: Reading First, Title I - School Improvement (g), Title I, Local Funds, Title II D eMints, Basic Formula - State Monies, Schoolwide Pool, Technology Education Grant, TITLE II.D, Title I School Improvement (a), Safe Schools, TITLE V, TITLE VI.B
Date to Implement Strategy: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: All 4th grade classes and HS Chemistry eMINTS will be maintained and supported
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: All middle school Language Arts classes will have eMINTS type classrooms and use constructivist methods
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: Reading First equipment will be maintained and replaced as neededin the elementary
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
4.Action Step: Projectors and SmartBoards will be added to all middle and high school classroom to integrate technology
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
5.Action Step: Student Response Systems will be added to all classroom for formative and summative assessments
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2. Objective: Use MAP data to align curriculum and instructional strategies through analysis of each grade and subject to determine students within 10 points of the next category and report within one month of receiving the data
MSIP Standard: 6.2,7.1,9.1
Progress Measure:
School Year / Baseline / Progress / Target / Target Met
2007 - 2008 / 0% / 50% / 100% / Yes
2008 - 2009 / 100% / Yes
2009 - 2010 / 100% / 100% / 100% / Yes
2010 - 2011 / 100% / 100% / N/A
2011 - 2012 / 100% / N/A
2012 - 2013 / 100% / N/A
2013 - 2014 / 100% / N/A
Comments: Evaluated by published data alanlysis provided to teachers and BOE.
1. Strategy: Analyze Crystal Reports to determine weakness in each tested subject by grade
MSIP Standard: 6.2
Persons Responsible: Counselors, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Funding Source Name: TITLE II.A, Local Funds, High Schools That Work, Basic Formula - State Monies
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: Provide MAP-A training to all staff who administer the assessment
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: Develop a list of topics which each grade/subject performs poorly on MAP
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: Review curriculum guides to ensure that identified weak areas are emphasized in curriculum guides and classroom instruction
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2. Strategy: Ensure that all students are properly code the MAP identification sheets
MSIP Standard: 6.2
Persons Responsible: Counselors
Funding Source Name: Local Funds
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: Counselors and staff review the student data section of the MAP
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3. Strategy: Insure that all students who are eligible for MAP-A testing complete the MAP-A test
MSIP Standard: 6.2,7.1
Persons Responsible: Special Education Director, SPED Teachers
Funding Source Name: Local Funds, Basic Formula - State Monies
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2104
4. Strategy: Insure that all students who are eligible for MAP-A testing complete the MAP-A test
MSIP Standard: 6.2,7.1
Persons Responsible: SPED Dir, SPED teachers
Funding Source Name: Local Funds, Basic Formula - State Monies
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: Develop a list of MAP-A eligible students
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: Ensure that all eligible MAP-A students complete the assessment
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: Provide MAP-A training to all staff who administer the assessment
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
5. Strategy: Use weakest areas fom MAP test analysis to develop curriculum for afterschool programs and tutoring
MSIP Standard: 6.2,6.3,6.5
Persons Responsible: Career Ladder Chair, Counselors, Federal Prog Coord
Funding Source Name: Title I, Career Ladder, High Schools That Work, Schoolwide Pool, Title I School Improvement (a)
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: Develop lessons that address MAP area weakness in afterschool programs
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: Ensure that all funded tutoring address weakness in MAP areas
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014

3. Objective: All students (100%) will be reading at or above grade level in Grades K-8 MSIP Standard: 6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5,9.2 Progress Measure:

School Year / Baseline / Progress / Target / Target Met
2007 - 2008 / 72% / 81% / 81% / Yes
2008 - 2009 / 81% / 84% / 84% / Yes
2009 - 2010 / 84% / 86% / 86% / Yes
2010 - 2011 / 86% / 100% / N/A
2011 - 2012 / 100% / N/A
2012 - 2013 / 100% / N/A
2013 - 2014 / 100% / N/A
1. Strategy: Reading First will be maintained and expanded k thorough 6th Grade
MSIP Standard: 6.3,6.4,9.2
Persons Responsible: Federal Prog Coord, Reading COaches
Funding Source Name: Title I - School Improvement (g), Schoolwide Pool, Local Funds, TITLE II.A, Career Ladder, Title I, Reading First, Title I School Improvement (a), TITLE VI.B
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: Employ at least one reading coach for the elementary
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: Employ supplemental reading teachers to assist with Reading First in the elementary and reading instruction in the middle school
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: Employ reading aides to assist Reading First in the elementary and reading instruction in the middle school
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
4.Action Step: Continue to purchase supplimental Tier II and Tier III reading materials for grades K through 6th
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
5.Action Step: Purchase supplemental reading material and supplemental computer aided reading materials for grades K through 8th
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014

4. Objective: The district will provide a wide variety of supplemental programs and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students - ensure that 100% of students have access to supplemental programs MSIP Standard: 6.3 Progress Measure:

School Year / Baseline / Progress / Target / Target Met
2008 - 2009 / 80% / 85% / 85% / Yes
2009 - 2010 / 85% / 90% / 90% / Yes
2010 - 2011 / 90% / 100% / 100% / Yes
2011 - 2012 / 100% / N/A
2012 - 2013 / 100% / N/A
2013 - 2014 / 100% / N/A
Comments: As measured by student, parent and teacher surveys that indicate student access to computers and the Internet along with supplemental technology such as MOVIP and ITV.
1. Strategy: District will use technology to extend and support student learning beyond the school day and provide access to rigorous courses via alternative instructional delivery systems (such as ITV, web based and other including distance learning systems).
MSIP Standard: 6.3
Persons Responsible: Technology Committee, Counselors and Principals
Funding Source Name: eMINTS/METS Classroom Grant Program, Title I - School Improvement (g), Title I, High Schools That Work, 21st Century, Title II D eMints, Technology Education Grant, Schoolwide Pool, Local Funds, TITLE II.D, Health/METS Grant, TITLE V, Title I School Improvement (a), TITLE VI.B
Date to Implement Strategy: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: All students grades K-8 will have access to computer based instruction and assessment during the after school programs.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: All students in grades 5-12 will have access to internet and instruction and assessment software during evening or weekend tutoring programs.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
3.Action Step: All students grades K-12 will have access to MOVIP classes and distance learning technologies.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
4.Action Step: To use ITV to enhance curriculum in all areas across grade levels such as virtual field trips and co-teaching at various sites.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
5.Action Step: All students in grades 9-12 will have access to ITV and dual credit courses.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
6.Action Step: All students grades K-12 will have access to computer based instruction and assessment including educational software to aid homebound and independent study instruction.
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2. Strategy: 100% of District curriculum guides and taught curriculum will utilize technology in developing students' 21st century skills (information, communication technology, and media literacy). (MSIP 6.3, 6.4, 6.8) (METSP S2)
MSIP Standard: 6.3,6.4,6.8
Persons Responsible: Curriculum Director, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Funding Source Name: eMINTS/METS Classroom Grant Program, Title I - School Improvement (g), Title I, High Schools That Work, Title II D eMints, Basic Formula - State Monies, Schoolwide Pool, Technology Education Grant, TITLE II.D, Title I School Improvement (a), TITLE V, 21st Century, TITLE VI.B
Date to Implement Strategy: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: Update and monitor all curriculum to new revised EATonline that includes GLEs and technology
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: All teachers and administrators will utilize the online version of EAT
Date To Implement Action Step: 08/14/2008
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014

5. Objective: Revise all (100%) of curriculum guides to meet 4th cycle MSIP standards MSIP Standard: 1.1,1.2,1.3,6.1 Progress Measure:

School Year / Baseline / Progress / Target / Target Met
2007 - 2008 / 0 / 0% / 25% / No
2008 - 2009 / 25% / 75% / 75% / N/A
2009 - 2010 / 75% / 95% / 95% / N/A
2010 - 2011 / 95% / 100% / N/A
2011 - 2012 / 100% / N/A
2012 - 2013 / 100% / N/A
2013 - 2014 / 100% / N/A
Comments: Percent of district written curriculum guides developed by staff and the curriculum coordinator and approved by the Board.
1. Strategy: Revised curriculum guides will meet the needs of all students
MSIP Standard: 6.1
Persons Responsible: SPED Dir, Curriculum Dir
Funding Source Name: Special Education Part B Entitlement
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2010
2. Strategy: The District will revise curriculum guides with out-of District assistance
MSIP Standard: 6.1,6.7
Persons Responsible: Asst Superintendent, Instructional Coach
Funding Source Name: eMINTS/METS Classroom Grant Program, TITLE II.A, Career Ladder, High Schools That Work, Perkins Basic Grant - Secondary
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2009
1.Action Step: The district will hire Show-Me Curriculum Administrators Association consultants
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2009
2.Action Step: Communication Arts K-12: SMCAA consultant will guide initial process
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2008
3.Action Step: Math K-12: SMCAA consultant will guide initial process October 2007
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2009
4.Action Step: Science K-12: SMCAA consultant will guide initial process November 2007
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2009
5.Action Step: Social Studies K-12: SMCAA consultant will guide initial process January 2008
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2009
3. Strategy: Written curriculum guides will be completed and presented to the BOE on a five year cycle
MSIP Standard: 6.1
Persons Responsible: Instructional Coach
Funding Source Name:
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2013
1.Action Step: Communication Arts Aug. 2008 Mathematics Oct 2008 Science Nov 2008 Social Studies Jan 2009 Fine/Practical Arts Aug 2009 Special Education Aug 2009 Career Technology Aug 2009
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
4. Strategy: Principals will monitor classroom instruction to ensure adopted curriculum guides are being used
MSIP Standard: 6.1
Persons Responsible: Building Principal, Instructional Coach
Funding Source Name:
Date to Implement Strategy: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
1.Action Step: All teacher evaluations will reflect the use of BOE approved Curriculum Guides
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014
2.Action Step: Principals will periodically observe teacher?s classroom instruction to insure all lessons are correlated to written curriculum guides
Date To Implement Action Step: 11/01/2007
Date of Completion: 06/30/2014

6. Objective: Utilize co-teaching in all core (Math, Communication arts, social studies, & science) general education classes in grades 3rd through 12th to include special needs students in core instruction in the middle school and high school MSIP Standard: 7.1 Progress Measure: