Overall Unit Title: Short Stories

Specific Topic: 5 Parts of a Story

Learning Goal: Refamiliarize ourselves with the 5 parts of a story

Were there anyMeme Attacks in this unit? Yes If yes, come to tutorials to copy, answer, and discuss. Remember that lunch tutorials are in the Learning Lab in Room 108, just past the cafeteria entrance.

# / Class Activity Details
If you see a poem, story, excerpt, etc., listed in the activities below, and you do not have a textbook for whatever reason,ALWAYSdo a search on the internet to see if it appears there. Almost everythingwe study in this classappears somewhere on the internet. / Date Completed
Was there any work due during this time frame that had been assigned previously? / no
1 / Finish Step 6 of Meme Attack! (Students kept their papers.) / 8/24
2 / Warm-up: Students were given an opener sheet, and on it, we listed and defined the 5 parts of a story. / 8/24
3 / “Harrison Bergeron”
  • pg. 37: read bio information on Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
  • pgs. 38-44: read “Harrison Bergeron”
  • Discuss and write (on warm-up sheet) the 5 parts of a story within “Harrison Bergeron”.
  • Group work: answering and discussing critical thinking questions
/ 8/24
4 / “Harrison Bergeron” continued
  • Whole class discussion and note-taking of 8/24’s critical thinking questions
  • Individual work: answering critical thinking questions
/ 8/26

If you were absent on class day, tutorials are suggestedfor today’s class activities.

How do I get the material that was handed out when I was absent? Tutorials and Ms. Solomon’s website.

When are tutorials? Check on Ms. Solomon’s DHS teacher webpage or on the tutorial board in the classroom.

Were there any assessments assigned/deadlines established?See chart belowand/or continued on next page.

Weight / Assessment Name / Due Date
40% / “Harrison Bergeron” Individual Critical Thinking Questions / Tuesday, 8/30
Potential Point Value / Optional Enrichment Questions / Due Date