Registration Form
Registration Fee (includes lunch & refreshments):
$70CAS members
$40Aspiring Assistant Principals
$80Non CAS members
$25Awards Luncheon Only
Help us plan by indicating workshop choices:
1st choice__ 2nd choice__3rd choice__
Circle one of the following lunch choices:
Chicken Ratatouille
New York Strip Steak
Tapinade Crusted Salmon
Check one of the following:
__ Payment enclosed (ck payable to CAS)
__Purchase Order #______enclosed
Mike Buckley
Connecticut Association of Schools
30Realty Drive
Cheshire, CT06410
Bring a teacher who has an interest in becoming,
and who you think would make, a good AP.
We welcome aspirants!
7:45-8:30Registration &
Refreshments,Visit Vendors
8:30-9:30Keynote -
Pedro Noguera
9:40-10:40 Session I -
11:00-12:00 Session II -
& Awards*
1:15-2:00Keynote –
Betty Greene-Bryant
*Assistant Principals of the Year:
Secondary - Larry Nocera,
GlastonburyHigh School
Elementary- Helen Byus,
RoaringBrookSchool, Avon
.4 CEU’s awarded for full conference attendance.
Dimon Professor at the HarvardGraduateSchool of Education
BETTY GREENE-BRYANT NASSP Resident Practitioner for Special Education
The Connecticut
Association of Schools
ServingSchools and Principals
The 26th Annual
Assistant Principals’ Conference
March 25, 2003
7:45 am to 2:00 pm
Rocky Hill Marriott
Rocky Hill, CT
(Exit 23 off of I-9I)
Creating Conditions to Raise Student Achievement
High school and middle school teacher, school board member, political activist, sociologist, and academic – these are all part of the experience base our keynote speaker brings to this conference. He has a keen understanding of how the culture of urban schools impacts student achievement - and his recommendations for creating schools that foster success have applicability in all demographics. Pedro’s keynote address will examine best practices for reducing the achievement gap with a focus on systems of support that schools can adopt to help students.
BETTY GREENE-BRYANT Leaving No Child Behind
Ms. Green-Bryant is the NASSP resident Practitioner for Special Education. A former teacher, assistant principal, principal, and special education administrator, she represents the Association on the IDEA Partnerships Initiative helping local educators realize the goals of IDEA ’97 through technical assistance, collaborative alliances, and advocacy support.
Please indicate on the registration form your preferences for workshop sessions.
A. Pedro Noguera -Providing Instructional Leadership
The role of administrators in providing professional development for teachers will be examined in this session with a particular focus on linking teaching to learning.
B. Pedro Noguera - Safety and Discipline in Schools
Schools typically discipline students by denying them school time. This is problematic because those being disciplined tend to be the furthest behind academically and the strategy frequently fails to result in improved behavior. This session will examine alternatives that have proven effective and other steps that can be taken to improve safety in schools.
C. Thomas Mooney, Esq. –Legal Update
Attorney Mooney is a partner in the Hartford law firm of Shipman & Goodwin, LLP. He writes frequently on school law topics and is the author of the Practical Guide to ConnecticutSchool Law. Mr. Mooney is a knowledgeable and entertaining presenter and returns to our conference by popular demand.
D. Anne Clark & Andrea Leonardi
Using Data to Inform Decision-Making
Dr. Clark is the Superintendent of Schools and Ms. Leonardi is the Pupil services Director in Fairfield. Their presentation will help attendees discover the skills and
competencies necessary to make data analysis a central function of all school-based decisions. The focus willl be on establishing a culture that looks at the relationship between process and results for the purpose of improving achievement for all students.
E. Sally Biggs, Art Arpin & Carol Marinaccio - Transition & Outreach Programs/Strategies
Ms. Biggs is Associate Principal at South WindsorHigh School; Mr. Arpin is Assistant Principal at HamdenHigh School; Ms. Marinaccio is Assistant Principal at NaugatuckHigh School. They will explore successful middle to high school transition and “at risk” outreach programs. Topics will include teaming structures, truancy programs, parent involvement initiatives, interdisciplinary programs, and orientation programs.
F. Eddie Davis – Involving Parents and Families in the Education of their Children
Dr. Davis is CT SDE Bureau Chief for School, Family, and Community Partnerships. He will discuss parents and families as an asset to schooling including viewing the family as the center of learning, involving parents and families in the academic life of the school, building relationships with parents and families to promote student success, and structuring schools for high academic achievement.
G. Ed Montagnino & Richard Can-
field - Using Technology to Map
Curriculum and Align to Standards
Mr. Canfield, Director of Curriculum, and Mr. Montagnino, Director of Technology, will look at Monroe’s successful initiative to computerize curriculum by providing easy access to the district's teacher-developed curriculum maps, PBLAs, lesson plans, and unit resources online.The use of locally developed, user friendly software in creating maps that include the CT performance standards and link to PBLAs and lesson plans will be featured. No more dusty curriculum guides sitting on the shelves!
H. Abigail Hughes – NCLB Legislation Update
Dr. Hughes is Associate Commissioner of the CT SDE Division of Evaluation and Research. She will discuss the compelling issues associated with the landmark No Child Left Behind legislation passed last spring.
I. David Welch & Kate Carbone – Doin’ the Discipline Thang
Mr. Welch is the Principal and Ms. Carbone the Assistant Principal of East HartfordMiddle School. They will present a systemic approach to discipline that embraces intervention strategies for teachers, administrators, and parents. From a Student Support Center to Parental Shadowing strategies, this workshop will explore viable initiatives to utilize in your school immediately or plan for in the future.