In attendance:Councillor G Bishop (Vice Chairman)
Councillors M Ordway, J Harrison, C Bird, O Snell, P Skinner, E Armstrong
Boston Borough Councillor J Noble arrived at 8.25pm
2 members of the public
Mrs K Partridge (Clerk)
Mr Bisby-Boyd, Youth and Community Development
1CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Councillor Bishop welcomed all to the meeting.
2APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies received and accepted from Councillors H Staples, J Flynn and J Skinner. Apologies for lateness received from Boston Borough Councillor J Noble (arrived at 8.25pm). Apologies received from Lincolnshire County Councillor E Ransome.
The Team was created in 2011 by LCC to offer support within communities in addressing the local needs of young people between the ages of 8 and 18. There has been some cuts within the services provided; the team work from the Carlton Centre.
The Team can support in the recruitment of volunteers and offer training; work alongside volunteers to set up a youth provision including helping to write procedures, help to access funding and grants. They can offer one off summer programmes, advice and sign post for other resources and may be able to help cover if there is a one off shortfall of staffing. They are not able to set up and sustain a local youth provision long term or hold funding.
4DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillor P Skinner declared an interest in all planning matters through his role on Boston Borough Council Planning Committee. Councillor Harrison declared an interest in relation to Rochford Tower Hall grant at item 13 b); Councillor Snell declared an interest in relation to Fishtoft Playing Field grant at item 13 b) – Councillor Harrison is a committee member of Rochford Tower Hall Management Committee and Councillor Snell is a committee member of Fishtoft Playing Field Trust.
5POLICE REPORT: None received.
6MINUTESOF THE MEETING HELD ON 15 FEBRUARY 2016: It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed, Proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and agreed.
Dog Fouling, Playing Field: Reply received from Playing Field stating they have put signs on all entrances and have purchased new bins.
Anglian Water: Embargo times confirmed – operating hours 7.30am to 6.30pm; no traffic between 8.45 and 9.05 am or 3.20 and 3.40pm past the school. No weekend or Bank Holiday traffic except in emergencies.
Allotment Rents: NFU have been asked for guidance, unfortunately this has not materialised. Councillor Staples is making enquiries for fair rents. Item to be on agenda for April.
Newsletter Content: Following discussion it was resolved to omit the additional sheet and front picture if necessary, all articles to be from the Council as a whole. Proposed by Councillor Ordway, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and agreed.
Additional articles to be included in the web edition together with photographs.
Boston Mayflower Attendance at PC Meeting: Boston Mayflower had agreed to attend in April, however, given the additional agenda items that may need to be discussed it was agreed to defer until later in the year, possibly after one of their estate walks.
Big Fishtoft Clean Up: Councillor Bishop was concerned at the amount of rubbish floating on top of the dyke at the side of the playing field following the recent heavy rains; footballers and spectators to be asked to take their rubbish home with them. Councillor Armstrong will speak to them
It was agreed to litter pick around the Millenium tree area; Rochford Tower Lane; Church Green Road and Witham Way from Antons Gowt to the Pendulum Tower. The Clerk to check if the Friends of Witham Way are happy for this to be done.
Councillor Armstrong willliaise with volunteers.
8VIEWPOINTS ON STATEMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC DURING THE FORUM: Points raised by members of the public in relation to planning application B/15/0280. Comments were noted by Members. The application had been considered by the planning sub-committee prior to this meeting and their comments are recorded at item 16 in these minutes.
9HIGHWAYS: Updated report not received.
Noise Concerns A16 Sibsey Road: Letter received from Highways stating that should the road deteriorate in the future to a condition where major resurfacing is required; they will consider the noise impact of the materials chosen for the road surface.
Councillor J Noble arrived at 8.25pm.
Pilley’s Lane Railway Crossing: Councillor Ordway queried the poor state of the crossing; a list of pothole sizes were provided. Councillor Noble will raise this issue again with Network Rail. It is understood temporary repairs will be carried out until later in the year when a more thorough repair will be completed.
Noisy manhole covers on Wainfleet Road outside Carp Diem will be reported to Highways.
Councillor Snell reported bad potholes at the edge of the road near to St Guthlac’s church parking areas.
10LITTER PICKING GROUP REPORT: No progress to report.
11CLERKS REPORT, CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND COUNCILLORS ISSUES: General correspondence received was available and included LALC News, Clerks & Councils Direct.
Fishtoft Forget Me Not Club: Letter of thanks received in relation to the grant made.
Coffee Morning: Letter of thanks received from Alf Clark for the £150 donation made to Guide Dogs for the Blind following the coffee morning. It is pleasing to report the fund to name a puppy in Mary’s memory has almost reached its total. It was agreed to place an article in the newsletter.
Street Lighting: Boston Borough Council had reported a pole mounted street lamp in Pilley’s Lane will need to be replaced with a new column following work by Western Power. Details of this had previously been circulated to all Members.
Following discussion it was resolved to decline the request to cover the costs, proposed by Councillor Ordway, seconded by Councillor Bird and agreed. 1 abstention.
Further information from Boston Borough Council on the issue of passing on costs of street lighting to parishes will be discussed at the meeting with them in April; until actual costs are known it was not good practice to approve these costs.
Passive Signs: A reminder received from LRSP bringing to our attention that passive signs should not be left in the same place for more than 6 weeks; after this time they become less effective. The ones currently in Pilley’s Lane and Fishtoft Road/Clampgate Road will be moved later in April.
Traffic Survey: LRSP will be carrying out a traffic survey on Priory Road within the next few weeks.
LALC Training Events: List of all events organised until the end of July had been circulated to all Members. Councillor Bird to possibly attend a new councillor training session and the Clerk to attend a refresher Clerks training day.
Queen’s Birthday: It was agreed not to arrange an afternoon tea on 21 April. A card will be sent to Her Majesty for her birthday.
Councillor Ordway asked if a check on the trees, stakes, ties etc at Hobhole Pumping Station could be carried out in the near future. It was agreed to meet on Sunday 15 May at 10.30am.
Councillor Ordway provided a contact to source information on local casualties since World War 2,
Councillor Ordway suggested we contact the Woodland Trust to ask if they could provide a weeping beech tree for planting in the parish to replace the one recently felled at Tree Tops.
Councillor Ordway has been the Parish Council representative and a Trustee of St Leonards Hospital Trust for 16 years and is now Chairman.
Councillor P Skinner reported recent fly tipping at the Scout Hut – identification of the person was found in the rubbish and there is possibility of prosecution. The rubbish has been cleared away.
Councillor P Skinner reported there has been a plaque unveiled at the Scout Hut in commemoration of Norman Beacon; a short service was taken by Reverend Cooper.
Councillor Noble reported the proposed development off Clampgate Road (opposite St Guthlac’s Church) had been refused under delegated powers.
He will look into various Highways issues.
a) a budget update was presented
b) to approve payment of accounts:-
clerks salary - £313.50
clerks expenses - £66.98
reimbursement to clerk for new padlock and magnets (notice board) - £12.48
Rochford Tower Hall – grant - £350.00
Rochford Tower Hall – hire of hall for meetings - £100.00
Fishtoft Playing Field Trust – grant - £950.00
Fishtoft Playing Field Trust – hire of hall for meetings - £115.00
St Guthlac’s Church – grant - £700.00
LALC – annual training fee - £120.00
Chris Cook – photocopies, new policy documents - £18.60
Chris Cook – new files/ring binders - £25.48 (£4.25 VAT)
Original cheque to St Guthlac’s Church of £700.00 for the 2014/15 financial year grant had been mislaid; cheque has been stopped at Lloyds. A new cheque has been drawn up and was signed.
It was resolved the accounts be paid, proposed by Councillor Ordway, seconded by Councillor
P Skinner and agreed.
14ADOPTION OF FINANCIAL REGULATIONS AND STANDING ORDERS: New documents had been previously circulated.
The following points were agreed:
Standing Orders
- Item 1 t – items under discussion shall not exceed 3 minutes
- Item 3 u – a meeting shall not exceed 2 hours
- Item 5 i – iii – list of representatives to outside bodies agreed
- Item 18 a – v – contract estimated value of less than £2,000
Financial Regulations:
- Item 1 .14 – approve any grant or single commitment
- Item 5.8 –Revenue or Capital Grant in excess of £200
- Item 6.18 – restricted to a single transaction maximum value of £200
It was resolved the documents be adopted and to include the above changes – proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and agreed.
The Clerk will prepare a pack of all policy documents for all Members.
15PILGRIM FATHER’S ANNIVERSARY: The Clerk had contacted Plymouth City Council and the Make a Difference for Mayflower 400 initiative – we have been added to their e-newsletter list and any relevant information will be passed on.
Sub-committee had considered the following application prior to this meeting:-
B/15/0280 – application for the approval of reserved matters for the erection of 79 dwellings to include layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping following the grant of outline planning approval B/14/0210 at land adjacent and to the south of Hawthorn Tree School, Toot Lane
Comments forwarded to Planning –
Concerns include:-
- Executive type houses along the front whilst plot 3 has social housing flats backing onto it.
- Grasscrete on public open space close to the play area making the play area unsafe for children – feel this area will become a parking area on school days.
- The play area should be sited more centrally.
- Concerns the open public space and play area will become tatty over time, is there a maintenance plan in place?
- It is a dense development, the changes have not addressed the loss of view for residents in Bladon Estate who will now be looking onto a 2m high fence.
- The view of the Stump will not be enjoyed by anyone other than plots 61 and 62.
Councillor Ordway was pleased with the issues that had been addressed by the developers.
Disappointing not more parking for school has been factored into the development.
17DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Monday 18 April 2016 at Rochford Tower Hall commencing at 7.00pm with a 10 minute public forum, if required.
There will be a surgery between 6.30 and 7.00pm, Councillors G Bishop and C bird to attend.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was closed at 9.27pm.