TWO-TONE POEMWriting Assignment Unit One: Who Am I?

What color are you? A crazy question? Maybe! Most of us are at least two-tones.

Psychologists tell us that certain colors trigger certain feelings or moods in many people. Some colors are “warm” while others are “cool.” Some colors attract attention; others blend in with their surroundings. Our own interpretation of our feelings about colors, a long with our self knowledge can be a good combination to start a “two-tone” poem.

EXAMPLE of a Two-Tone Poem :

My Two Colors

Part of me is brilliant yellow

Lively and vivacious,

Bouncy and buoyant

Teasing my friends, and enjoying the spotlight.

But deep inside there’s another part

Pale purple like a violet hiding under a leaf

Shy and self-conscious,

Fearful and cowardly,

Shaking with stage fright when the telephone rings.

Yet they’re both very real

And they’re both me!

Now it’s your turn!

1. Choose two colors that seem to reflect a mood that you understand and you can


2. In your first line, name your color however your choose.

3. Use four “mood” words in the next lines and then elaborate on how these mood words connect to you.

4. Continue into the second stanza with a shift to a different color. Include a simile or a metaphor….. Again, use four “mood” words in the next lines and then elaborate again.

5. End your poem in some original creative way – it should not be exactly like the example.

6. So, your complete poem will be at least (12) lines. Do not try to rhyme.

7. Do not repeat any of the mood words – mood words may only be used once.

8. Try to include other forms of figurative language like a hyperbole or personification.

9. Go out on your own and be more original and creative than the poem above. You can add stanzas. Step “out of the box”. You will amaze yourself!


Lost confused trapped hostile resentful aimless exhausted upset frustrated lonely unsure bewildered disillusioned battered perturbed annoyed abandoned disturbed irritated defensive better useless hopeless jittery guilty indignant distant unloved panicky beaten indifferent strung-out skeptical tense defeated enraged ignored disorganized worried thwarted rebellious drained alienated troubled cheated explosive unsafe estranged hassled helpless vengeful capable joyful alert regretful good-natured competent carefree charged reposeful happy agreeable independent elated powerful jubilant calm hurt discouraged generous dedicated alive wild optimistic overjoyed gentle proud cheerful peaceful forlorn respected high spirited relaxed satisfied lighthearted restful serene assured inspired ecstatic loved excited shining elated